Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

"Universe" was the working title or codename of an intended RPG project, set in Soluna. It's not clear if it grew into a different project, such as Revelation or Soluna, or if it was separate. In any event, it seems to have been forgotten by its creator.


Character Creation (CCR)

Player Name - The name of the player (PC - player character) using the Character Sheet. Character Name - The name of the character the pc is using. Race - Your characters race (See Races) Level - Your characters level (See Leveling) Job - Your characters current job class (See Jobs) Credits - This is the amount of credits you possess. Credits are used to buy things. Info - Below are several statuses that are important to your character (See Perimeters) Items - The items you have acquired are listed in this space. Abilities - The abilities that come with your job / race / item are listed here (See Abilities)

Leveling (LVL)

The way leveling works in Saluna is quite different. You gain experience like normal however to calculate exp, you must take the difference between your level and the level of the enemies you fight. For example a level 1 character battles three level 3 characters, that character will gain 6 exp. This exp is not split amongst the number of people in your party. The higher the level of the foe and the more numerous they are, the more exp you gain. Once you reach 100 exp you gain a level. Like other games, you gain bonuses for leveling up. Level up Bonuses For every even level except multiples of 10 +D6 roll to health For every odd level except multiples of 5 +1 to CR or ES For every level multiple of 5 +1 to P, T, M or S die

Races (RAC)

Humans The Humans are known for their ability to adapt quickly and learn even faster. Multiplying and succeeding due to their diversity, Humans make up the masses of the world. A well balanced character can choose human as their default character. Human Bonuses +10 Health +1 to any perimeter that must be chosen at the creation of the character +1 to their Equipment Slot perimeter

Elves Elves in Saluna are a split tribe, the Vaara and the Eidran. Each tribe have specific skills and bonuses that are unique to their tribe. The Vaara elves are more spiritual while Eidran elves are more martial, each are fiercely protective of their lands, customs, and people. Vaara Elf Bonuses +10 Health +1 Mind Aether Kind: The total roll of anything that requires magic has a + 1 bonus.

Eidran Elf Bonuses +10 Health +1 Speed Elfin Evasion: When you are attacked by a non magical attack you can forgo your next act phase (in a battle) to completely evade that attack. This ability must be readied during an act phase.

Ryth Creatures born from fire, they bear the blood of the dragon within them. Years of cross breeding however have created a race far removed from their great ancestors, though they’re just as deadly. Ryth are battle ready and battle made, retaining some powers from their ancient sires. Ryth Race Bonuses +12 Health +1 Power -1 Toughness Elemental Breath: An element (fire, frost, acid, or lightning) must be chosen upon creation. This breath attack has a 3 space cone. Must be charged first in order to use. Charge: Charging your elemental breath increases its damage. A ryth may only charge up to three times and for each subsequent charge, the die of the attack is increased. Charge 1 = d6, Charge 2 = D8, Charge 3 = D10.

Merfaer Sea spawned creatures, they have extreme cunning and wit. This aquatic race are blessed by the luck of the gods and make for good thieves and any job that requires high risk. Merfaer Race Bonuses +8 Health +1 Toughness Luck: Whenever any check is made against you and the outcome of a die is the maximum it can get (I.e. a 6 on a D6) you may choose to have that player roll that die again. In the even that multiple dice are rolled and a maximum is achieved, you may only choose one die.

Umbrian Once deemed abominations, Umbrians have found a place in society. Borne from dark magic, they are the embodiment of shadows and souls. They are not inherently evil however, though quite reclusive and secretive. Umbrians are inclined to the magical arts and have a special knack for them, they make for good mages and must be protected. They are inherently fragile. Umbrian Race Bonuses +10 Health +2 Mind Normal Weapon Immunity Fragility: If an Umbrian is attacked by a weapon and a critical is rolled. They are immediately felled. Their porcelain masks are quite fragile and breaking results in that umbrians death. Only umbriers can repair the masks.

Jobs (JBS)

Militant A militant is battle efficient, battle hardened, and battle trained. They are tough and hardy. More proficient with weapons than magic, yet savvy enough to use technology. Militant skills are learned 2 times faster while Adept skills are learned 2 times slower. All checks that require Power outside of combat gain a +1 bonus while all checks that require Mind outside of combat gain a -1 penalty. Militant Bonuses Power check +1, Mind check -1 M Skills x2, A Skills ½ +10 Health +1 Toughness

Adept An adept is learned in the ways and arts of magic. They are smart and wise. Inclined to use magic over brute force or the advances of technology. Adept skills are learned twice as fast while Tech skills are learned twice as slow. All checks that require Mind outside of combat gain a +1 bonus while all checks that require Speed outside of combat gain a -1 penalty. Adept Bonuses Mind check +1, Speed check -1 A Skills x2, T Skills ½ +5 Health +2 Casting Range

Tech A tech is ingenious, curious, and quite the risk taker. They pride themselves in knowing how machines and gears work. They are more pragmatic, utilizing their minds to achieve their ends. Tech skills are learned twice as fast while Militant skills are learned twice as slow. All checks that require Speed outside of battle gain a +1 bonus and Power checks outside of battle get a -1 penalty. Tech Bonuses Speed check +1, Power check -1 T Skills x2, M Skills ½ +10 Health +1 Speed

Perimeters (PMT)

In the character sheet, the first three perimeters are used for battle while the last four are used outside and inside battle. A character begins with 1 in each perimeter and 10 for health.

