The Clouded Hopes series is a series of PCGs focusing on the Cloudians and their struggles with the alien race from PSO J318.5-22. The series was started by Xaq, based in lore and creatures created by Seirei Deus, and greatly expanded and continued by Epic Worlds PCG.
The Series[]
- Clouded Hopes by Xaq
- Clouded Hopes 1 (Remake) by Epic Worlds PCG
- Clouded Hopes 2 by Epic Worlds PCG
- Clouded Hopes 3 by Epic Worlds PCG
- Clouded Horrors 1 by Epic Worlds PCG
- Clouded Hopes The Awakening by Epic Worlds PCG
- Slate The PCG Novel by Epic Worlds PCG
- Moe The Cloudian: KingEpicVan Roundabout Game 1
- LopsyVac
- Lopsy
- Roughly
- Jenroe
- Moe The Cloudian
- Unnamed cloudian
- Titans
- Thela
- Gron-Fresnell
- Speedorial Bot