Clouded Hopes 3 was a 2022 PCG by Epic Worlds PCG. This game is a direct sequel to Clouded Hopes 2 by Epic Worlds PCG.
-After Kepler 138d was blown up by Gron Fresnell (The events of Gron Fresnell during this period are explained in the PCG Expedition0708 by Epic Worlds PCG), Moe The Cloudian just managed to escape, but not before getting boarded by an enemy Titan ship. The Titans then interrogate Moe, but he refuses to give up the location of the cloudians home planet. Since Moe did not speak, the Titans opened a hatch below Moe which had a huge monster that tried to kill him. Moe escaped, met up with Speedorial Bot and escaped from the alien ship in an escape pod.