Alien Trek is the highly-anticipated second game in the Steve Series, starring Steve and his friend Finn. After the events of the first game, The Legend of Gron-Fresnell, Steve crash lands on an alien planet called Thraxin. It is also a good jumping-on point for the Steve Series, as you do not need knowledge of the previous game in order to play.
The game is the second installment of MPP's planned series and set to release on the MPP Marathon Week.
Story and Situation[]
Steve is still drifting through space, when his pod crash lands on an alien planet. He crashes in a forest and explores his surroundings, discovering that there is some ancient ruins in which he encounters powerful magics at work. After solving puzzles in the ruins, he is captured by an imp called Moe, a subspecies of Forest Elves. He is taken to the Elvin Haven and he meets Finn. Steve and Finn are forced into the Elvin 117th, a battalion of warriors fighting in a war against the Neomen who live across a vast river.
Soon after, the battalion travels down the river to the Celeshroom Valley to fight the Neomen. Steve and Finn manage to defect and take shelter behind the fungi of the valley. The game ends after they discover a shocking secret about the valley.
The Characters[]
Steve is a previously introduced boy from the moon Earlex.
Finn is a human boy he befriends in Elvin Haven who has a similar story.
Moe is a particularly mischievous imp who ends up getting Steve in a lot of trouble. In the sequel to this game, Steve finds out that Moe is still following them and taking items in his inventory. Throughout the groups' entire misadventures on Thraxin, Moe continues to follow them and steal their inventory.
History Bot continues to follow around Steve.
The Game[]
The game is even more difficult than the previous installment and features many puzzling mysteries in which Steve uncovers the riddles of the planet Thraxin. The most difficult puzzles are when Steve is exploring the ancient ruins and must solve prehistoric riddles.
Steve and Finn are still hiding out in the Celeshroom Valley.
- In the ancient ruins, the Leaf Orb is on a tripod that resembles Zoovac's base.
- In the log cabin in the Celeshroom Valley, there is a painting of Ginkus standing atop his tower holding his staff. The painting next to it features a familiar looking moon, possibly a reference to the previous game.