Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games


Chapter 1: Reckless Seed[]

In Mallet Town, Gash Ketchum and Mary enter Professor Ginkgo’s lab, which is dark. Mary turns on the light, showing it was empty.

Mary: See? I told you that he wasn’t here. Let’s just go.

Gash: Are you kidding? This is the only time that we actually get to see all the weird stuff that Ginkgo’s got stored away! He’s always so secretive. 

Mary: Probably cause he doesn’t want idiots to mess with his stuff!

Gash: Don’t say it as if you’re talking about me!

Mary: I am talking about you!

Gash wanders through the stuff on the desk, messing with things indiscriminately. He wanders towards the closet, opening it. His eye catches a bioluminescent light. He picks the source up, examining a blue seed. 

Gash: Cool. 

Mary: (Flatly) It’s a seed. 

Gash: A secretly hidden seed!

Mary: Out of everything that could be in here, you pick the one thing that’s shiny. 

Gash: Fine, fine!

Gash goes to put the seed down, when the intensity of the light increases. One of his Pokéballs shines as well, him puzzled. He moves the seed away from the Pokéball, the light from both fading. He moves it back and forth, experimenting with the light. 

Gash: Hey! Check this out!

Mary: Yeah, the light is annoying. Can we go now? 

Gash opens the Pokéball, choosing Caelian, a creature made of pure light with a crystalline mask on its face. It touches the Seed, the light radiating and enveloping the room. When the light fades, Gash and Mary are gone. 

In the field, Professor Ginkgo is studying a large shadowed Pokémon in the water, fascinated by it.

Ginkgo: Incredible! This may be the first discovery of this particular species in this dimension! To think it would venture this close to the surface. 

A cracking sound occurs, as a portal forms in the water. The underwater Pokémon disappears, Ginkgo standing in haste.

Ginkgo: A space time tear? There are only a handful of Pokémon here that could cause that sort of reaction! (Groans) And he owns one that could create such a chain reaction.

End Scene

Cilan sits by the edge of the ocean, fishing rod in his hand. Ian is cooking lunch while Iris and Rui are setting up the table. Victini and Axew run and play while they wait.

Rui: I don’t understand why one of us gets to play around while the rest of us work!

Iris: Cilan makes lunch for us all the time without rest! It’s his turn to take a break from prepping! Quit being such a kid about this!

Rui: I am not being a kid! I just want to relax as well!

Ian: Lunch is just about ready.

Cilan: Ah, and thus a glorious morning of fishing has come to an end. 

Rui: Glorious? You didn’t catch anything!

Cilan: It isn’t about catching something, it’s about the excitement about possibly catching something.

Iris: Honestly, sitting and waiting does not sound like fun.

Cilan’s line tugs, as Cilan is pulled quickly to his feet. He reacts and catches himself with his feet, barely avoiding being pulled into the water.

Cilan: Agh! I’ve got a bite! And it’s huge!

Cilan struggles to pull back, though is rod is bending as if it is going to snap. Ian rushes over, grabbing Cilan around the waist to support him. Iris joins in afterwards, as they strain to reel in the catch.

Cilan: (Strains) I didn’t even know that a Pokémon of this size even came through Unova waters!

Ian: The aura from this thing is intense! When it surfaces, we need to be ready to battle!

Iris: Ah! Rui! Come help us!

Rui sits at the table, checking her nails.

Rui: Nah, nah. You guys do you. I have decided that fishing isn’t really for me. 

Iris: Quit being a kid!

Cilan: All together on a big pull! One, two, three!

The three all pull together, as they all fall to the ground. They pull out a long sapphire serpent creature, it staring at them with sharp eyes and sharp teeth. Sapphire Weapon lets out a deafening roar, as it dives down into the water. The tidal wave from the submersion washes over the shore, washing everyone back.

Rui: Ah! My outfit!

Ian: We have bigger problems! It’s circling back!

Sapphire Weapon is far out in the ocean, as it speeds towards the shoreline to ram them. Ian and Iris draw Pokéballs, opening them and choosing Audino and Druddigon.

Ian: Frustration!

Iris: Super Power!

Audino’s fist is surrounded in dark red energy, as Druddigon flexes her muscles with red energy. Sapphire Weapon gets ready to ram them, as Audino and Druddigon stand at the shoreline and swing their fists. The collision slows Sapphire Weapon though it plows through the ground, pushing them back as they fight back. Everyone takes off running away, as Ian points at Sapphire Weapon. 

Ian: Victini! Searing Shot!

Iris: Axew, Dragon Rage!

A thin, barely visible beam of fire shoots from Victini’s finger, it making contact and exploding on contact with Sapphire Weapon. Axew spews blue dragon energy that collides as well, Sapphire Weapon coming to a jerking stop. Two figures are catapulted out of Sapphire Weapon’s scales, them hitting the ground. Sapphire Weapon retracts its body back, lifting up to prepare to attack. Audino and Druddigon drop to their knees exhausted. The two figures that hit the ground stand up, revealing it is Gash and Mary.

Gash: Whoo! Now that was something!

Mary: (Pointing and freaking out) And that’s something else!

Sapphire Weapon shoots its head like a rocket towards the group, threatening to squash them all. Gash opens a Pokéball, choosing Kirby. 

Kirby: Uhn!

Ian: (Horrified) Oh no. Not him.

Sapphire Weapon goes to ram Kirby, as it opens its mouth and begins sucking it in. Sapphire Weapon is sucked in in its entirety, everyone screaming in disbelief.

Cilan: What happened?! There’s no way that should be possible! For that size a Pokémon to suck in something of that magnitude!

Kirby spews Sapphire Weapon out, it crashing into the water and creating a tidal wave again. Everyone is washed back, as Sapphire Weapon recedes into the ocean. Kirby looks content, as Victini and Axew come to examine it. Ian steps forward, glaring Gash down.

Gash: Hey! I recognize that guy!

Gash returns Kirby, as everyone recuperates. Ian and Iris return Audino and Druddigon.

Ian: (Defensively) Gash.

