Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

Exploring Shogon was a 2022 PCG by Epic Worlds PCG. The game was intended as a tour of the Shogon Sector, a region of space within the PCG Universe where most of the games take place. The original player was Xaq, so the game stars Xaq (character). Xaq never ended up finishing the game, but he played a good majority of it.


The game starts with Balzak Globotron giving Xaq a ride aboard the Taburnackle to the planet Gondo, where he begins his exploration of Shogon. There, he meets a Kovian named Henrick Riverfought and learns about the war with the Hento. He also meets a band of anti-Hento rebels living in a tree fort. Xaq then gets mixed up in a Hento v.s Kova battle, and ends up getting captured. Xaq tries to escape but fails. Then Beebok unleashes his super powers taking down the Hento ship and freeing Xaq from Clamborant, who Xaq ended up convincing to change sides and join the Kovians. Xaq then meets Greid, and they head to Gorgath where they find a hidden Zigori civilization which is being guarded by an evil construct that resembles a snake. Later, the player finds out that the evil construct was a shape shifting demon. Xaq also meets Buff. Later Xaq falls through a portal and is teleported back in time to where Zoovac was just being created.


Epic Worlds PCG plans on expanding this series and making a part two for Xaq to play. This half will likley explore the farthest reaches of Shogon including Gosttax and Buff's Biodome. There is also a plan to make a few mini games in this series relating to the main characters in this game. One of these games has already been made. (Greid: The Story of a Tryptozian)

In this game[]



Groups & Organizations[]

Starships & vehicles[]

