Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

Earlex is a moon of Mars and located in the Milky Way galaxy. It is mostly inhabited by rich humans who "disappeared" on Earth and started a new life on Earlex. To avoid unwanted others coming to Earlex, a genius named John Jupiter Jr. created a complex cloaking device to keep the moon secret, at least from the Humans of Earth. He is the one who created the cities of Earlex and is very famous on the moon.

Earlex has the same atmosphere as Earth, but their gravity is the same as Earth's Moon.

With an estimated population of about 130,000 and 1/16 the size of Earth, Earlex is still a thriving civilization and a space-hub for galactic travelers. Recently, though, the planet has been taken over by Factor X, a devious branch of The Company.



During the Great Depression on Earth, John Jupiter Sr. was at his peak. While everyone suffered, he thrived. You see, he was an inventor way ahead of his time. His inventions were shunned by society so he was left to his own devices. Soon, he got bored, and decided to build a rocket, something no man had conceived of yet. Funding took many years, and it wasn't until April of 962 that he was able to get the money to build a rocket.

By this point, Soviet cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin and American, Alan Shepherd had both been to space already. On top of that, he was old and would not live much longer. So, before he died, he gave the blueprint to his son John Jupiter Jr., who would complete the rocket in only 5 years. This rocket was so powerful that it went all the way to Mars, where John and his wife Marie crash-landed on a moon of Mars. Fearing they didn't have much time left, the two stepped out of their rocket, expecting to instantly lose oxygen. To their surprise, they could breathe just fine! This moon was inhabitable for humans. Furthermore, there were lakes and trees everywhere.

It took almost thirty years for John Jupiter Jr. and his six sons to build a metropolis which he called Earlex City, after the name he had given the moon. He discovered Earlex was also rich with high-tech minerals and he was soon able to build live-preserving chambers for him and his wife, as well as spaceships which he could travel on and return to Earth to gather people who would populate the moon. He only picked up people who had supported him though. He built a cloaking system to conceal his moon as he learned that the people of Earth had lots of new technology. ("Chronicles Addendum")

The Company Interferes[]

It wasn't long until The Company found out about Earlex and John Jupiter Jr. They wanted to invade the moon, but their resources were spread across the PCG Universe. So, they decided to create a branch of their organization called Factor X, led by Minister Spade. They didn't invade Earlex, but slowly started taking control of cities until soon the entire moon was under their control, by 998. John Jupiter was too frail to intervene, and didn't care too much, so he minded his own business, knowing that he didn't really own Earlex anymore anyway. ("Chronicles Addendum")

Factor X built military bases to protect the moon from invaders, a giant robot in the sky which they named Outpost X, and fortified Earlex City. They even opened the moon to travelers from space, increasing the galactic fame of Earlex.

The Invasion of Earlex 1004[]

At one point in time, after Factor X took over Earlex, an alien species known as the Xorglin attempted to invade the moon. Minister Spade decided to help defend the moon, because if the Xorglin succeeded, Factor X would lose control over Earlex. So, Factor X enlisted the help of the common people of Earlex, and they took arms and fought.

The Xorglin were very powerful though, resembling giant, grotesque spiders, and armed with high-tech blasters likely bought from the Space Merchant. Their leader, called a "brood", was known as Xi'liu, and he was more deadly than the rest, with fangs the size of swords, dripping with venom. The Xorglin archers, as they were called, were Xorglin equipped with bows, that shot laser arrows.

As the Xorglin touched down to the ground, the villagers and commoners of Earlex recoiled in fear as they saw what emerged from the futuristic Xorglin spaceship. As the spider-y creatures crawled towards all who had decided to fight, the commoners panicked and fled in fear. This left only Factor X's bravest soldiers to fight the battle. Unfortunately, the Xorglin destroyed the soldiers and moved on to Earlex City.

After terrorizing the Earlex citizens, Xi'liu set up his base on the tallest tower of Earlex City, forcing the commoners to create statues and shrines of him. He and his Xorglin attempted to take control of Outpost X in the sky, but Factor X was able to defend themselves for a while. But they sent out a distress call, knowing that they could not defend their base for much longer. Minister Spade was especially upset, as he was making a fool of his organization and failing to defend Earlex. So he decided to take initiative.

On the night of Christmas, 2004, a silent band of soldiers snuck past the Xorglin guards at the base of the Xorglin tower. They were equipped with anti-grav boots and ropes. If they failed, Earlex would forever be ruled by the Xorglin, as Minister Spade was in this party climbing up the side of the Xorglin tower. If he died, Factor X would have no ruler, and would fall to the power of the alien spiders.

As the Xorglin celebrated their successful invasion, silent figures crept up the side of the building. The festivities continued all night, until the morning, when the Xorglin servants came in to clean up the mess, and found the room where, just the night before Xi'liu, the brood, and other high-ranking Xorglin had been partying, now, just bodies lay across the floor. Xi'liu himself, had black blood oozing out of his mouth, and a giant stab wound in his thorax. A giant X was smeared across the wall in Xorglin blood.

Thus, Factor X began ridding the planet of Xorglin, and taking their seat as the leaders of the planet. They were considered heroes, at least for a while. Ever since, Factor X has kept a watchful eye over the visitors to the planet, not wanting to redo history. ("Chronicles Addendum")


Earlex City[]

The capital and oldest city on the planet, originally created by John Jupiter Jr. and his six sons. The foundations of the city were made from wood, since the Jupiters had not gone mining yet.

After the city became a massive metropolis, most of the old foundations were buried beneath the new skyscrapers. However, many old buildings can still be found in an area known as Old Earlex City. Notable people who have lived her include John and Marie Jupiter, Steve, and Minister Spade of Factor X.

Jupiter Tower/Xorglin Tower[]

Jupiter Tower is the capitol building of Earlex City. It usually holds the mayors of the city. It's also one of the few sights in the city that was built during the times of Old Earlex City. After the Invasion of Earlex, the tower was renamed Xorglin Tower, as it was the tower Factor X had laid seige to. ("Chronicles Addendum")

The Beacon[]

The Beacon is a giant prism-like structure built by John Jupiter Jr., though it has gone through an upgrade recently. It serves as a warning to city inhabitants if Earlex is under invasion, as it activates a giant light from the center and strategically-placed sirens begin blaring. If just the beacon activates, this is the first warning for the inhabitants to get as far from the city as possible. Once the sirens begin blaring, the invasion is upon them. This was infamously used to alert the city inhabitants of the Xorglin invasion, although the government only had time to activate the sirens, as they invaded so quickly.

Outpost X[]

Planetroid X


Outpost X is a giant science research lab which doubles as a killer robot. Factor X founded this base when they first landed on Earlex and this had been their main base of operations ever since. They have tested on many creatures and space entities here including Gron-Fresnell ("Steve Series" - "The Legend of Gron-Fresnell").

See Also[]
