Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
Maze Screen

A Maze Screen, leading up to an airplane sequence.

Maze Screens are a common type of screen found in most PCGs.

A screen with a top-down view which is a maze. The main character must not only fmd the correct path, but also solve puzzles to open pathways, get past enemies, etc.


  • Maze screens are often patrolled by 'Guys'[1][2], some of which may be on motorcycles[2] or have guns[2]. These are sometimes substituted for other types of enemy, however.
  • Paths which lead to nowhere. Some paths within the maze lead off the screen[2], deceiving the player into thinking it's a way out, when in fact it leads to death in one form or another- Often they falloff the edge into a crocodile pit, or are sucked into the vacuum of space, etc.
Dream Maze

A complex maze, this one found in a dream.

  • Passage to an airport. It's tradition for a maze screen to come immediately before a 'Flight Screen' [2][3], with perhaps a one- or tWo~screen interruption, which is usually a puzzle to get into the plane itself. In some games, there was an airplane or space ship in the maze screen itself[3][4], while in others one must leave the maze screen to go into an airport[2].


Xaq Series

Pierre Series

Squids in Forests

Soul Symphony

  • "Genesis" features a maze; though not technically a maze screen, the creator considers it her version of a Maze Screen.


  • Episodes 1 and 2 both are laid out similar to maze screens, especially 2.

