Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

Jeff is a small creature in the Epic Wars franchise, he later shows up in his own game and some Gumbo games.

Jeff Gets a Job[]

Jeff can be seen getting robbed by Habblescornes. He hid with his wife Jeffina before pursuing the intruder. He gains a rocket launcher and meets a worm-like creature. But in the end, Habblescrones gets away. Job now has to get a job and makes it but he has to take a work trip to the new building.

Jeffina and Jeffy decide to go with him and it ends on a shot of WORK HATD HQ revealing his boss is Epic.

The Rise of Evil Epic[]

Jeff shows up at the start of the game as you see he is living in a small cave. He gives E.E a crystal and is not seen for the rest of his game. You later meet his wife Jeffina and his kid Jeffy

Evil Epic vs Epic the Gigachad[]

Jeff, Jeffina and Jeffy show up at the end of the game. The help Epic, Gibo, Baby Babu and some WORK HARD HQ employees escape E.E's implodeing. They seem to own two boats.