Health This is your character’s starting health. Each player begins with 10 Health then it increases depending on your job, your race and your ability. If a player’s health reaches 0 they are knocked out and are unable to function until their health is healed.

Casting Range This is the range of your magical spells in terms of radius. You may target anything that is within the radius of your casting range. If a target is moved outside of your casting range after you have targeted them with a spell, you will be required to make a magic check. In order to succeed, your check must be higher to or equal to the level of the spell being cast.

Equipment Slot This is the amount of items you are able to equip. Each player begins with 1 Equipment Slot and then it increases depending on your job, race and ability.

Power This perimeter is the amount of D6s you roll when you make an attack. Things that require brute force and sheer power also use this perimeter to check.

Toughness This is the amount of D6s you roll when you defend from an attack. Anything that requires the endurance to survive and persist use this perimeter to check.

Mind This is the amount of D6s you roll when you cast and defend from a magical spell or effect. The use of knowledge and memory as well as intellect and wisdom use this perimeter to check. For more information on Magic see the Magics section. Mind also works for the usage of technical artifacts such as machines.

Speed This is the amount of inches you are able to move. Evasion and abilities that require you to be quick in hand and foot use this perimeter to check.

Abilities (ABL)

Abilities in Saluna are learned through practical use. You must master an ability in order to gain it permanently. Some abilities gain exp in battle some have set exp you gain when used. Once you reach 100 exp you have mastered that ability. Abilities take up equipment slots when you first buy them, once you’ve mastered them they are inert skills and no longer require a slot. Each ability falls under one of three categories (Militant, Adept or Tech). In the skill list below you will see the abilities and other pertinent information.

Ability Type-Check Set Exp Prerequisite Description

Ability - The name of the ability Description - What that ability does Set EXP - This is only pertaining to non battle abilities where they gain EXP only on a successful use. Type - The type of ability it is. M = Militant, A = Adept, T = Tech. Check - The perimeter used to check the ability if applicable. Prerequisite - The things that are required before attempting to learn this ability.

Abilities Potency M-Power n/a n/a Whenever you roll an attack, you may increase the total of the entire roll by 1.

Counter Attack M-Power n/a n/a If you would lose a toughness roll against an opposing attack, you may take a free action attack against the attacker. This ability only triggers if the opposing attacker is within melee range.

Perimeter Break M-Toughness n/a Potency and White Arts 2 Whenever you attempt an attack you may claim to attack a perimeter instead. If the attack is successful you negate your damage and put a counter on that targets perimeter. Perimeter roll totals that target makes gets a -1 penalty for each break counter on that perimeter.

Bloodletting M-Toughness n/a Potency and Dark Arts 2 When you are dealt damage you may put a counter on yourself. You may expend a counter anytime to increase your attack roll total by 1.

Jump Strike M-Speed n/a Potency and Counter Attack You may make a ranged attack at an enemy within the range of your speed. All attacks and toughness rolls are the same. You place yourself at any space adjacent to that enemy that is within your speed range after the attack (failed or successful).

Bushido M-Power n/a Jump Strike and Dual Grasp You may attack using your toughness die instead of your power die when attacking with a melee weapon.

Parry M-Speed n/a Sword Family You may choose to roll a PD instead of a TD when you are being attacked.

Cover M-Toughness n/a Knight Blade Family If an ally is adjacent to you, you may choose to roll a TD for them if they are being attacked instead of them using their own TD.

Stab Through M-Power n/a Polearm Family If another enemy target is in the space behind the current target, you may choose to shoot both targets. For the initial target, all attack rolls are normal. For the secondary target you must roll your speed to hit against their defense.

Eagle Eye Shot M-Speed n/a Ranged Militant Family If a target is partially concealed (I.E. behind some rubble, a tree, or another target) against your ranged attacks, you may roll an undefended speed attack instead against that target.

Shield Bash M-Toughness n/a Shield Family and Counter Attack When you would succeed in a defense roll you may deal the difference between the attacking roll and the defending roll to the attacker and push them back one space.

Steal T-Speed 2 n/a You may pilfer items from enemies. Outside of battle your steal roll totals are increased by 1.