Gash: Ian! How you doing? This is just perfect! I had been thinking about battling you recently!

Cilan: What kind of Pokémon were those? 

Rui: I like them. Super tough looking.

Iris: Do you know this guy?

Gash: Know me? I’ve beaten him before!

Rui: I really like them now.

Ian: You remember the dream world?

Gash: Dream what?

Ian: (Groans) I was afraid of that. You were looking for the version of me from your dimension and found me instead.

Iris: What’s that nonsense?

Cilan: The theory of alternate dimensions is real?! There’s never been solid proof of that!

Ian: Those Pokémon are proof enough. We don’t have them here. 

Mary: So hold on. You don’t recognize me, do you? I mean, I was there when Gash trashed you. 

Ian: I don’t.

Mary: (Glares at Gash) Gash, what did you do this time?! Another dimension?! You better take us back right this moment!

Rui: (Eager) Though she’s got a fire in her. Pretty cute too.

Iris: Oh quit being a kid.

Gash: How am I supposed to do that?! It’s not like this is a dream world where anything I think causes the environment to change. (Startled) How’d I know that?

Ian: Because that’s how the rules worked in the Dream World.

Iris: A Dream World? Like what Professor Burnet studies? 

Gash: Burnet? That sounds familiar. 

Something from Gash’s pocket shines, as a cracking sound occurs. They are now in a large meadow with the Tree of Dreams behind them. Everyone gasps in surprise, as Iris’ eyes sparkle.

Iris: It’s magnificent! 

Axew: Axew Axew!

Axew climbs into Iris’ hair, her going and climbing the tree. 

Cilan: Incredible. Is this the tree you were just talking about?

Ian: Yeah. Unless there’s dream energy, there’s something going on here.

Mary: (Shakes Gash) That’s because this idiot decided to mess with Professor Ginkgo’s stuff!

Cilan: Ginkgo?! I’ve heard of him! He’s the leading expert on the theory of alternate realities! But, how do you know him? If we’re from different realities, then we shouldn’t know the same person.

Gash: The same person can exist in the same manner in different planes. Take a look at that punk. (Points at Ian) Apparently I know two versions of him and he’s as rude in this one as in the other. 

Rui: That doesn’t surprise me at all. 

Cilan: If this really is an alternate reality, then this is a groundbreaking discovery!

Ian: What was that you were talking about, uh—

Mary: Mary. The other you never asked me my name either. 

Rui: (Flirtatiously) Oh, my! Forgive him for being so rude! (Leans in) My name is Rui. (Not as excited) That’s Cilan, and the girl in the tree is Iris. 

Iris: Whoo-hoo!

Everyone looks up, seeing Iris riding a Hydreigon amongst a swarm of them. She leads them around, shouting loudly. 

Cilan: Hydreigon! Where’d they come from?

Iris: Who knows?! I just thought about them and they materialized!

Ian: So it is the Dream World. That means whatever you did, it brought us here.

Mary: Gash, show them the seed thing. 

Gash: Fine! Sheesh!

Gash reaches into his pocket, pulling out the seed. The bioluminescent light is still strong, yet fading. Rui moves in closer to Mary. 

Rui: (Flatly) It’s a seed. 

Mary: That's what I said. 

Cilan: Whatever this is, if nothing happened before you obtained this, then it must be the source of everything that is occurring. 

The seed pumps like a heart, startling Gash and him pulling his hand out from under it. The seed hits the ground, a cracking sound occurring. The group is gone, as the Tree of Dreams loses several branches, with creatures made of shadows with porcelain and iron masks leaking out of the cracks and overwhelming the area. A voice echoes over the fading area.

Crackling Voice: CaN yOu HeAr Me?

Chapter 2: Returning Home[]

Ian and Gash’s group are in a canyon area, with holes dug by Monty Moles. The seed rolls a little ways away. Iris is in the air, falling. 

Mary: Yeesh. That was drastic. Go! Catch her!

Mary opens a Pokéball, choosing Krypton Firefly. It flutters into the air, catching Iris and gently lowering her to the ground. 

Rui: (Swooning) What a hero. (Glares at the men) How come none of you could do that? 

Ian gives Rui a hard glare, as she stays beside Mary. Mary seems to enjoy the attention. 

Mary: At least someone sees my worth.

Gash: Hey! I appreciate you!

Cilan: So where are we now? 

Gash: We’re obviously in the Yo’ster canyons. I recall that gorge. (Faces Ian) Now that we have that settled, I challenge you to a battle!

Ian: Are you serious? None of us have any idea what’s going on but you want to battle?!

Gash: Hey, what’s important is that I’m home! And that it’s not high noon. 

Iris: (Anxiously) And what happens at high noon? 

Mary: (Anxiously) The Yo’ster stampede.

The Monty Moles all retreat into their holes, as the ground shakes with the pebbles vibrating. The group all look up, seeing hundreds of Yo’ster of various colors stampeding down the canyon. Everyone screams and takes off running, Krypton Firefly grabbing Mary from behind. She grabs Rui and holds her close, Rui squeezing in closer than necessary. They fly out of the canyon and onto the cliffside to rest. Victini uses Confusion on Ian and Cilan, lifting them into the air. The Yo’ster herd overwhelms them, as Iris leaps and jumps off them to get to a ledge. Gash is left alone in the middle. 

Gash: Oh, come on! Creeper, Explosion!

Gash opens a Pokéball, choosing Creeper. Creeper glows and explodes, the shock wave launching Gash into the air, grabbing onto a rock ledge. The blast vaporizes several Yo’ster, and leaves many others injured on the ground. A hole has formed where the injured Yo’ster slide back down into to avoid being trampled. 

Gash: Ah! That was too close!

Cilan: Did he just blow those Pokémon up?!

Iris: How horrendous!

Ian: We need that seed. Where is it?

Everyone scans the area, seeing the seed back on the ground. One of the Yo’ster kicks it towards the canyon wall with Ian, Iris, Cilan and Gash on it, it striking it and releasing a cracking sound. The entire section of canyon that they are on crumbles and disappears. Mary and Rui watch in astonishment, Rui annoyed. 

