Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

gameasengine's YouTube image!

gameasengine/todaywiththeCJB is a film maker, video game and paper game maker. He mainly makes short films but joined the paper game community to make paper games. Sadly, due to other priorities taking over, he has cancelled all paper games. This includes his first paper game: The Caves. He has not currently developed a paper game console but hoped to do so after The Caves would be released. His real name is Cameron Brown.


gameasengine joined the paper game community when he noticed KcoKT commented on his brother's video. gameasengine checked out her channel and saw the amazing paper games. He then checked out IPGS and saw that he was the creator.

gameasengine decided to upload videos on his games, comics and more. He was also thinking about his paper game that he would make. It would be called Super Hero Smash. He soon got bored of Super Hero Smash and disappeared from the paper game community!

After four months of inactivity, gameasengine came back to the paper game community. He started developing a new paper game - different than any other: The Caves.

But he then again left making paper games but actively manages the wiki.


Gameasengine/todaywiththeCJB is the admin of the wiki and makes edits from time to time. If you have any questions, please visit here.

