Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

Board Game Club PCG was a 2022 PCG by Epic Worlds PCG. This game was made over the course of multiple sessions for a game club Epic

participated in.


After being trapped in a strange room, Generic 2016 teams up with Peanut to escape. They end up breaking out and getting past Fat man with a cannon. They are then confronted by Teddy who has a small army that attacks Peanut and Generic 2016. The duo later faces an army of Bouble People. The two then explore a tall mountain that has a nearby cave. Inside the cave, the players meet Shrek and his vicious children. Generic 2016 ended up flooding the cave, drowning Shrek and his children. On top of the mountain is a small house where the character Buff lives. Buff gives Generic a task to go into the swamps and retrieve something for him. Generic and Peanut head to Bloodland Bog. In the bog, there are very deadly snakes and creatures. Generic finds a secret hatch with The Blood Legion Dagger in it. Generic decides to stop at Mega Mart and pick up a vehicle to continue the rest of the game with.

