Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

All the games that Guys have appeared in.

Series 1[]

Guys are a staple throughout this entire series, appearing in nearly episode. They are Xaq's most frequent enemy, but little is known about them up to this point.

Series 2[]

  • Till Time Do Us Part - Guys returned with a vengeance in the first episode of series 2!
  • Relics of the Sea - Xaq battles many Nazi guys.
  • The Nazi Machine - Guys return yet again! Xaq has some very epic struggles with them in this episode.
  • Bread - Xaq encounters a mad scientist who claims to be the creator of guys. The scientist uses a Guy Gun on Xaq, a gun which continuously shoots endless numbers of Guys. Although he was defeated, the scientist escaped. Zoovac believes there's more to the story than that scientist was admitting.

Pierre Series[]

Chris Series[]

Space-Balls Series[]

Miscellaneous Games[]