Rui: Now what are we supposed to do? 

Mary: (Points down the canyon) I guess go get that guy? 

The herd of Yo’ster has dissipated, with one still in the hole in the canyon. N runs out into the canyon, going to assist the Yo’ster. 

Rui: Oh, great. As if it couldn't get worse.

End Scene

Ian, Victini, Iris, Axew, Cilan and Gash arrive in a research facility, with several robots wandering around. Gash picks up the Seed and pockets it. BB-8, Box Bots and Tutorial Bots wander the halls, a Tutorial Bot coming up to them.

Tutorial Bot: Hello! Welcome to the Facility! I would be happy to provide you with a tutorial! This site was developed in the year 2222, following the outbreak of Space Balls. The facility is made of a synthetic version of vibranium, which is now considered obsolete. Vibranium was first discovered in Wakanda where it was used—

Gash presses a button on Tutorial Bot, causing it to shut down.

Gash: Finally! I thought it would never shut up!

Iris: What was that back there?! You just blew up those Pokémon!

Gash: Oh, the Yo’ster? They live in large colonies, to keep their population number up from predator attacks. I only took out a few of them.

Cilan: Regardless, you should never throw away a life if it can be avoided. 

Ian: That’s specifically the problem. His entire team is designed to inflict damage like that. Isn’t that right? 

Gash: You make it sound like I enjoy it.

Ian: It certainly doesn’t bother you enough. And the fact that you bring a Pokémon like that into battle means you’re not worthy of being a trainer. 

Gash: (Highly annoyed) That sounds highly familiar.

Ian: I’ve said it before. 

Gash: You act pretty tough for someone who refuses to battle against me. 

Ian: (Groans) That again. Fine. I accept. 

Gash and Ian move down the hallway to get into position, as Iris and Cilan pick up the Tutorial Bot and turn it on. 

Tutorial Bot: Hello! Welcome to the Facility! I would be happy to provide you with a tutorial! This site was developed in the year 2222, following the outbreak of Space Balls. This advanced form of the Ape-Ball evolved to be able to travel through space to continue their desire to destroy everything in their path.

Iris: Come again?! 

Cilan: So this base is designed to repel the Space Balls? 

Tutorial Bot: Vibranium based facilities are able to repel typical Space Balls long enough to allow for evacuation. However, an Acid Ball, a variation of the Space Ball, has acid corrosive enough to melt through Vibranium.

Iris: (Terrified) IAN!

The wall corrodes and breaks as an Acid Ball shoots through it, a ringing sound occurring from contact. Ian dives forward to avoid the collision. He lands besides Gash, as Acid Ball howls and pounds its chest. Gash pulls out the Seed, its bioluminescent glow almost gone. 

Gash: Ha! Come and try me!

Acid Ball charges at them, Ian and Victini preparing to fight. Gash slams a hand on top of the Seed, a cracking snap occurring. Ian and Gash are gone, Acid Ball charging through the hall and ramming into the wall. Iris and Cilan are concerned, as they begin to back away. 

Cilan: This is quickly becoming a worse case scenario. 

Iris: To think that I’m hoping that someone will come help us. 

Acid Ball walks down the hall, snorting as it spots the two. Iris and Cilan brace themselves.

Iris: Well I’m not going down without a fight! Axew, Dragon Rage!

Cilan: And Pansage, Bullet Seed!

Cilan opens a Pokéball, choosing Pansage. Pansage spews energy seeds while Axew fires Dragon Rage. Acid Ball charges forward, the attacks melting with collision with the acid. The two are horrified, as an Ape Ball appears and slams Acid Ball into the ground, it breaking through the floor. Ape Ball pounds its chest triumphantly, though groans from the acid on its arms.

Iris: Another one?!

Cilan: This one seems different.

Voice: You okay?

The two turn, seeing Kidd Funkadelic Jr. Ape Ball goes back to him. 

Kidd Funkadelic: This place is no longer safe. Nowhere is safe anymore. 

Cilan: What does that mean?

Kidd Funkadelic: This is no longer a dream. Reality itself is breaking!

The cracking noise occurs again, as Umbrians rise from the hole in the floor. The Acid Ball is flung up as well, swinging its arms at them. Ape-Ball blocks it but is slammed into the ground, steaming from the acid. The Umbrians circle around in the air, most of them with bat like wings and elongated arms with claws. Some of them dive at them, the group freaked out.

Iris: Now what’s going on?!

Kidd Funkadelic: Umbrians!

Axew fires Dragon Rage and Pansage Bullet Seed, the attacks going through their shadow bodies. The group dive to the sides to avoid them, but they are all gripped and dragged away, traveling down the hole. The terrain vibrates intensly, with Mary and Rui both holding onto a tall silver staff with a partially opened Pokéball at the top of it. N and a green Yo’ster are with them, as they stand below the diving Umbrians.

Mary: Just in time! Krypton Firefly, Flare Blitz! Aim for the masks!

Rui: And Purrloin, use Fake Out!

Mary and Rui open Pokéballs, choosing Krypton Firefly and Purrloin. Purrloin claps its paws together, releasing a shockwave. The first wave of Umbrians stop as Krypton Firefly flies up, body enveloped in flames. It zips through the first wave, destroying their masks and vanquishing the Umbrians. Everyone is dropped and freed, as Acid Ball goes after them again.

N: Yo’ster, please help them out.

Yo’ster: You betcha! I’ll show them not to mess with the Yo’ster!

Acid Ball rapidly approaches, as Yo’ster extends its tongue, wrapping around Acid Ball and pulling it into its mouth. Yo’ster swallows it and lays an egg, about the size of the Acid Ball. Everyone looks disturbed, as the Umbrians begin to regroup. The egg begins steaming as it begins to melt from the acid.

Mary: Unless you all want that process to repeat itself, I suggest you get your butts over here!

Rui: You heard the lady!

Everyone gathers around Mary and Rui, who hold up the staff again. The Pokéball shines brightly, deterring the Umbrians as everyone vibrates intensly. The Umbrians circle overhead for a moment then fly off.

