Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

The way leveling works in Soluna is quite different. You gain experience like normal however to calculate the exp each character gets, you must take the difference between your level and the level of the enemies you fight. For example a level 3 character battles three level 3 characters, that character will gain 6 exp. This exp is not split amongst the number of people in your party. The higher the level of the foe and the more numerous they are, the more exp you gain. Once you reach 100 exp you gain a level. Like other games, you gain bonuses for leveling up.

For every LVL ------------------- +HP based on your race die.
For every LVL multiple of 3 ----- +1 base bonus to any one skill.
For every LVL multiple of 4 ----- +1 base bonus to Strength, Toughness, Dexterity, or Mind.

Gaining experience points with abilities is quite different. Each specific ability has a letter before its perimeter name, M for Militant, A for Adept, and T for Tech. These letters correspond to the personality type that your character is. Normally to gain experience points for skills, augments, and abilities, you must use them in battle or in the world. For each successful use of these abilities, you gain 2 experience points into mastering that skill. If your personality type matches that of the ability type, you gain double that experience, however if it's the opposite of that type you gain half as much. When you gain 100 exp on an ability, you master it, and then you can move on to another ability to learn. The rule with abilities are that you can only learn one ability of each personality type at a time. Also, race skills are mastered once acquired.
