Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

Draw A Character A Day, or D.A.C.A.D., is a 2022 event in the PCG Discord conceived of by Seirei Deus and hosted by Magic Paper Productions. Each day of January, they give a prompt for a character; all participants draw that character. Then at the end of the challenge, all will collect their characters into a PCG.


Prompt 1 - Zoovac[]

  • Krxllin/J P G S gave the following description of his Zoovac: "This is Glitchvac a glitchy version of Zoovac where he can possess a person that utilizes technology like Tutorial Bot and he can possess humans as well."

Prompt 2 - Matak Rho' Shivej[]

Prompt 3 - Roughly[]

Prompt 4 - Cleaning Bot[]

  • Xaq gave the following description of his Cleaning Bot art: "On some worlds throughout the galaxy, they look to the skies to see the immortalized form of the legendary Cleaning One among the stars, and remember his legendary deeds. Even if no one can completely agree what those deeds were. The Galaxy is eternally cleaner.”
  • In MPP's Cleaning Bot art, a dog food bowl says "Scooby" on it. This is a reference to Xaq's dog Scooby.

Prompt 5 - 3V3[]

Prompt 6 - Yak Person[]

  • According to MPP, the Yak Person much resembles the Sasquatch so he added common Yak features to his Bigfoot.

Prompt 7 - Pinchzoid Crabicus[]

Prompt 8 - Techno Zombie[]

Prompt 9 - Nezareth[]

Prompt 10 - Ulysses[]

Prompt 11 - Beebok[]

Prompt 12 - The Wizard Sluiceface[]

Prompt 13 - Balzak Globotron[]

Prompt 14 - Gyrwynt[]

Prompt 15 - Fig[]

Prompt 16 - Zovacxs[]

Prompt 17 - Agent Peanut[]

Prompt 18 - Supermouse[]

Prompt 19 - Owliver[]

Prompt 20 - Godon[]

Prompt 21 - Xoovaq[]

Prompt 22 - Xek[]

Prompt 23 - Gron-Fresnell[]

Prompt 24 - Scooby[]

Prompt 25 - Hat Kid[]

Prompt 26 - Malphoid[]

Prompt 27 - Vortex The Cube[]

Prompt 28 - History Bot[]

Prompt 29 - Mister Dux[]

Prompt 30 (final prompt) - Boulder[]

Extra Art[]

This section is for any art made for DACAD, which doesn't fit into any of the prompts.
