Various skills and abilities exist in the world of Soluna. These abilities help in a variety of ways in and out of battle. Most of the abilities here require training and practice in order to fully utilize their effects. Abilities fall into four distinct types, each one similar to the perimeter types in Soluna.
Starting and Learning Abilities[]
Characters normally start with the ability of their specific race as well as an additional ability as long as they meet the prerequisites of that ability. Humans being jack of all trades do not have a special ability like the other races of Soluna, however they can learn two abilities of their choosing. Every level your character can choose to learn a new ability as long as they meet with the prerequisites of that ability. Take note of these prerequisites as some may come at a steep cost and can greatly affect how you build your characters. With the prerequisites of each ability, when a specific perimeter or skill is shown, the value next to it is the base value of that specific skill or perimeter.
The list below will list all the available abilities categorized by their type. Each ability is also governed by a specific perimeter like skills, however this governing perimeter does not actually affect the outcome or use of the ability. Specific alignments however are the only ones that give a bonus to specific abilities and will be noted as such in the list below.
Strength Abilities[]
These abilities are governed by the Strength perimeter as well as being affected by the Militant alignment.
Cover No Prerequisites If someone adjacent to you is attacked, you may roll your Tgh for their defense instead. This ability is limited to only one target. You can only cover the chosen target and no other target. If another target adjacent to you is attacked, you cannot choose them. You may choose a new target at the beginning of your next turn. A covered target cannot be covered by another person, where the first person to use the ability has priority.
Sanctuary Cover and Toughness 4 You may target multiple targets when using cover. These targets must be adjacent to you. Much like Cover rules, the chosen targets will be your quarry until the beginning of your next turn. Other cover rules apply to Sanctuary. The amount of targets are equal to your CLvl.
Sentinel Cover, Sanctuary, and Toughness 5 You gain an additional +1 to Tgh when using Cover or Sanctuary for each target you choose. This bonus does not count as an armor bonus so HF ammunition and other similar effects do not bypass this bonus. Militants who use this ability gain an extra +1 bonus to Tgh.
Counter Attack No Prerequisites When you are damaged by a melee attack, you may immediately make a free attack against that person. You must be in range with your own weapon to be able to counter the attack.
Shield Bash Counter Attack This ability can only be used if you are equipped with a shield. When you successfully defend from a melee attack you may deal the difference of your defense roll and their attack roll to the attacker. You also knock them back one space if that space is not occupied when used by a Militant.
Combat Proficiency Counter Attack You are given a +1 bonus to your Combat skill or +2 if you are Militant. This ability may only be taken once.
Reprisal Counter Attack, Strength 4, and Dexterity 4 If you would be successfully hit by a melee attack, you can negate that damage and instead roll to attack your assailant. You must be within range with your own weapon in order for the ability to work.
Parry No Prerequisites You may use your Str instead of your Tgh to defend against melee attacks. This ability works with Cover and Sanctuary, however Sentinel will still increase your Tgh and not your Str.
Riposte Parry You may attempt a Combat skill maneuver with the intent of disarming your opponent whenever you successfully parry an attack. You must be within range of the assailant in order to use this ability. This ability must be chosen and will not work in conjunction with Unsettle and Binder.
Unsettle Parry You may attempt a Combat skill maneuver with the intent of tripping your opponent whenever you successfully parry an attack. You must be within range of the assailant in order to use this ability. This ability must be chosen and will not work in conjunction with Riposte and Binder.
Binder Parry You may attempt a Combat skill maneuver with the intent of grappling your opponent whenever you successfully parry an attack. You must be within range of the assailant in order to use this ability. This ability must be chosen and will not work in conjunction with Riposte and Unsettle.
Brawler Strength 3 As long as you are attacking unarmed or with weapons that are considered to be usable with this ability you gain a bonus to damage equal to your Str. Militants gains an extra +1 bonus when attacking unarmed.
Flurry Brawler and Dexterity 4 When you are attacking unarmed, you can choose to attack twice. You must then roll two separate attack attempts against your opponents one defense roll. This ability works with Double Strike and Multi Strike. You may only attack a single target twice and not multiple targets like Double Strike/Multi Strike.
