Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
Into the Heart of the World

Mole Men series is the series of Paper Computer Games which feature the adventures of Yppit and his explorations into the heart of his world, Velieez.

Cast of Characters[]

Main Characters[]

  • Yppit, the main character of the series. He's an evil being of some sort who always sits in a chair (The chair is all we get to see); He was created accidentally in a lab experiment and since then he's been obsessed with drilling down to the heart of his world.


  • Mole Men, The ancient civilization of moles living at the center of Velieez peacefully... that is, until Yppit comes along.

The Games[]

Revenge of the Mole Men

The Series[]

  • Into the Heart of the World featured the completion of Yppit's drilling machine and his fantastic quest to the center of it, followed by its destruction.
  • Revenge of the Mole Men : A follow-up to the first game, this one begins with Yppit being questioned regarding the destruction of Mole City and leads on to a horde of molemen chasing him for vengeance.
  • Molemen on Gondo! by Epic Worlds PCG: This third installment has Yppit pursuing a colony of Mole-Men survivors onto the planet Gondo.

Upcoming Games[]

  • None announced so far.