Ginkus' Capital Building was the seat of government of the old Zorelta nation on the planet Shri. It was located in the Shri Capital City. King Ginkus reigned from there, until the Crodin rebellion succeeded in taking the city. Ginkus was briefly captured but escaped, returned to the building, and sealed it off in a stasis field. (Ginkus' Odyssey: "The Last of the Zorelta")
Unable to take over or destroy the building, the Crodin decided to overshadow it instead: they built a much larger, more imposing tower nearby as their seat of government. (Squids in Forests: "The Ancient Secret Under Shri")
A thousand years later, Balzak Globotron released the stasis field, awakening Ginkus. After restoring the building's shields, Ginkus began to use it as his base of operations from which to re-take the planet. (Balzak Globotron Series: "Balzak Globotron")