Close Quarters Combat (CQC) Brawler and Flurry You can attempt a Combat skill maneuver instead of dealing damage whenever you use Flurry, Double Strike, and Multi Strike. The rules regarding the amount of targets you can choose are dependent on the abilities listed. For example using a CQC Flurry will allow you to only perform combat maneuvers against one target.
Improved Sunder Strength 3 You are given a +1 bonus to your Sunder skill. This ability may only be taken once.
Critical Sunder Improved Sunder and Strength 4 Whenever you would successfully deal critical damage, you may instead automatically destroy a piece of equipment currently on your target. This piece of equipment must be eligible to be sundered or else the ability does not work.
Cleave Strength 4 Whenever you attack a target, you may make a secondary attack attempt at another target. This target must be adjacent to you. Cleave only works with melee weapons and is compatible with abilities such as Double and Multi Strike.
Whirlwind Cleave and Strength 5 Whirlwind allows you to attack all targets that are in the immediate area around you. This ability will hit both enemies and allies that are caught in the radius. Whirlwind only works with melee weapons.
Double Grasp Strength 5 Dual Grasp lets you bypass the regular penalties when dual wielding weapons. This ability works with Double and Multi Strike. Weapons that are two handed or state that no shield can be used with them can now be used with only half its initial penalty.
Rush No Prerequisite As a main action, you can make a moving melee attack towards your target with a bonus to your roll equal to your Dex. This means that you can move twice and still attack on the same turn. The target must be within attack range after both moves are spent or you cannot use this ability.
Bull Rush Rush and Strength 4 A successful rush attack will also knock your target back one space if that space is not occupied.
Jump Rush Rush and Dexterity 4 When using the rush ability, you may make a running jump before attacking. This effectively increases your attack range. You may also opt to use an Acrobatics check instead of an attack roll against that targets defense.
Toughness Abilities[]
These abilities are governed by the Toughness perimeter as well as being affected by the Militant alignment.
Bushido Cover and Parry You may attack using your Tgh instead of your Str. This ability works with any ability that causes you to attack.
Steelskin No Prerequisites As long as you are not wearing armor of any kind, you gain a +2 bonus to your Tgh. You may take this ability multiple times to gain more bonuses to your Tgh with a maximum of +10.
Sound Body No Prerequisites You gain a +1 bonus to Tgh when attempting to negate the effects of physical status anomalies.
Sound Mind No Prerequisites You gain a +1 bonus to Mnd when attempting to negate the effects of mental status anomalies.
Chakra Toughness 3 You may heal your HP equal to the amount of Tgh you have. As an added bonus to Militants, they can add their Tgh to any Aid checks that they perform.
Ki Chakra and Toughness 4 You may heal yourself of any damaged attribute and any negative status effect whenever you use Chakra.
Rage No Prerequisite Whenever your HP goes below five, you gain a +1 Base to your Toughness perimeter. This ability stacks with Blood, Adrenaline, and Endorphin Rage.
Blood Rage Rage and Strength 3 Whenever Rage is triggered, you can also gain a +1 base bonus to your Strength perimeter.
Adrenaline Rage Rage and Dexterity 3 Whenever Rage is triggered, you can also gain a +1 base bonus to your Dexterity perimeter.
Endorphin Rage Rage and Mind 3 Whenever Rage is triggered, you can also gain a +1 base bonus to your Mind perimeter.
Endure Toughness 5 or Ryth Level 5 Once per day, if an attack would reduce your HP to less than one, it reduces it to one instead.
Shift Toughness 3 and Mind 4 You may imbue any person you touch with a status effect that is currently active on your person. If you use this ability on an unwilling target, any contact will do. You may attempt to grapple them or attack them with the intent of touching them. You must be in contact with bare flesh in order for them to catch your status effect.
Healthy No Prerequisites You gain an permanent boost to your HP by rolling a d6 or taking the median of 3. This ability can be taken multiple times.
Survival No Prerequisites You are given a +1 bonus to your Athletics skill or +2 if you are Militant. This ability may only be taken once.
Combat Counter No Prerequisite When you are damaged by a melee attack, you may immediately make a free Combat maneuver against your assailant. You must be within range in order for this ability to work.