The group reappears on an island in the middle of the ocean, everyone confused. Mary returns Krypton Firefly and chooses choosing Katsuyu, a white slug with green stripes down her side. She slinks onto Ape-Ball’s arms, which allows it. Katsuyu releases green healing energy that heal Ape-Ball’s injuries. Rui returns Purrloin as Cilan returns Pansage.

Cilan: Rui! I’m so glad you’re alright!

Iris: Where have you been?!

Rui: Uh, how about a thank you for saving your lives? 

Purrloin: Seriously.

Mary: Talk about ungrateful.

Iris: (Points at N) And what are you doing here?! 

N: I agree that this isn’t ideal for me either, teaming up with you guys. However, upon hearing what Professor Ginkgo had to say, it was clear what the appropriate decision was.

Cilan: You met Professor Ginkgo?

Kidd: The professor is involved? This is bad.

N: And what he had to say was not good.

Rui: Eh, it wasn’t that bad. Just the end of the multiverse sorta thing.

Iris: That sounds really bad!

Chapter 3: The Fabric of Reality[]

The scene is outlined in a white outline, indicating a flashback. N is caring for Yo’ster, which was injured by Creeper’s explosion. Mary and Rui are there as well, with Mary choosing Katsuyu. She slinks onto Yo’ster, it glowing green with healing energy.

N: I thank you. The extent of these wounds were too much for me to care for on my own.

Mary: Leave it to Gash to leave a lasting wound.

N: Gash?

Rui: Some new guy from another world or something. She is too. Which begs the question, how did you get here? 

N: I don’t know. There was a cracking sound and the terrain shifted around me. I kept walking afterwards and saw the explosion. Where’s Ian?

Rui: Who knows? Everything has been going seriously out of whack. (Flirtatiously) At least I had Mary to save me here.

Crackling Voice: CaN yOu HeAr Me?

The group looks around in astonishment, trying to find the source of the voice. A green clock portal opens in front of them, remaining open. Katsuyu comes off Yo’ster, which gets back to its feet. 

Yo’ster: Thank you! For saving me, I am in your debt! Let me help you with whatever you need.

N: Thank you, Yo’ster. In that case, let us go through here.

Rui: (Scoffs) We’re not seriously going through, are we?

Mary: It seems like we don’t have much of a choice. 

Mary returns Katsuyu, as the group heads through the portal. They arrive in Mallet Town, the sky dark and cracked, with Umbrians soaring through the air. Mary’s house is gone, as the Umbrians bombard Ginkgo’s lab.

Mary: My home! You’re going to regret that!

Mary chooses Krypton Firefly, as it speeds through and burns through Umbrian masks, them fading away. The Umbrians spot the group and attack, firing blasts of dark magic. The group take off running, as Yo’ster faces them.

Yo’ster: I will protect you, N!

Yo’ster forms and throws an egg, striking an Umbrian’s shadow body. It does nothing as they continue to attack.

Rui: This is ridiculous! Lillipup, Shadow Ball!

Rui opens a Pokéball, choosing Lillipup.

Lillipup: I’ll beat them for you, Rui!

Lillipup forms and fires Shadow Ball, it doing nothing to the Umbrian. One dives down and squeezes Lillipup’s face.

Umbrian: What a cute little creature! Too bad it is no longer bound for this world. 

Mary runs and kicks the Umbrian in the clay mask, it cracking and the Umbrian recoiling back and hissing. 

Mary: Target the masks! That’s their weak point!

Lillipup and Yo’ster target the masks, destroying Umbrians and driving them off. The group makes it inside the lab, where Professor Ginkgo is pinned to the ground, an Umbrian on top of him. 

Umbrian: It doesn’t have to be this painful, professor. All that we need, (brushes hand over his cheek) is more of those cracking seeds.

Ginkgo: I will give you no such thing!

Mary: Hey!

The Umbrian turns its attention to Mary, Rui and N, intrigued.

Umbrian: More of you? You are all too late anyway. There is no way that you’ll be able stop us.

N: Stop you from what? 

Umbrian: Conquering everything that you know and making it ours. 

Mary: Don’t worry. You won’t be there to see us stop you.

A Tektite, a large creature with four spider legs and a round body with a single eye, appears from behind and pierces its claw through the Umbrian’s mask. It howls and fades away. Tektite goes over to Mary, who pets it.

N: Are we really killing those creatures? 

Ginkgo: (Trying to get up, failing) The Umbrians are created by the souls of deceased being given shadow forms. They can't be truly destroyed; when you break their masks you merely sever their connection to this realm. A lot of the ones you’ve seen are grunt soldiers, created solely to be disposable. 

Mary: Professor, what exactly is going on? What did that seed Gash find do? 

Ginkgo: (Sighs) I suppose I have no choice now. I am in no state to fulfill my duty as a Planespanner.

Rui: You just made that word up.

Ginkgo: No! Well, erm, yes, I suppose. I invented it a long time ago. Essentially, I exist in many different dimensions across the multi-verse, and we all share the same consciousness. So what I do in your dimension for example Rui, I know about it in this one. 

Rui: How’d you know my name?

Ginkgo: I saw your performance in the Battle Club tournament on TV. You lost to Rosa in the first round. She trounced you.

Rui: Rude!

N: Let us assume that we believe you about these multiple dimensions thing—

Mary: Which we do. 

N: Then how can we interact with each other?

Rui: Ian has stated that he’s met Gash before, and they had been to a Dream World.

Ginkgo: Yes, I was very thankful that I didn’t have to intervene in that incident. Ian handled it very well, which is why I’m sorta thankful that he’s involved in this. But to answer the question, it's a bit more complicated than you think. The dimensions aren't quite separate... in a sense, they're really one big universe.

Mary: But what does that mean? We've met different versions of the same person, like Ian. How can you say they exist in the same universe?

Ginkgo: The Multiverse is a fickle thing... every dimension has its own vibrational frequency, which in a majority of dimensions prevents them from overlapping with each other. However, the Pokéverse is different. Something's been holding a number of universes together, bringing them so close their vibrational frequencies regularly overlap.

