Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

Inventory Screen Guy is a Guy who lives in an Inventory Screen. He's something of a hermit, and will eat anything.


After awakening within Death Ward Hospital, Charles noticed that this strange guy was in his inventory screen. The guy looked miserable, and said “Go away” repeatedly. Charles obliged, but soon had to return to place items there. The Inventory Screen Guy made no objection to this, but when Charles later returned for his items, he discovered that they were gone-- eaten by the Inventory Screen Guy.

He soon learned that he had to place his items on the higher shelves, lest they be eaten. However, he soon managed to appease the Inventory Guy, by feeding him things. This caused the Inventory Guy to stop eating everything he put in there. Furthermore, the Inventory Guy was willing to regurgitate items which Charles wanted in exchange for cookies. (Charles Mystery Stories: "Welcome to Death Ward Hospital")

Agent Mugstra also encountered the Inventory screen guy, only in her inventory screen he was piloting a massive spaceship. She could only place her items in the vents of the ship, which could be blown away as the ship accelerates. Once again, he had to be appeased. ("Quest for the Vengeful Book")


  • Welcome to Death Ward Hospital - First appearance; Sat in the Inventory Screen, ate anything that was left on a lower shelf on the Inventory Screen wall.
  • "Quest for the Vengeful Book" - Pioleted a gigantic spaceship in the Inventory screen. Ate some items, blasted others into space (all items were placed in the engines of his spaceship).

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