Combat Reprisal Combat Counter, Combat 4, and Dexterity 4 If you would be successfully hit by a melee attack, you can negate that damage and instead roll to perform a Combat maneuver against your assailant. You must be within range in order for the ability to work.
Acrobatic Reprisal Combat Counter, Acrobatics 4, and Dexterity 4 If you would be successfully hit by a melee attack, you can negate that damage and instead perform an Acrobatic feat against or away from your attacker. You must be within range of whatever Acrobatic stunt you perform in order for this ability to work.
Mind Abilities[]
These abilities are governed by the Mind perimeter as well as being affected by the Psych alignment.
Provoke No Prerequisites You may provoke an enemy's focus and make you the sole recipient of their attacks until your next turn. You may provoke targets who's levels are equal to or less than your Mnd. For example a person with 5 Mnd who uses provoke can provoke a Level 5, a Level 4 and a Level 1, a Level 3 and a Level 2, two Level 2's and a Level 1, five Level 1's, or any combination thereof. Psych's who use this ability can Provoke an extra target.
Aim Mind 4 You may use this ability as a main action. When using Aim, your next attack will negate any armor bonus your target may have. You must attack the turn after using Aim or lose the HF effect. This ability used in conjunction with other HF effects are redundant.
Break:Perimeter Mind 4 Whenever you would succeed in a physical attack, you may instead deal 1 point of damage to the chosen perimeter. You may take this ability multiple times for each perimeter you wish to be able to damage. With multiple Break abilities, you may only choose one perimeter to damage for each instance of attack. Abilities that allow multiple attacks will also allow you to break multiple perimeters or one perimeter multiple times.
Mechanical Intuition No Prerequisites You are given a +1 bonus to your Technical skill or +2 if you are a Psych. This ability may only be taken once.
Sensitivity No Prerequisites You are given a +1 bonus to your Perception skill or +2 if you are a Psych. This ability may only be taken once.
Heal No Prerequisites You are given a +1 bonus to your Aid skill or +2 if you are a Psych. This ability may only be taken once.
Alchemy Heal and Mind 2 Alchemy doubles the potency of healing and damage dealing items. You gain a +1 point in healing or damage when you have this ability or a +2 point bonus if you are a Psych. When using a launcher type weapon when delivering grenades and bombs, the effect of alchemy still triggers. This ability has a synergy with the Craft skill when crafting healing or damage dealing items. It allows the items to have an inherent +1/+2 bonus when used by anyone. Using Alchemy with an item with a +1/+2 bonus to damage or healing also gains an extra bonus.
Disingenuous No Prerequisites You are given a +1 bonus to your Deception skill or +2 if you are a Psych. This ability may only be taken once.
Intuit I/II/III Disingenuous This ability is static and can be used by the player to ask the GM for basic information about a specific target up to three (one for each rank of Intuit the player takes). This information is limited to outside information such as their family (if noble), where they work, where they have been that day, their marital status, social status, etc. This ability has synergism with the Deception skill when used correctly, granting the player a +1 bonus to their attempt.
Insider I/II/III Any rank in Intuit and Deception 3 Much like Intuit, Insider grants the player insider knowledge on a specific target by asking the GM up to three (one for each rank of Insider the player takes). This information is limited to secrets such as past criminal records, infidelity, secret likes and dislikes, etc as well as any information that can be gathered through Intuit. This ability has synergy with the Deception skill when used correctly, granting the player a +1 bonus and the target a -1 penalty to their attempt.
Magic Arts I Mind 2 You may cast up to Acolyte level magical spells, giving you the first six (white spaces) slots in the spell section of your character sheet.
Magic Arts II Magic Arts I and Mind 3 You may cast up to Devout level magical spells, giving you the next six (off-white spaces) slots in the spell section of your character sheet.
Magic Arts III Magic Arts II and Mind 4 You may cast up to Revered level magical spells, giving you the first 18 (light gray spaces) slots in the spell section of your character sheet.
Magic Arts IV Magic Arts III and Mind 5 You may cast up to Magister level magical spells, giving you the first 24 (gray spaces) slots in the spell section of your character sheet.
