Journey To Kaboo was a 2023 PCG by Epic Worlds PCG. This is the second game starring the character Bernard. The prequel to this game is The Maze, and the sequel is Streets Of Kaboo.
After Bernard was kidnapped and put on a plane, (The Maze) he escapes and drops down into a nearby desert where he meets Teddy. Teddy takes Bernard to his old trailer home where he can take shelter. Teddy tries to give Bernard some Purple Candy from his company Purple Candy Inc, but Bernard refuses.
Later that night, Bernard hears some strange howls outside. Some nearby wolves try to kill Bernard and Teddy, but they flee into a nearby sewer that just happened to be in the old trailer. Teddy falls and gets knocked unconscious, leaving Bernard to fend off some sewer rats. Bernard explores the sewers even more and finds a strange cult that is worshiping a Zoovac Statue. Bernard kills the cult members and uses their bodies to form a bridge over a gap in the sewers. Bernard then finds the exit to the sewers, and that is where the game ends.