Gypsie is the name of Epic Worlds PCG dog. She exists both in real life and in the PCG Universe.
Gypsie goes missing, and epic must find her. (The Rise Of Evil Epic)
Looking for the tastiest chicken in the world, Gypsie and Jeff embark on an epic adventure. Here is a timeline of the main events.
- Gypsie fights a giant demonic creature. She runs into the forest and the creature gets eaten by the Mutated Easter Bunny, allowing Gypsie to run away.
- Gypsie solves a series of four riddles about famous PCG characters in order to get into a building.
- The building is filled with Half Gnomes, among them is Timmy Tom (Eldritch Deity) who helps Gypsie complete a lock code.
- Gypsie finds the chicken but not before Kernel Sanders stops her, claiming that the Gnomes trapped him to keep him from createing the perfect chicken. Timmy Tom becomes an Eldritch Deity and fights Kernel Sanders; Timmy Tom disappears but kills the evil Sanders.
- Gypsie finally gets the tastiest chicken! (Gypsy's Adventure)