Humans have been around in Athrapox for quite some time and they were one of the few intelligent creatures in the voidian universe
There lifestyle is very futurisrtic with weapons beyond the reaches of the voidian universe And these creatures have the ability wield really powerful weapons.
The human empire was founded by the great lord king Devourien he created a portal from earth to lead to Athrapox when they arrived they had only an island and they saw Lord Kronos cammanding his empire and ruling the planet but the humans fought back but some humans who got captured by the Kronos Empires were tested on chemicals and turned into Tikions then the humans captured the island and started there work on building there society with the leadership of Devourien but then a tikion assassin killed Devourein ( Devourein can live forever) so they elected a new leader his name was Sring a young warrior and now king of the humans the Nether realm launched the great attack on Athrapox under the leadership of King Chronos and there ally the Zingorin the Ex - EnderKnight. Sring fought back but was no match for the nether army and thousads of cities not only in the Human empire it included the whole planet a whole. This alerted the Enderknights they sore through the skies of the burning athrapox the EnderDragons blew there mighty breath the ender knights slaying the nether army this is single most biggest tragedy Athrapox faced known as the Endier War. After it it took almost 100 years till athrapox got built back but in the process the nether army stolen 99% of athrapox resources so all the kingdoms made a truce to build a multi billionaire project to mine Sonta. and while humans were rebuilding they got the secret power to harness the core's energy and make weapons and armor and tech beyond there capabilities and found the way to live forever but the potion is only used for the king and End Realm as both of them have a strong alliance.
Major Events[]
- Endier War
- The War of Independence
The humans live in a island in the center of athrapox. there are some Magnorites living here that people absolutely hate even though they did nothing.
They have really futristic gear and guns and are trained by the same trainer as enderknights and some of them have small EnderDragons as pets.
Well this people eat a lt of non veg some food that people eat here are
- pork soup
- Honey on Hot Dogs
- Chcken
Mining Industry[]
The humans own alot of mining quarry's and there industry is heavly dependent on there Titanium resources like
- Flik Quarry
- Reainging Quarry
- Regin Quarry
- Dehendriuom Quarry
They trade with the Tikion Kingdom for comic books and in return they many goods.