Mary: What could bind entire universes together into one...?

Ginkgo: A mysterious gravitational force at the center of this is responsible. Multiple universes, existing as one. You can think of it as a Multiverse or as a Universe; it's somewhere in between. People from one frequency can visit another without realizing it, simply by walking or driving. No portal necessary. However they're most likely to encounter people from nearby vibrational frequencies, and when they do they'll typically think they're from the same universe. This unique situation is what intrigued me about this universe in the first place and caused me to burrow myself into it recently. Well, that and I kinda wanted to catch 'em all.

Mary: What? But you’ve lived in this town for decades!

Ginkgo: When I enter a universe, I weave myself into its history, such that I was always there. This allows me a bit more control in handling situations such as this. 

N: We’re getting off track here. What is happening now? 

Ginkgo: The seed Gash found is a remnant from a world known as Soluna. It is useless on its own, but fueled by the power of a Caelian or Umbrian it can badly disrupt the frequencies separating worlds, allowing you to travel to other worlds. However, this disruption in spacetime is so intense, it creates "cracks" in reality itself. The Umbrians are using these to leak into other dimensions and to conquer them. For what purpose, I do not know. They seem to be coming from this gravitational source holding the Pokéverse together. I suspect that source may be related to Soluna as well -- perhaps a much larger shard of that world. Or something worse.

Rui: Wait, wait, wait. So what is the plan here? To go to that Soluna and stop them?

Ginkgo: Oh no, that would mean certain defeat. We need to go directly to the source, the very Fabric of Reality. The fact that I have been weakened so much means that something is very wrong. The source holding your worlds together as one may be what threatens to tear them apart so violently that none of their inhabitants can survive. You must go there and find a way to soothe that inflammation before the Umbrians can cause any more damage!

N: And how do we get there?  With the seed?

Ginkgo: By the Great, no! That's the very thing inflaming the cracks in the Universe. If you keep using that -- or indeed any form of teleportation between worlds -- that will only speed up the end.

Rui: Then how...?

Professor Ginkgo stands up, and with much exertion holds out his hand. The area visibly vibrates as his staff materializes. He offers it to them.

Ginkgo: This is my staff. It will allow you to see the different vibrational frequencies across the multi-verse. For example: touch it, Mary.

Mary wraps the hand around the staff. Her eyes widen, looking back from Rui to her own hand.

Mary: It's like Rui is glowing a different color than me...

Ginkgo: You're seeing her vibrational frequency. It differs slightly from yours. This is how I see this world; a beautiful patchwork of different frequencies.

N: This is all well and good, but how does it help us travel to the Source?

Ginkgo: Unfortunately only a Planespanner like myself can activate its full power; for you, it'll only be useful to spot people and Pokemon from different frequencies. To travel into other frequencies yourself, you must gradually change your own frequency. Now, when you meet people from a slightly different frequency, normally your own frequency doesn't change except after years of prolongued exposure. But when you catch a Pokemon, that process actually brings you into sync with that Pokemon due to the quantum effects that take place inside a Pokeball.

Mary: So you're saying, to travel the Multiverse, all we have to do is... catch Pokemon?

N: (Spiteful) Of course it would boil down to that.

Ginkgo: Precisely. And you can find those Pokemon using the staff. Since I won’t be using it, it’ll only work when two people of different frequencies use it together. So Mary has to use it, along with someone of another frequency. Either of you others will do. 

Rui: In that case, I’ll do it!

Rui takes the staff, holding it and tilting it towards Mary.

Rui: We already make a great team, don’t you think? 

Mary: Yeeah. Sure. 

Mary puts her hand on the staff, as they return their Pokémon.

Ginkgo: Remember, don't use the seed or teleport between worlds! The temptation will be great, as the seed will allow you to travel quickly across the Pokeverse or even leave and visit other worlds to find more powerful allies. If you do this, however, this partially-overlapping universe will only shake apart that much more quickly! You must be patient and travel the slow way!

Mary: We won’t let you down professor.

Chapter 4: The Journey Begins[]

The scene shifts back to the island, with everyone solemn and quiet following the story. 

Kidd: This is a nightmare. If only I could wake up from it.

Cilan: It all is a bit much. To think that Ginkgo’s knowledge is so vast. 

Iris: That doesn’t matter right now! What matters is that we use this staff to find Ian, get to that Fabric and handle this!

Mary: We might as well grab Gash too. He may have caused this, but he’ll still be good in a fight.

N: Is that the one that caused harm to Yo’ster? I doubt that we’ll need him that much.

Mary: Wish I could agree with you, but he’ll probably be better with this staff than me. He may seem like an idiot, but he’ll be able to grasp how to utilize this rather quickly. 

Rui: And Ian is probably the best of us. Don’t tell him I said that though.

Kidd: We should get moving then. I feel like time is of the essence now. 

The sound of magical melodies echo, as the group looks around. Three Mermaid like figures lie on rocks by the sea, their tails hanging into the water. Cilan, N and Kidd are all entranced by their song, as is Axew. They all begin swaying towards them.

Mary: No! Girls, grab one of them! That’s an Envy!

Mary grabs onto N, attempting to keep him back. Rui strains to hold Kidd back, while Iris tackles Cilan to the ground.

Iris: So what, is this thing a boy eater? 

Rui: (Strained) If only I could entrance people like this. 

Axew: (Entranced) Axew. 

No one is able to stop Axew, as it approaches Envy. 

Iris: Axew, no!

Ape-Ball lunges forward, pounding into the mermaids of Envy. They retract back, revealing they were strands of her hair. Envy hisses angrily at them, as the boys snap out of it.

Kidd: Oh this nightmare just got worse!

New Voice: Not as bad as you think!

The group looks up to see a massive airship approaching with a strange figure standing on its bow. He points at Envy and the ship trains its cannons on her, exploding into the water with massive splashes and driving Envy further under.

Strange Figure: I hear you folks need a ride!

Mary: N, grab on!

N: I don't trust anyone who uses that much destructive power against a Pokemon.

