Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

Gun Bot is a Robot helper of the Liit. He gets his name from his primary feature: Guns. He has two advanced Space-Ball guns attached to his body. However, his body itself consists of a bow mounted atop a baseball.


Heres a better picture of Gun Bot.

He was created by Liit out of several items from his inventory. Since then, he's helped the party with additional firepower (While still also serving as a bow for arrows). (Space-Balls Series: "Tutorial Bot's Past")


  • "Tutorial Bot's Past" - First appearance; was created during the game, and acted as yet another sidekick.

See Also[]

Space-Balls Team [V] • [E]
Liit and his allies
Main Team LiitTutorial BotKill BotWoob-WübCleaning BotGun BotSpunkinRetsel
Occasional & potential allies BirdDino