Simple, Everyday things[]
- Air Stuff
- Bandges
- Baseball
- Baseball Bat
- Baseball Glove
- Basketball
- Bone
- Bottle
- Can
- Clock
- Coin
- Dumbel
- Exit Sign
- Flashlight
- Kill Bot activation codes
- Magnet
- Paddle
- Paper Clip
- Robot's Eye
- Rock
- Rope
- Scissors
- Sponge
- Stick
- Tape Recorder
Quest Items[]
- Amulet
- Ocarina of Time
- Fire bug
- Little Spider Alien Things
- Little Critter
- Nutrient Packets
- Sponge Bug
- Axe
- Blood Cell Gun
- Bomb
- Bow
- Handgun
- Hypodermic Needle Shooter
- Mace
- Phantom Ganon sword
- Slingshot
- Space Ball Gun
- Weapons of Soluna
- Acid Pills
- Cheese
- Garlic
- Ocla
- Soldier's Drink
- Cleric's Drink
- Assassin's Drink
- Chips
Armor & Equipment[]
- Dig Gloves
- Gibdo Tunic
- Gnome Hat
- Hans Hat
- Metal Glove
- Moblin shield
- Monicle
- Ring
- Rubber Glove
- Armor of Soluna