Craft T-Mind 1 n/a When you take up this ability you may note what craft you are going to master in. For each successful creation in that craft you gain 1 exp in mastering that craft. To craft you must expend ½ the price of the item being created in raw materials. Then you must make Mind checks to see how well you progress through the item. These numbers will accumulate each day until you have reached the completion of the item. The item will be complete once you have achieved the total amount of sums from all your checks. Weapons, shields and armor have a complete check formula of (*x100) where * is the number of bonuses that weapon or item has. Crafting a dagger will require only 100 points to finish because it is only giving the player a +1 to power (1X100 = 100). For all other items you may use their price for the completion check. You can only make one craft check per day.

Sure Shot T-Power n/a Potency and Steal You may charge as a main act, with a maximum of three charges. You multiply your attack total by the number of charges you’ve saved up. While charging you are unable to move without negating the charge. If the target moves away from it’s original position, you will be unable to shoot them until you retarget.

Double Strike T-Speed n/a Ranged Tech Family You may choose to strike at two different targets or at the same target twice in one attack. The initial attack will be normal, however the secondary attack will use your speed roll against their defense. This ability will stack with Dual Grasp, thus enabling you to attack four times in one attack succession.

Conceal T-Speed n/a Dagger Family You are able to conceal one one-handed weapon of your choice. Doing this will prevent it from using up an equipment slot. It also cannot gain exp while it is hidden, so abilities learned from it will not be learned.

Train T-Mind n/a Counter Attack and Red Arts 2 You may make a mind roll against a target creatures level. If you are successful, they are yours to control for the remainder of the battle. If you choose to train another target you forgo the one you are training whether you succeed or not.

Hijack T-Mind 4 Steal and Red Arts 2 Your knowledge of machinations allows you to short circuit machines and hijack them for your use. You may make a mind roll against that machines level or toughness in lieu of level. If you succeed then that machine is yours to use. A failure will result in the destruction of that machine, thus preventing further use. Some machines may even explode causing damage.

Dual Grasp T-Power n/a Steal and Counter Attack You are able to wield two weapons in tandem without the normal -1 Power penalty. You may also grasp a single weapon with both hands giving you an extra +1 to your Power. Weapons that are inherently two handed (weapons that state No Shield in their description) cannot be dual grasped.

Unlucky T-Mind 2 Sure Shot and Monster Skill If any of your die rolls are 1 you may choose to roll that die again. If there are multiple instances of 1 then you may only choose to roll one die again and keep the rest.

Steel Arts T-Mind n/a Missions You may imbue your weapon attacks with elemental properties. Each element gives its own unique bonus to the weapon in addition to giving it it’s elemental property. Fire gives the weapon a 1 area burst when it hits, Wind makes the weapon more accurate and more silent, Earth allows the weapon to ignore defense interred by armor, Water makes the weapon toxic, Ice increases the critical chance by 2, and Lightning increases its speed thus allowing you to attack twice as much as it’s normal speed would entail.

Steelskin T-Toughness n/a Knuckles Family Whenever you roll a toughness die, you may add a +1 bonus to that total. This ability only triggers if you are not equipped with a shield or armor. Skills or abilities that ignore armor defense will also trigger Steelskin.

White Arts 1-4 A-Mind n/a n/a You are a student of the White Arts. You are capable of casting White Magic spells. For each time you master this skill you unlock the next tier until 4.

Black Arts 1-4 A-Mind n/a n/a You are a student of the Black Arts. You are capable of casting Black Magic spells. For each time you master this skill you unlock the next tier until 4.

Red Arts 1-4 A-Mind n/a n/a You are a student of the Red Arts. You are capable of casting Red Magic spells. For each time you master this skill you unlock the next tier until 4.

Blue Arts 1-4 A-Mind n/a n/a You are a student of the Blue Arts. You are capable of casting spells upon the impact of your weapon assuming that you know spells of other magical arts. You do not use the mind stat for casting spells, you must roll for a spell of your choice (that you know and can cast) before attacking normally. If the attack succeeds, damage is dealt from the attack and the spell resolves. These spells cannot be countered through normal means and the defender can only use their toughness die to negate the spell from being cast. If you possess a higher magical art than your blue art tier, you can only cast spells within the current level for your blue arts tier and vice versa. Knowing Red Arts 2 with only a Blue Arts 1 spell will only let you roll from the Red Arts 1 list, in the reverse, knowing Blue Arts 2 with only a Red Arts 1 knowledge will only let yo roll from the Red Arts 1 list. For each time you master this skill you unlock the next tier until 4.

Nightingale A-Toughness n/a Steal, White Arts 2, and Red Arts 2 As a main act you may chose to increase all your allies defensive roll total by 1 until your next turn, or decrease all your enemies defensive roll totals by 1.

Rondelle A-Power n/a Steal, Black Arts 2, and Red Arts 2 As a main act you may chose to increase all your allies offensive roll total by 1 until your next turn, or decrease all your enemies offensive roll totals by 1.

