Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

Arx is Varx from the planet Gondo. He is an intelligent lawyer and businessman. At first, Arx was a lawyer at first but quickly dropped that profession after getting extremely board with it. He then decided to become a shopkeeper and has been popping up all over the place to sell very strange yet useful mercado items.


Becoming a Billionaire[]

Born in a tough area on Gondo, Arx had always wanted to become something of a legend, so he set out and started his first trading post. Years later, his business became massive and this gains the attention of The Company. (Arx's Monopoly Comic)

On Gondo[]

At some point, a mysterious ship landed on Gondo. Arx, who happened to be nearby, was lured inside the ship and was captured. He never saw his captors, but it is assumed that it was done by The Company due to their massive grudge against Arx. (Squids in Space: "FrankenSquid")

Arx The varx in eu

Arx seen in Epic Underworlds 2.0

On the Ship[]

Arx was imprisoned in a cage until Ari found him. Ari was able to solve a puzzle to release him, so Arx accompanied Ari for the rest of his exploration of that ship. (Squids in Space: "FrankenSquid")

Arx can be seen owning a massive company. The Shadow claims that Arx is stealing his customers and demands he shut down. Arx stands up for himself and declares war on The Company. Arx travels to a secret location on Gondo, where he retrieves his massive mech army. It is unknown yet if a battle ever took place or who won. (Arx's Monopoly Comic by Epic Worlds PCG)

Arx can be seen selling items to Wulff7 on the planet Termerack in an abandoned truck that he turned into a trading post. (Fallout: Mechs And Zombies by Epic Worlds PCG)

Arx sold Zoovac a pair of robotic arms for him to use to fight the aliens. (A Clown Becomes A Hero)


Arx can be seen running a trading post in Hyrule. Some heroes come to his shop and buy some items that help them defeat The Arcmage. Arx can also be seen with his pet dog, Sauron The Great, Leader Of Chaos, Destroyer Of Worlds, Eater Of Figs Jr. (The Zooforce)

Arx decided to run the Mercado Roulette game for John. (John's Absurd Adventure)

Marthland Migration[]

Arx moves to Marthland and sets up a humble trading post. It seems as if he no longer wants money anymore. Later, he sets up a new, larger trading post by the casino, and becomes good friends with Doctron. (Into the Marthlands)

Arx got kidnapped by Spike Serpant and taken beneath the planet where he was then saved by Zancron. (Hunted In The Marthlands)


