Magic Paper Productions (MPP), also known as Sketchy Penguin, is a Paper Game and PCG creator based out of the United States.
PCGs[]Wave 1[]Wave 1 was MPP's introduction to PCGs, his first ever PCG being Escape Room, which was a bit more experimental. He followed up with his most popular game, The Legend of Gron-Fresnell. Wave 1 finished in early 2022, opening up MPP's next wave of PCGs, Wave 2.
Wave 2[]Wave 2 featured much more of MPP's shared universe storytelling. This is the current wave for MPP, and is set to finish in mid-2023.
PCG MINIs[]Misc. Mini-Games[]
Paper Games[]TCGs[]
- MPP Marathon Week
- Halloween Special 2021 - "Fourth Game"
- Draw A Character A Day (January)
- Write A World A Day (February)