Kidd: Do we have a choice?

Mary holds the staff, as N reluctantly places his hand on it as well. The group vibrates and arrives on the deck, Envy disappearing completely into the ocean afterwards.

The ship is in flight and the strange benefactor approaches them. He's made entirely out of Pokeballs. the balls suspended in midair, connected by some sort of electrical energy to each other which arcs through the air. The balls each float where a human's joints would be, such that his general shape is that of an ordinary person. Where his chest would be is a Voltorb, albeit one that's calmer than most Voltorbs.

Mary: Who are you?

Rui: (Disturbed) Forget that! What are you?

Balzak: The answer to the second question is a long story, so for now let's stick to the first. My name is Balzak Globotron, welcome aboard my ship, the Taburnackle! I'm an associate of Professor Ginkgo, and I heard some kids needed help. I take it that's you guys?

Mary: That's us.

Kidd: (dangles his crane suspiciously) How'd you know how to find us? This isn't right, there's no Sphere Children in Pokémon....

Balzak: We've been tracking the vibrational anomaly. Isn't that right, Matak?

Behind Balzak sits a strange purple creature, about three feet tall, with one huge eye and many tentacles, manning a station with many controls.

Matak Rho'Shivej: (gruff voice) I don't have time for inferior questions from inferior creatures.

Mary: Well where are you taking us?

Balzak: Normally we explore the world for exotic, freak of nature Pokémon, but right now it seems you kids may have messed up reality. So wherever you folks need to go to fix that, that's where we're taking you!

Iris: A free ride!

Kidd: It's a bit too good to be true.

Mary: Well we need to find the others! I bet that idiot is still fighting Ian...

Balzak: If they're fighting and they've still got that seed, it should be sending out some pretty intense vibrational distortions. Matak?

Matak: Locking on. What in the name of Gurgus are you creatures doing?! From the size of these distortions, they'll tear apart the universe before we get there!

Balzak: We'll just have to get there quickly then.

End Scene

Ewok thrusts its spear at Ian’s Oshawott, which deflects it with his scalchop. They are battling in New Tork City, with skyscrapers surrounding them on all sides. People walk past ignoring the battle, though Kyle is trying to get a glimpse to see who it is. 

Ian: Oshawott, Razor Shell!

Oshawott forms a water blade over the scalchop, clashing with Ewok. Ewok skids back, chattering in distress. 

Gash: Darn. In this city environment, we can’t use foliage to create an appropriate counterattack.

Ian: Water Gun!

Oshawott spews Water Gun, knocking Ewok to the ground. Gash returns Ewok, as he chooses Kirby.

Kirby: Uhn!

Gash: Inhale!

Kirby opens its mouth wide and begins inhaling, sucking Oshawott in. Oshawott is freaked out as he is engulfed and swallowed, being released. Kirby forms an Oshawott style hat on its head, with a scalchop on its forehead.

Gash & Ian: Razor Shell!

Kirby and Oshawott charge with Razor Shell, colliding. The world vibrates around them, as Ian and Gash stand on opposite sides of a creek. Kirby and Oshawott remain engaged in the middle of the creek, pushing away and clashing again.

Ian: Aqua Jet!

Oshawott jumps back, surrounding himself in water and shooting forward. Kirby flips backwards and kicks Oshawott under the jaw, shooting Oshawott into the air while breaking Aqua Jet. 

Ian: Water Gun!

Oshawott spews Water Gun, Kirby taking it.

Gash: Finish it!

Kirby leaps into the air, getting at level. Kirby repeatedly jabs at Oshawott, pounding through it. Oshawott drops to the ground defeated. Ian returns it.

Gash: Ha! I beat you again! How does that feel?!

Ian: Tamer than your previous battle style. But that still doesn’t excuse your attitude. Snivy, Leaf Storm!

Ian opens his Pokéball, choosing Snivy. Snivy forms and fires a Leaf Tornado, slamming into Kirby and defeating it. Gash scoffs as he returns Kirby.

Gash: Big deal. It’s not like you can handle Creeper!

Gash opens his Pokéball, choosing Creeper. 

Gash: Give them an explosion!

Ian: Leaf Storm!

Creeper uses Explosion, as Snivy forms a Leaf Storm around herself. The explosion tears through Leaf Storm, Snivy severely injured.

The Taburnackle bursts out of the clouds into the skies above New Tork City, the vibrational frequency they were tracking already gone.

Mary: Those idiots! We almost had them!

Matak: I've got a new lock on them. Ploting in a course.

Balzak: Make it fast, it looks like we don't have much time...

On the streets below, where Ian and Gash were, cracks start to form and dark, shadowy material, like that of an Umbrian, begins seeping out of it. N, still holding Ginkgo's staff with Mary, points at a few passing Pidgey and Pidove.

N: I detest the idea of catching Pokémon. But the frequency of these Pokémon differ from before. They should take us closer to the Fabric of Reality, at the Source.

Mary: In that case, everyone grab a Pokéball!

Everyone grabs a Pokéball and throws them at the passing bird Pokémon, catching them.

Ian returns Snivy, as they are now on a beach by a city. At a café near the ocean sits Steve, Lana, Mallow and Lillie.

Lana: Hey, is that Ian?

Mallow: It is! Wonder when he got here.

Lillie: I’m more concerned on how we didn’t notice him sooner. Should we go say hi? 

Steve: Nah. He’s battling. And by the looks of it, he’s losing. (Takes a sip of drink) I say we let it play out.

Ian throws his Pokéball, choosing Drilbur.

Gash: Ha! That won’t help you! Explosion!

Ian: Dig!

Drilbur Digs into the sand as Creeper explodes again. People on the beach scream in turmoil as they flee the surrounding area. The smoke clears with Creeper standing, as Drilbur breaks out of the ground and strikes it.

Gash: That’s cheating! Get it Creeper, come on!

Ian: Dig!

Drilbur Digs again, as Creeper explodes again. Drilbur breaks out and strikes it again.

Ian: Metal Claw!

