Ginkon Prison was the title of a prison on Shri that was built by the Crodin to house traitors, test subjects, and fugitives.
The prison was built in secret, but the Zorelta soon discovered it. The Crodin sent a man ("Kendlock Krat") to crash his ship in order to hide the prison from the Zorelta. Most of the subjects in the prison starved or escaped, but Zunto remained. (Chronicles Addendum)
Karvin Krat uncovered this prison and found Zunto, still alive, but a little crazy. Apparantly, after the prison became a Fig hang out spot, Zunto began to talk with the figs and learn of their ways. Zunto believed that he too was a Fig until Karvin convinced him to wake up and become Crodin again. Karvin found that one of the prison cages was bent in half, and another one had a dead Ball Person in it, with the title Experiment 706 on the cage. (The Zigori Empire)
The prison was left to decay for many more years, not to be discovered again for quite some time...