Monster Skill A-Mind 8 Potency and Red Arts 2 As a main act you may mark an enemy creature. If that creature uses a certain skill, you are able to borrow that skill until you rest for the day.

Mummer A-Mind n/a Nightingale and Rondelle You may choose to roll a D6 whenever you attempt a magic spell. The spell you cast must target different targets equal to the amount shown on the D6. With this ability you are able to forgo CR when choosing targets.

Astral Pact A-Mind n/a Train and Hijack This ability allows you to summon specific avatars in your service. It also allows you to use those avatar’s Astral Flow ability.

Concentration A-Mind n/a Blunt Family If a spell you are casting becomes countered or defended, you may add a +1 to your total roll.

Magics (MGC)

You are able to cast magic if you posses a MD. Casting magic has a certain amount of range and you can only cast on a target in your range and in your sight. Magic is separated into two different types, offensive and defensive. MD is used for both attacking with spells and defending with spells, as well as defending from spells. Offensive spells are defended only if the target possesses a MD. If there is no MD then the spell is unblocked. Blocking magic spells is not like defending attacks. First off the caster must roll to see what spells are available for casting. Once selected, they select a proper target. That target then has the option of defending from the spell before the spell is cast. If they do, they must roll an opposing MD. If their roll total is higher than the casters spell, the spell is countered. There is no critical for defending or attacking with magic.

Magic Schools Depending on your ability (or item) you are able to cast spells from the school of magic you are in. Each level of an ability grants you specific lists of magic spells. When you roll MD, you are really giving yourself a list of spells you are able to cast that turn. Rolling a 4 gives you the option of all the other spells before and up to 4.

Elemental Affinity Each element has an opposing elemental affinity that it’s weak to. Fire is weak to water, water to lightning, lightning to earth, earth to wind, wind to ice, and ice to fire. Light and Dark are neutral elements weak only to each other. Creatures imbued with a certain element is inherently weak against another element and more than not absorb the element of its type unless stated other wise. Creatures being targeted by an attack or spell that they are weak to receive an extra die of damage (I.E. the Fire spell on an ice type would deal 2d6 instead of the normal 1d6.)

WHITE MAGIC LVL 1 1. Cure - Heals ¼ of targets life 2. Protect - TD +1 for three turns 3. Shell - MD +1 for three turns 4. Esuna - Rids target of bad statuses 5. Reflect - Reflects the next magic spell cast to the caster on target 6. Cura - Heals 1/2 of targets life and rids them of statuses

WHITE MAGIC LVL 2 7. Protectara - TD +2 for three turns 8. Shellra - MD +2 for three turns 9. Wall - TD +1 and MD +1 for three turns 10. Esunaga - Rids all allies or all enemies of bad statuses 11. Protectaga - TD +1 to all allies or all enemies for three turns 12. Shellga - MD +1 to all allies or all enemies for three turns

WHITE MAGIC LVL 3 13. Curaga - Heal 1/3 HP of all allies or all enemies 14. Wallra - TD +2 and MD +2 for three turns 15. Regen - Each turn for three turns, the target gains 1d6 life 16. Life - Returns one unit back to life with ¼ of their life 17. Reflecta - Puts reflect on all allies or all enemies 18. Wallga - TD +1 and MD +1 to all allies or all enemies for three turns

WHITE MAGIC MASTER 19. Holy - Holy offensive spell to target, 2d6 damage 20. Barrier - Negates elemental and spiritual damage on target for three turns 21. Holyra - Holy offensive spell to target, 2d10 damage 22. Benediction - Heals all allies life to full and rids them of bad statuses 23. Reraise - The next time a unit dies they are revived with ½ of their life 24. Holyga - Holy offensive spell to all enemies, 1d20 damage

BLACK MAGIC LVL 1 1. Fire - Fire elemental damage, 1d6 damage 2. Aero - Wind elemental damage, 1d6 damage 3. Stone - Earth elemental damage, 1d8 damage 4. Water - Water elemental damage, 2d4 damage 5. Blizzard - Ice elemental damage, 1d4 damage, 50% chance of freezing 6. Thunder - Lightning elemental damage, 1d8 damage

BLACK MAGIC LVL 2 7. Fira - Fire elemental damage, 2d6 damage 8. Aera - Wind elemental damage, 2d6 damage, negates flying 9. Stona - Earth elemental damage, 2d8 damage, 50% petrify 10. Watera - Water elemental damage, 4d4 damage 11. Blizzara - Ice elemental damage 2d4 damage, 100% chance freezing 12. Thundara - Lightning elemental damage, 2d8, 50% chance paralyze

BLACK MAGIC LVL 3 13. Poison - Casts poison on a target 14. Doom - Timer appears on target. Death on the third turn 15. Toad - Turns target into a frog 16. Poisona - Poisons all allies or all enemies 17. Double Cast - Choose two spells below this. You may choose new targets 18. Death - Kills target