Magic Arts Mastery All other Magic Arts abilities You may cast up to Master level magical spells, giving you access to all (all spaces) slots in the spell section of your character sheet.
Concentration No Prerequisites You are given a +1 bonus to your Mnd roll whenever someone attempts to counter your spell or a +2 if you are a Psych. This ability may only be taken once.
Firm Will Concentration and Mind 4 or Vaara Elf Level 5 You may use this ability as a main action. The next spell you cast cannot be countered by regular means. You must cast a spell the turn after using Firm Will or you lose the bonus. Effects the negate magical effects or status anomalies that prevent the use of spells can be used to negate this ability.
Improved Counterspell No Prerequisites You are given a +1 bonus to your Mnd roll whenever you attempt to counter a spell or a +2 if your are a Psych. This ability may only be taken once.
Negation Improved Counterspell and Mind 5 or Vaara Elf Level 6 Until the beginning of your next turn, all spells cast at you are automatically countered. This ability takes a main act to use. You must be conscious and capable of movement and action for this ability to work so status effects that stop such things will negate this ability.
Geomancy Mind 3 In it's corresponding weather, elemental magic spells you cast will deal an extra 1d4 points of damage.
Twiddle Magic Arts 2 and Mind 3 You may change the die value of the next spell you cast. This ability takes a main action to use and much like other abilities, you must cast a spell the next turn after using Twiddle or the effects are lost. The die value change can be decreased or increased to the next step above or below. For example a spell with a base of d6 can be twiddled to become a d4 or a d8.
Phalanx Twiddle Phalanx takes a main action to use. You can cause your spells to affect either all allies or all foes. A spell must be cast after using this ability or lose the bonus of Phalanx. This ability works with Twiddle Double and Multi Cast and other spell altering abilities or effects.
Double Cast Mind 5 You may cast two spells in succession. The chosen spells must be from the list of spells you are able to cast. Unlike Double Strike that allows for multiple attack rolls, you are only given a single magic roll to queue up the spells you can cast. You may choose multiple targets for each spell however you will be subject to multiple counter spell attempts.
Multi Cast Double Cast and Psych Level 7 You may cast multiple spells in succession. The amount of times of spells you can cast are equal to the amount of Mnd you have. Much like the rules for Double Cast, you are given a single magic roll to queue up the spells you can cast and you may choose multiple targets for your spells which are then subject to multiple counter spell attempts.
Manafont Mind 5 Manafont allows you to bypass the regular magic roll to queue up the spells you can cast, allowing you to pick and choose from the whole roster of spells you know. This ability takes a whole main action to use and lasts for one turn for each Mnd you have. A psych using this ability gains an additional turn. This ability can only be used once per day.
Mounted Agility Technical 1 You can use your vehicle to avoid attacks directed towards you or your vehicle by making a Technical check against the opposing attack roll. A successful roll results in the damage being negated. This ability also works if riding a classic mount.
Mounted Ballistier Mounted Agility and Technical 2 You reduce the penalty inferred when attacking with a ranged weapon while your vehicle is moving from -4 to -2. This ability also works if riding a classic mount.
Ride-By Mounted Agility and Technical 3 When a vehicle moves within weapons range of an enemy, you may make a free attack action against those enemies. Normal penalties and bonuses still apply if applicable. This ability also works if riding a classic mount.
Dexterity Abilities[]
These abilities are governed by the Dexterity perimeter as well as being affected by the Agile alignment.
Double Strike Dexterity 5 You gain an extra attack for each melee weapon you have equipped. This ability functions like Cleave and Flurry put together in that it allows you to attack either multiple targets or the same one twice. When using Double Strike you are allowed two attack rolls against your targets single defense roll. This ability is especially deadly with Double Grasp. This ability does not stack with Multi Strike.
Multi Strike Double Strike and Dexterity 5 You may attack multiple targets that are within your range. Much like Double Strike except that the amount of attacks you can have are equal to your Dex perimeter. The same rules for Double Strike apply to Multi Strike except for its synergy with Double Grasp. Only agiles with this ability are able to use Double Grasp in tandem with it.
