The Hento are an evil group of dark Kovians on the planet Gondo. They have their own Empire and even traveled to other planets like Gorgath to gain control.
After a Kovian city was blown up by The Arcmage and later blamed on the Hento, a massive planetary war started in Shogon. (John On Shri)
The Hento invade Gorgath and kill its leader, but a Gorgathian named Rengalf has plans to seek revenge! (Flame PCG)
Gori, a sphere child becomes the general of the Hento army in the war against Kova. ("Exploring Shogon")
The Hento could be seen allied with The Company, and, according to Henrick Riverfought, they're a malevolent force. ("Exploring Shogon")
The Hento fought in an epic battle against the outnumbered Kovians at the Showdown at the Dunes, and still lost.
After Gori gets defeated by Clomborant, the Hento get pushed back and end up residing further north to the mountains, and end up losing the war. (Clomborant Confronts Gori by Epic Worlds PCG)