Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

Bob's Race was a mysterious race of aliens. Thus far, the only known member of this race is Bob. Little is known about this race, but it's likely they were extremely technologically advanced as there's evidence they were the original builders of the Ancient Station, as well as the Taburnackle and the Neutron Destroyer. They existed hundreds of thousands of years ago, as the Taburnackle found the Ancient Station that far in the past. They were capable of time travel, shields that can survive inside a neutron star, and more. The full extent of their abilities is unknown.

As evidenced by Bob, they don't seem able to speak. They don't have any arms, instead using clawlike feet to manipulate their technology. However, they do have the ability to shape-shit into any form of roughly the same size and mass. (Balzak Globotron Series: "Balzak Globotron")