BLACK MAGIC MASTER 19. Firaga - Fire elemental damage to all allies or enemies, 3d6 damage, 100% burn 20. Aeroga - Wind elemental damage to all allies or enemies, 3d6 damage, 100% confuse 21. Stonaga - Earth elemental damage to all allies or enemies, 3d8 damage, 100% petrify 22. Waterga - Water elemental damage to all allies or enemies, 8d4 damage, 100% poison 23. Blizzaga - Ice elemental damage to all allies or enemies, 4d4 damage, 100% doom 24. Thundaga - Lightning elemental damage to all allies or enemies, 3d8 damage, 100% paralyze

RED MAGIC LVL 1 1. Haste - Increases targets movement by 1 for three turns 2. Slow - Decreases targets movement by 1 for three turns 3. Paralyze - Paralyzes the target for three turns 4. Sleep - Puts target to sleep for three turns 5. Blind - Blinds the target for three turns 6. Berserk - Puts the target to a rage for three turns

RED MAGIC LVL 2 7. Stop - Stops the target in its tracks for three turns 8. Silence - Silences the target for three turns 9. Confuse - Confuses the target for three turns 10. Freeze - Freezes the target for three turns 11. Ra-ify - If you roll this number or higher, this spell is automatically added to your chosen spell. Increase your spell parameters x 2 12. Gravity - 50% chance of working, Lowers PD, MD, TD, and movement by 1 each turn for three turns

RED MAGIC LVL 3 13. Petrify - Petrifies target for three turns 14. Burn - Burns the target for three turns 15. Bind - Binds the target for three turns 16. Float - Gives the target the status float 17. Stoneskin - Prevents all damage dealt to target for three turns 18. Blink - Target has a 50% chance of evading all offensive attacks

RED MAGIC MASTER 19. Aqua veil - Your spells are uninterruptible for three turns 20. Chicken - Turns the target into a chicken 21. Zombie - Turns the target undead 22. Phalanx - If you roll this number or higher, this spell is automatically added to your chosen spell. Your chosen spell affects either all allies or all enemies. 23. Ultima - Deals star elemental damage, 2d10 to all allies or all enemies, this spell is uninterruptible 24. Meteor - Deals star elemental damage, *d* to one target. * is equal to your MD.

Status Effects (STS)

GOOD STATUS Protect - a status that raises your TD Shell - a status that raises your MD Wall - a status that raises both your TD and MD Regen - Heals your life every turn Reraise - Automatically raises you from the dead with ½ of your life Reflect - Reflects the next magical spell cast on you good or bad Barrier - negates all elemental and spiritual damage dealt to you Haste - Increases your movement Float - Gives you the ability to fly, immune to all earth based attacks but doubles wind damage Stoneskin - Grants you immunity from all damage Blink - Raises your evasion Aqua veil - All your spells are interruptible

BAD STATUS Poison - At the start of your turn you lose ¼ of your current life Doom - A timer set upon a unit, once its run out, the unit dies Death - When a units life total is set to 0 it dies Petrify - Completely stop all actions and movement, makes you immune to wind but weak to earth Freeze - Completely stop all actions and movement, makes you immune to ice but weak to fire Burn - Decreases TD and PD by 1and deals ¼ of your current life each turn Slow - Decreases your movement Stop - Completely stop all actions and movement Paralyze - Prevents you from using any actions Bind - Prevents you from moving Sleep - Completely stop all actions and movement, being hurt negates, weak to dark Blind - Lowers the chance of you hitting a target Berserk - PD +1 and TD - 1 and must attack the nearest enemy unit Confuse - TD +1 and PD -1 and must attack the nearest unit despite sides, being hurt negates Silence - Unable to use your MD Chicken - Turns you into a chicken, gives float, all stats are 1but movement is set to 5 Frog - Turns you into a frog, immune to water and magic, stats are 1, gives silence Zombie - Turns you undead, weak to fire and holy, absorbs dark, immune to star Charm - Your moves are controlled by the one that charmed you

Encounters (ENT)

These are battles between units. The one with the highest Speed goes first, then descends. All those in a draw must roll a die to see who goes in succession. In an encounter a unit is given multiple actions. Each unit is allowed a move act, a main act, and a free act. Each act can be used in any order, but once used, that unit is not allowed to use another instance of that phase until their next turn unless specified by an effect. Move Act - A unit can move inches equal to their movement. Main Act - Most abilities (magic, attacking, skills, etc.) are used in this act. Free Act - Free acts are small mundane effects.

The causes for victory differs in each encounter, however, most of the time, your opponents defeat or your defeat would end an encounter. The same goes for fleeing the battle.

In regards to turns outside of battles, 1 turn is equivalent to 1 minute.

While battling an attacker must roll *D6 where * is the number of power they possess. At the same time the defender must roll *D6 where * is the number of toughness they possess. This is how it is normally, where Power is used in an attack and Toughness is used to defend it. Some circumstances will change this and the player must take note of that and remember. Magic is different and has its own section (See Magics).