Double Shoot Dexterity 5 When equipped with a ranged weapon that is not a single shot weapon (such as a modified shotgun or a sniper rifle) you are given an extra attack. This ability functions like Double Strike in that you are given two attack attempts against your opponents one defense roll. This ability is especially deadly with Double Grasp. This ability does not stack with Multi Shoot
Multi Shoot Double Shoot and Dexterity 5 You may attack multiple targets that are within your range. Much like Double Shoot except that the amount of attacks you can have are equal to your Dex perimeter. The same rules for Double Shoot apply to Multi Shoot except for its synergy with Double Grasp. Only agiles with this ability are able to use Double Grasp in tandem with it.
Grace No Prerequisites You are given a +1 bonus to your Acrobatics skill or a +2 if you are Agile. This ability may only be taken once.
Dancer's Steps Grace and Dexterity 4 You may evade melee attacks using your Dex instead of your Tgh. This ability does not work with Cover or Sanctuary.
Subterfuge No Prerequisites You are given a +1 bonus to your Stealth skill or a +2 if you are Agile. This ability may only be taken once.
Sleight of Hand No Prerequisites You are given a +1 bonus to your Deft skill or a +2 if you are Agile. This ability may only be taken once.
Mug Sleight of Hand and Dexterity 3 Whenever you attempt an attack roll, whether it succeeds or fails, you may attempt to purloin a single small item from your target using your Deft skill instead of your Stealth skill.
Quick Draw Dexterity 3 This ability allows you to switch weapons and items from your inventory as a move equivalent action. This bypasses the regular challenge for a Deft skill that would allow for the same effect. Attempting a Deft skill and rolling the same number that would mimic this effect, makes switching items and weapons a free action instead of a move equivalent action.
Quick Load Dexterity 4 This ability allows you to reload weapons as a move equivalent action. This bypasses the regular challenge for a Deft skill that would allow for the same effect. Attempting a Deft skill and rolling the same number that would mimic this effect, makes reloading weapons a free action instead.
Shootguard No Prerequisite You may evade ranged attacks using your Str instead of your Dex. This ability works with Cover and Sanctuary, however Sentinel still increases your Tgh and not your Str.
Ricochet Shootguard, Parry, and Dexterity 4 If a ranged attack would successfully hit you, you may deflect that attack and negate it's damage. This ability works with Cover, Sanctuary, and Sentinel.
Sneak Attack Stealth 3 When you successfully sneak up on a target using your Stealth skill, your attacks will always negate their armor bonus as long as you are not spotted. Because hitting an opponent makes them aware of your presence, you must make another Stealth attempt after the initial attack to use this ability. Abilities that allow you to attack multiple times will also negate their armor bonus since the hits are all considered one attack despite having to roll multiple times for them.
Achilles Strike Sneak Attack and Stealth 4 Whenever you successfully sneak attack a target or targets, these attacks are always considered to be critical hits. The same rules apply with this ability as they do with sneak attack. Achilles Strike is especially deadly with multiple striking abilities as it has the potential to outright kill your target.
Assassinate Achilles Strike and Stealth 5 A successful sneak attack can be deadly for its target. The user of this ability may choose to land an instant killing blow to the target of their sneak attacks. This ability only affects enemies who's size is one step above the user and all other sizes below that. So a medium character that uses this ability can assassinate a large, medium, small, and tiny creature. Unaffected creatures will be dealt critical damage instead.
Reflexes Dexterity 4 If a damage dealing spell would successfully hit you, you may roll your Acrobatics skill. If you roll higher than their magic roll, you only take half the damage of that spell.
Dodge Reflexes and Dexterity 5 If a damage dealing spell would successfully hit you, you may roll your Acrobatics skill. If you roll higher than their magic roll, you prevent the damage of that spell.
Evasion Dexterity 5 or Eidran Elf Level 5 Evasion takes a main action to use. The next non-magical spell directed towards you, automatically misses.
Ninjutsu Acrobatics 4 or Merfaer Level 5 If you would successfully use an Acrobatic maneuver to traverse through an enemy occupied space, you can make a free attack against that target.
Initiative No Prerequisites You gain an additional +1 to your Dexterity when deciding the turn order at the start of a battle. Agiles who take this skill gain a +2 bonus instead and will always go first when there is a contest of similar Dexterity values.