Drilbur’s claws glow like metal, slashing through Creeper. The battling pair vibrate and disappear, Mallow rubbing her eyes as if she was seeing thing.

Mallow: Where’d they go?

Lana: Should we see if we can find them?

Steve: Nah.

Lillie: You sure?

Steve: Trust me. Ian can handle it. He’s just gotten himself in another crazy mess. 

Just as he pronounces the "ss" in "mess", the Taburnackle flies over the roof of the café, blowing their food off the table and mussing their hair. A few Pokeballs fly from the ship into the water, catching Magikarp, and the ship flies off just as suddenly. The party stands as cracks in reality appear on the ground and shadowy material begins seeping out of it. Steve points at the cracks as if they proved his point.

Steve: See? Crazy mess. 

Spinarak-Man swings through a city, as Ian and Gash appear in the street. Gash now uses a Xenomorph, it having Drilbur retracted in a drill mode between its teeth.

Spinarak-Man: Ah! Aliens! Better handle that before they start laying eggs in people!

Xenomorph chucks Drilbur into the air, leaping to strike it with its claws. Drilbur uses Metal Claw to counter it, but is slashed into the ground. It goes to pounce as Ian returns Drilbur.

Ian: Still going for unnecessarily dangerous creatures? That want nothing but to kill their target. I was right. You’re not fit to be a trainer. 

Gash: Like you could stop it! Give it your best shot!

Ian: If you insist. Victini, Searing Shot.

Victini leaps out, pointing its finger at Xenomorph. The group vibrates and disappears, a small smoke stack coming from the spot. Spinarak-Man lands, scratching his head. 

Spinarak-Man: (Matter of fact) Aliens. Always a weird day.

Just then his Spinarak-Sense tingles, and he dives to the side as a massive airship flying dangerously low. He tries to recover and web onto it with his String Shot shooters, but the ship is moving too fast and gets away. He sees Pokeballs flying out to catch Pokemon as the ship moves.

Ian and Gash are now in the Mixas desert, a heavy sandstorm blowing. Ian puts his goggles and bandana on, as Gash flaps his arms against the sand.

Gash: What the heck?! (Spits sand) Give me my beach back!

Xenomorph howls, its chest seared from the Searing Shot. Acidic blood is splattered over the sand, it releasing a steam trail in the air. Xenomorph is enraged as it charges and swings its tail at Victini.

Ian: Confusion! Then go for Flame Charge!

Victini uses Confusion, manipulating the sand on the ground. It hardens from the force of Confusion, the tail unable to pierce through it and remaining trapped. Victini stomps its foot and is encased in fire, ramming Xenomorph in the chest. Xenomorph is dislodged from the sand, though Victini howls as patches of its fur dissolve from the acid.

Ian: So we can’t get close. At least hitting that spot. 

Gash: Ha! Xenomorphs are some of the best predators in the world! (Under breath) Minus the Predators. You can’t stop it!

Ian: How about Confusion!

Victini uses Confusion, creating a tidal wave of sand to slam down on Xenomorph. Victini then fires Searing Shot, releasing an explosion. The group is now in a black terrain with tall black and white trees, lightning striking all around from the dark storm clouds above. Xenomorph is trapped in a mound of glass, the heat of the Searing Shot having converted the sand. 

Gash: Whoa! You superheated the sand to form a prison. Trapping Xenomorph because you knew you couldn’t defeat it. (Returns Xenomorph) But that isn’t even my strongest!

Gash throws his Pokéball, choosing Caelian. The seed in Gash’s pocket begins to resonate in response to it. 

Gash: Go! Blinding power of light! Sun Salutation!

Ian: Solar Beam!

Caelian forms a sphere of light in front of it while stretching its body up to the sky. It flexes its body forward, launching the Sun Salutation. Victini forms and fires Solar Beam, which is shattered by Sun Salutation. Ian and Victini dive out of the way of the attack, striking a tree behind them. 

The intensity of the heat creates static charges on it, as the tree begins to stir. It raises its root like legs out of the ground, as it stretches its arms up. Xurkitree lets out an electric buzzing yawn, as it spots the group. Xurkitree begins skipping towards them, them all startled.

Ian: What Pokémon is that?!

Gash: How should I know? Take it out!

Caelian shoots a fast fist of light, striking Xurkitree and stopping its advance. It buzzes enthusiastically as it fires a Thunderbolt at Caelian. It strikes its mask and electrocutes it, the light body retreating into the mask. Gash returns Caelian as Xurkitree fires another Thunderbolt. Drilbur spins through the air with Drill Run, intercepting the attack. Ian and Victini join Gash.

Ian: What are you waiting for? Use the seed and get us out of here. 

Gash: Uh, right!

Gash pulls the seed out, its glow barely visible. He slams his hand onto it, though nothing happens. He tries again, now freaking out. 

Gash: What the heck?!

Ian: You must’ve used it up when switching battle terrains.

Gash: Huh? I didn’t do that!

Ian: Then how did—

Drilbur: Dril!

Xurkitree’s arm glows purple for Power Whip, volleying Drilbur into the air. Ian returns it as Xurkitree swings its arm at them. Victini fires Searing Shot, exploding and severing part of Xurkitree’s arm. Xurkitree cries and runs off, when it is struck by lightning from above. It begins to heal and regrow the limb, as it turns back towards the two trainers. The group is gone, as it looks confused. It then wanders off. Under the severed limbs are Ian, Victini, Gash and Ewok, Ewok using the limbs as cover.

Ian: Quick thinking there.

Gash: Thanks. What do you think happened? The seed isn’t working.

Ian: What caused it to work the first time?

Gash: Uh, oh! I let Caelian hold it!

Gash opens the Pokéball, choosing Caelian. It remains in its mask, not coming out.

Gash: Hey Caelian! We need you here!

Ian: That Pokémon’s Thunderbolt must’ve been considerably strong. Maybe it could charge the seed. They both seem like plant type creatures.

Gash: Eh, unlikely. I have a feeling that the Seed only reacts with Caelian. We need a new plan.

Ian: Hm. How did we travel? During the battle.