When a player rolls an attack and the opposing player rolls a defense, the winner of that clash is the player that rolled the higher number. For example a player attacking with 1 power wielding a short sword rolls 3D6 and gets a 10, while a player defending with 2 toughness rolls 2D6 and gets a 7. The winner is the attacking player. So in this instance, the attack succeeds and the damage dealt is the difference between the attacking number and the defending number. 10 - 7= 3, so the defending player is dealt 3 damage.

Now lets look at another scenario. The same attacking player rolls a 6 while the defending player rolls another 7. In this instance, the defending player wins and the attack fails. No damage is dealt and the attack phase ends.

Another thing to look at is critical hits. When an attack roll die hits the maximum number it can get (I.E. a 6 on a D6) that die becomes a critical die. Critical hits will hit that amount of damage no matter what as long as the defending player loses the rolls. For example lets take the first scenario. The attacking player rolls 3D6 and gets 6+2+2. The defending player in this instance rolls a 7 again with 2D6. 10 - 7 = 3 + 6 for the critical and the defending player receives 9 damage. In the instance where multiple dice are critical, then all those dice will deal critical damage. A 6+6+1 = 13 versus a 2+5 = 7 will deal 18 damage to the defending player. Some weapons will say Critical 2, this means that the critical is the second number before 6, so the critical for all attack rolls is 5 AND 6. In this case, a die landing on 5 will hit for 5 and not for 6, so a 5+6+1 = 12 versus a 4+2 = 6 will deal 17 damage to the defending player.

Inventory (NVT)

Weapons Weapons are categorized within families of their type. Each weapon family has a specific strength and ability that the players can learn. Each sub-type within that weapon family has its own bonuses and penalties.

Family Dual? Range Critical Ability Sub-types Bonus and Penalties Price

Family - Family of the Weapon Dual? - If the weapon is capable of being dual wielded or not Range - The area range of the weapon Critical - The critical range of the weapon (1 being a 6 of a D6 and 2 being a 5 of a D6) Price - Its price in credits Ability - The ability learned from the weapon Sub-Types - A list of the subtypes of each weapon family Bonus and Penalties - The bonus or penalties of that sub-type, these supersede the family stats if applicable

Daggers YES 1 1 Conceal Dagger +1 Power 25 Stiletto +1 Power, Critical 2 100 Dirk +1 Power, +1 Mind 75

Swords YES 1 1 Parry Short Sword +2 Power 40 Scimitar +2 Power, +1 Speed 80 Fleurette +1 Power, +1 Speed, Critical 2 125 Kris +2 Power, +1 Mind 100

Knight Swords NO 2 1 Cover Bastard Blade +3 Power, no shield 100 Tournesol +3 Power, no shield, Critical 2 200 Defender +2 Power, no shield, +1 Toughness 150 Save the Queen +3 Power, no shield, Speed up to 1 125

Blunt YES 1 1 Concentration Club +1 Power, +1 Casting Range 75 Mace +1 Power, +1 Mind 75 Staff +1 Mind 50 Rod +1 Mind, +1 Casting Range 75

Polearm NO 2 1 Stab Through Spear +1 Power, Critical 2 80 Halberd +2 Power, Critical 2 150 Scythe +3 Power, Critical 2 250

Ranged Militant NO Varies 1 Eagle Eye Shot Bow +1 Power, +3 Range, No shield 30 Great Bow +2 Power, +4 Range, No shield 60 Crossbow +1 Power, +4 Range 50

Ranged Tech YES Varies 2 Double Strike Handgun +1 Power, +5 Range 100 Rifle +2 Power, +6 Range, cant Dual 150 Boomstick +3 Power, +4 Range, cant Dual 200

Knuckles YES 1 1 Steelskin Brass Knuckles +1 Power, no shield 25 Katar +1 Power, Critical 2, no shield 80 Claw +2 Power, no shield 50

Armor and Shields Armor is categorized in relation to its size and shields are categorized in relation to its size as well. The bigger the size the more protection it gives but it becomes more cumbersome. Some shields and armor give penalties to speed or magic, however there are some that boost them instead of power and toughness. Armor does not give abilities normally, though some magical or rare pieces do. Shields however all have the inherent Shield Bash skill (See Abilities) it may be possible for a rare or magical shield to have both Shield Bash and another ability.

Armor/Shield Size Price Description

Armor/Shield - The name of the armor or shield Size - The size of the item. S = Small, M = Medium, L = Large Price - The price of the item Description - Penalties and bonuses of the item are listed here.

