Ball People Intro![]
The Ball People of Shraythu are an ancient race of beings that consist of the Elements; Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, and Nature. To the right you can see 3 of the elements that the Ball people are made of.
Depending on the Ball Peoples Element, They can receive a specialized Job. To Prevent Elementism, The ball People allow any elemental Ball person to take whatever Job they wish, However there element can make them more adapted to one thing over another. For example a Wind Ball person is able to to move more quickly than a Earth ball person. However, A Earth Ball person is going to be stronger and sturdier.
Nature Jobs:[]
- Healer (doctor)
- Farmer
- Animal Tamer
- Witch Doctor
- Ect.
Earth Jobs:[]
- Builder
- Lumberjack
- Soldier (tank)
- Architect
- General
- Trainer
- Miner
- Ect.
Water Jobs:[]
- Fisher
- Plumber
- Lifeguard
- Boat Captain
- Diver
- Firefighter
- ect.
Fire Jobs:[]
- Fireplace
- Cook (chef)
- Gunsmith
- Weapon Maker
- Heating and Cooling
- ect.
Wind Jobs:[]
- Pilot
- Assassin
- Spy
- Messenger
- ect.
Why Are Ball People...Balls?[]
Ball People, Also called Ballis Shrathus, Are a species of Ball shaped humanoids containing elemental powers. Many Scientist from different planets have tried to figure out why Ball People...Are Balls. Recently A scientist only known as Zoopeedoopa of Mars Has found out why. Zoopeedoopa said in a news clip "The Ball People of Shraythu are ball shaped becuase they have been evolving to stop walking (Which uses more energy), and instead to Roll." He also noted "The Ball People have always been efficient in there work, and it even shows in there biology". Other scientist have said this is true becuase the ball people, beside the earth ones, all have fairly short and lanky legs.
Ball People In PCGS[]
Beebok: Cursed Shadows[]
A new, unfinished PCG will be released with Beebok and the Ball people in it.