Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
The Ancient One

A Deep Cloudian without a smile...

Cloudians are Cloud and gas based organisms that live in the planet Saturn.

They are commonly seen in the PCG Game "The Smiley One" Created by Seirei Deus. More recently, they've been featured in the Clouded Hopes series.

Cloudian Biology[]


One odd and interesting thing about the Cloudians is that they almost always have a smile on their face whether their moods. The Only time they don't have a smile on their faces, is if they are under a extreme amount of stress. In The new coming "The Smiley One: Smile Upside down" Cloudius loses his smile due to the amount of stress he has to deal with in the game.

Weather + Cloud Control:[]

Cloudians also have the unique ability to slightly control weather and change form, size, and shape by attaching other clouds to their bodies. This is helpful in cloudian combat.

Racial differences:[]

As seen in the info box to the right, there are different types of sub races. Each sub race has its own diffrence!

Surface Cloudian:[]

Surface Cloudians live on the surface of Saturn. Becuase the surface of saturn is mostly helium, many of the cloudians are quick and fast moving, but some of the weakest as helium is a light, penetrable gas.

Ring Cloudian:[]

There is also a "Sub Sub Race" Of surface Cloudians that live in the ring of saturn. They are cloudians but made of only ice shards and helium. They are extremely fast and deadly. Out of all of the cloudian sub races, this is the one I would not like to encounter.

Deep Cloudian:[]

Deep cloudians Live within and near the planets core. Becuase the planets core contains heavier gases, this sub race tends to be the slowest, yet the toughest out of all the cloudians. Also these cloudians contain bits of iron and nickel within their bodies.

Earth Cloudian:[]

Earth Cloudians Consist of complete hydrogen-Oxide (Water Clouds). They are the weakest cloudians and the slowest, but have the best intelligence and culture. These Cloudians, However, Tend to be much larger than any other Cloudian sub race.

Cloudian Weaknesses and Strengths:[]


  • Leaf blowers
  • Extremely Cold Temps
  • Other Cloudian Sub races
  • Pizza (Dont ask Why)


  • Clouds
  • Moist areas
  • gases
  • Ice
  • Ice cream (???)
  • Cloudian sub races of the same race (Can fuse with other Cloudians of the same race)

Known Cloudians:[]

Surface Cloudians[]

Ring Cloudians[]

Terms of use:[]

You may use this race or any characters that are this race within your PCG games, fan fiction, or drawings.