Buckler Shield S 25 +1 Toughness, Shield Bash Round Shield M 50 +2 Toughness, Shield Bash Tower Shield L 75 +3 Toughness, Shield Bash, -1 Speed (up to 1) Crystal Shield S 100 +1 Toughness, +1 Mind, +1 Casting Range, Shield Bash Jerkin S 20 +1 Toughness Mail M 40 +2 Toughness, -1 Speed (up to 1) Full Plate L 80 +3 Toughness, -2 Speed (up to 1) Bodysuit M 50 +1 Toughness, +1 Speed Cowl S 50 +1 Mind, +1 Toughness Robe M 75 +1 Toughness, +1 Casting Range Vestment L 100 +1 Toughness, +1 Casting Range, +1 Mind

Items These items are found in various stores during the adventure, their availability and prices may vary depending on where they are bought. Some of these items range from healing damage to dealing damage. The list below will give you the name, description, and the unmodified price of that item. Medicines usually last up to one use or for up to three turns. Things with a * on it means that these effects will last until you fully rest.

Medicines Potion Heals 1D6 Health 10 High Potion Heals 3D6 Health 25 Extreme Potion Heals 5D6 Health + Adds Regen for three turns 80 Remedy Cures status ailments both good and bad 50 Ointment Cures any damage done to perimeters 60 Vaccine* Prevents the effects of status ailments both good & bad 200 Soldiers Drink* Raises Power and Toughness by 1 150 Assassins Drink* Raises Speed and Equipment Slots by 1 150 Clerics Drink* Raises Mind and Casting Range by 1 150 Phoenix Down Revive a fallen target up to 1 health 200 lixir In death, this fully heals health and status 500

Assists Flash Bomb Blinds all targets who see it 50 Electronic Bomb Short Circuits all electronics for three turns 50 Grenade 1D8 fire damage on target and 50% burn 10 Freeze Grenade 1D8 ice damage on target and 50% freeze 20 Miner Turns a grenade or bomb into a step mine +5 Arrow Quiver A quiver of 12 arrows or bolts 20 Ammo Clip A clip of 12 bullets for ranged tech weapons 20 Caltrops A 12 space worth bag of hard steel caltrops 10 Shuriken 12 well balanced knives/shuriken 15

Enemy Clan (ECL)

During the course of your missions and adventures there will be opposing clans that must be dealt with. These opposing clans will try to achieve the missions you are already trying to finish. As a result, these clans can reap the rewards of the missions so it’s imperative that you deal with them. These characters also grow as much as you grow in levels and skills.

Silvermoon Clan This three man group is among the most infamous clan in all of Saluna. Well known and well feared, the Silvermoon Clan is led by a male elf named Silvermoon. He is accompanied by two human ladies, Cede and Lylia. They are ruthless and deadly, stopping at nothing to achieve their wants and desires.

Silvermoon (M) Cede (F) Lylia (F) Half Eidran/Vaara Elf Human Human Level 5 Level 4 Level 4 Tech Adept Militant 37 Health 30 Health 42 Health 00 Casting Range 03 Casting Range +1 00 Casting Range 02 Equipment Slots 01 Equipment Slot 02 Equipment Slot 02 Power +3 00 Power 02 Power +1 02 Toughness +1 00 Toughness +1 01 Toughness +1 01 Mind 02 Mind +1 00 Mind 02 Speed +1 01 Speed 01 Speed +1+1

Elfin Evasion Red Arts 1* Potency* Aether Kind Red Arts 2 Counter Attack* Steal* Stab Through* Counter Attack* Parry Conceal* Jump Strike Double Strike Dual Grasp

Bodysuit Vestment Bodysuit Great Sword (Critical 2) Fleurette (Critical 2)

Bestiary (BST)

Mission Roster (MSN)

Missions are given to you by various NPCS. Each mission will have specific rewards and specific challenges. Some missions can be done solo and some missions can be done with a whole team. Each mission is ranked by a level denoting how difficult it is.

  1. Mission Name NPC Level Reward

Description Enemy Dosier (if applicable)

  1. Mission Name - The number and name of the mission you are signing up for.

NPC - The NPC that gives you the mission. Level - The level difficulty of the mission. 1-5, 1 being the easiest and can be soloed and 5 being the hardest. Reward - The reward for completing the mission. Enemy Dosier - An overview of the enemies that are present in the mission.

001 Vol a Diz Raphael *** NPC Guest You have been sent on your first mission to the city of Diz in Antho’s Wing.

“The city of Diz, located in Antho’s Wing is besieged by a civil war. Extremely violent riots have spread throughout the city causing massive damage and deaths to both civilians and uniformed officers. It started small, from vandalism to rioting on the streets then progressively worse going into empyreal robberies and murders. The insurgent group calls themselves the Cultists of Illiana, an organized body of civilians armed and dangerous, acting as the church’s militia. They are provisioned quite well for civilians, though we suspect that they may have procured their arms from the soldiers they’ve killed. Led by the High Priest of Diz, Edward LeLeux, the group claims that the church is the rightful ruling body of Diz and not the Empyreal Kingdom. The official orders given to Empyreal Soldiers stationed inside the city, were to neutralize all threats using non-lethal means, however due to the danger the cultists are posing, our forces have been given the green light to neutralize at all costs. Your orders are to reach the Central District where the Church of Diz, the base of operations of the Cultists, are located and assist the soldiers already dispatched there. You are to assist in the apprehension of Edward LeLeux and restore the Empyreal hold on the city. The drop off point will be the sky port on the eastern district. To reach the church you have to traverse through the Residential South District and the Factory East District. No radio contact with HQ is permitted and everything is O.S.-PROC. Any questions? [ PAUSE ] Now that you are all briefed, suit up and get ready to be dropped. Good luck.”

Question Bulletin - Diz is a booming city, though new. Their main source of wealth is the immense amount of technological factories that have been stationed there. - Though originally governed by the Papacy of Naime, due to its impressive potential for growth and wealth, the Empyreal Capitol of Lladar Nym has taken over the rule. - Originally preferred by the people due to lowered taxes and more support from the kingdom as opposed to the higher taxes imposed by the church. - The Holy Land of Naime is denying any and all affiliations with this group and the current incident. - The church leader has no prior record in our system. - The Cult of Illiana is a group of people harkening change to the bastardization of the country. - They share the same views as the Church however are more devout. - Trappings of our current lives especially technology are highly forbidden and are seen as the work of the anti-saint. You break through the smoke and clouds into the city which is now mostly set ablaze. As soon as you land down on the sky port you will happen upon a battle with Rionas Moyante, an Empyreal Knight and 1D4 Empyreal Gunners against 2D6 Civilian Cultists. After the battle Rionas and the remaining soldiers will follow you through the rest of the city.

In the next sector of the city, the Residential South District, you stumble against two groups of 1D6 Civilian Cultists. One of those groups will include an Acolyte Cultist who is more dangerous.

Once you move into the Factory East District you are then faced with another group of 1D6 cultists. At the end of the battle you hear a loud mechanical roar, followed by a large explosion on the plaza below. A large machine then bursts from the top of a factory in the distance and rockets towards the sky disappearing through the smog and clouds.

The Central District is littered with the bodies of both Empyreal Soldiers and Cultists. A blockade has been set up nearby however no one seems to have survived. You can heal wounds here and refill your stocks if you have the room or need (there are ammo clips and quivers, 1D8 high potions, and a phoenix down). The church is at the far end of the square. Inside you will see a scene between Edward LeLeux and a hooded figure. Edward hands the figure a glowing magical item. The meeting is interrupted by Rionas Moyante thus alerting both men. Startled, the hooded figure nods to Edward, turns and begins to walk away towards the shadows. Rionas follows the figure while Edward (same stats as an Acolyte Cultist) begins a speech to your party and prepares a battle.

“Ah more Empyreal slaves come for the slaughter. Your kingdom should really stop making this too easy… well it doesn’t matter anymore it ends tonight. This city is doomed, a sacrifice to the lord of light! My children have done well and you have done your part perfectly. Come at me if you are so eager, let me send you to God myself!”

At the end of the battle. The church begins to shatter as the entire area is warped and engulfed inward. Light streams past you and all the world seems to be sucked into a vacuum. The rest of your party is also engulfed, their features stretched and warped within. You seem to be the only one that isn’t affected. No screams, no explosions, just silence. In the end, the world is blanketed in darkness. A mechanical voice echoes in the dark, “Simulation complete” and the world is slowly drowned in bright light.

You are in a circular chamber, strapped against a slanted table. Cables and wires snake through out the floor. You spot your party members in the same situation wearing helmets with wires and tubes sticking out of them. A blonde woman stands before you, she adjusts her glasses and says “Congratulations, you’ve passed the final test. Good job private, welcome to the Empyreal Army.”

Civilian Cultist Acolyte Cultist Empyreal Gunners Rionas Moyante Human Vaara Elf Human Human Level 3 Level 5 Level 1 Level 3 Adept Adept Militia Militia 31 Health 26 Health 30 Health 36 Health 02 Equipment Slot 01 Equipment Slot 03 Equipment Slot 02 Equipment Slot 03 Casting Range 03 Casting Range +1 00 Casting Range 00 Casting Range 01 Power +1+1 00 Power 01 Power +2 02 Power +2 01 Toughness -1+2 00 Toughness +1 01 Toughness +2 02 Toughness +1 02 Mind +1 02 Mind +1 00 Mind 00 Mind 01 Speed 01 Speed 02 Speed 02 Speed

Constant Berserk Aether Kind Double Strike Potency* Steel Arts (fire)* Black Arts 1* Counter Attack* Concentration Black Arts 2* Shield Bash White Arts 1* Parry Red Arts 1* Concentration*

Mace Vestment Rifle (+6 Range) Short Sword Round Shield Mail Buckler Ammo Clip (60)