Gash: I guess that it occurred when we collided attacks. Kirby and Oshawott’s Razor Shell, Xenomorph and Victini. It always occurred when our attacks collided.

Ian: So if we do that again, we can get out of here. 

Gash: You think Ewok and Victini can do it? 

Ian: They’ll have to. 

The two push their way out of the foliage, taking positions again. The two prepare to attack each other, when a lightning bolt falls towards them. Ewok uses its spear to draw it in and take it, being fine. The buzzing sound returns, as Xurkitree prances back towards them.

Gash: You’ve got to be kidding!

Ian: There’s no time! 

Gash: Right. Ewok, attack!

Ian: Victini, Flame Charge!

Ewok charges spear first as Victini goes for Flame Charge. Xurkitree swings Power Whip, the three attacks colliding. They vanish just as the Taburnackle appears overhead.

Matak: I've lost their signature! Their inferior brains led them out of the Pokeverse entirely!

Iris: Where we can't follow.

Balzak: Keep scanning for them!

Mary: Looks like we have no choice. If we can't catch them the old-fashioned way, we'll have to break the Professor's rules and stop them, before they tear the Universe apart. Or Multiverse, or whatever it is.

Rui: And tear it apart trying to stop them?! No thanks!

Iris: We're out of options. We have to try!

Balzak: Matak, target the distortion they disappeared through and tear that thing open!

Ian and Gash's group all are transported to a swamp like world, them all dumped in the swamp.

Ian: Not good. Victini! Get us out!

Victini lifts the group with Confusion, getting them out of the swamp water. Xurkitree sparks with electricity, inadvertently shocking itself. Victini takes them to the shore, when a giant red Galvanic Mechamorph is there, with an animalistic body style and spikes on its back. Its right hand is in the shape of a cannon. The sky has several cracks through it as meteorites fall through the sky.

Malware: Everything on Galvin Prime shall be eliminated! This is the time for Malware!

Malware fires a laser from the cannon, as Victini counters it with Searing Shot. Gash returns Ewok as he prepares another Pokéball. Suddenly Xurkitree leaps over them and lands in front of Malware.

Malware: What manner of creature is this?

Xurkitree grabs onto Malware, and releases a powerful Thunderbolt. Malware howls as it breaks apart, falling over. Xurkitree looks back to Ian and Gash, appearing proud of itself.

Gash: It helped us. 

Ian: It is stuck with us.

Iris: Ian! Finally!

The air vibrates as the others arrive. Iris shoots out and hugs Ian, but breaks away just as fast.

Iris: We’ve been looking through all the dimensions for you!

Ian: Glad you found us. We’ve been jumping quite a bit. 

The ground shakes, as a meteorite falls towards them.

Gash: Whatever you guys did to get here, do it again!

Mary and Rui hold the staff, as they vibrate and disappear. The spot they were just standing on is impacted.  

Chapter 5: Race to the Finish Line[]

The group all appears through a distortion aboard the Taburnackle, and land in a trash heap. 

Matak: The Tether worked! We've dragged them back to the Pokéverse. 

Balzak: But at what cost? 

N speaks with Xurkitree, which is sparking with glee.

Xurkitree: And so I saw them having so much fun and I wanted to play with them!

N: I see. This must’ve been a very exciting day for you. 

Xurkitree: So much fun! We played then we went to this place where the ground wasn’t solid and liked my lightning! Then I played with another guy, though I don’t think he liked it. He fell over afterwards.

N: Your style of playing is just strong. Not all of us are as tough as you.

Gash: Or any of us, actually.

Xurkitree: Oh, okay! I will be gentle in playing!

Around the ship, cracks are forming all over the place, with shadowy material leaking out.  Umbrians start to crawl out and fly towards the ship as it takes off. Distortions become a source of turbulence and begin shaking the ship.

Gash: What's going on?! 

Ian: (Pulls out a Pokeball) Our battle must have opened cracks in space time. 

Matak: At last the realization dawns on the creature's petty brain! Yes, you've been tearing the Universe apart with each blow! 

Gash: (Worried) What can we do? 

Mary: You always worry about the consequences only after your actions, you idiot. (Pulls him up by the hand) Come on, we've got to get to the Core. 

Gash: The core of what? 

Rui: I thought it was the Source! 

Kidd: It's the Fabric of Reality!

Mary: Whatever! 

Balzak: We need to capture more Pokemon to get closer to the Core! 

Rui: How do we know we're going in the right "direction" through the vibrational spectrum?

Matak: All directions lead to the Core if you follow them far enough! 

The turbulence gets worse as the ship struggles to avoid the tears in space and the Umbrians pouring out of them, all heading straight for the ship. 

Matak: How about you inferior beings do something to keep them off of us?!

Iris: Got it! Axew, Dragon Rage!

Ian: Victini, Solar Beam!

N: Yo'ster, Xurkitree, please assist.

Yo'ster: You betcha!

Xurkitree: Yay! More fun!

Yo'ster throws Egg Bombs that drive the Umbrians off while Xurkitree releases a powerful Thunderbolt, the flash of light helping to deter them. However, it's only a matter of time till they're overwhelmed. 

Balzak: We're coming up on an island region. 

Gash: Hey I recognize that! That's my home again! 

Mary: But why does it look so different? 

The ship shakes violently from a collision from a spacetime disruption, as the Taburnackle veers away.

Balzak: We'll never make it there on the ship. You've got to go on without us. 

Iris: What do you mean? 

Balzak: (staggers as the ship takes another hit) The closer we get to that island, the worse the turbulence gets! We'll crash before we get there! You've got to jump into the water and proceed to the island while we draw the Umbrians away! It's the only way, we've got to be close to the Core now! 

Ian: It's the only way. Victini, think you can help with that?

Victini: Tini!

Everyone jumps off the ship, Victini using Confusion to have them float above the water. A school of Wishiwashi swim below, the group catching them to accelerate their travel to the island. The Umbrians pursue the ship instead of them, giving them a clean shot to the island. Distantly they see the Taburnackle catch flames and start going down as it's overwhelmed by Umbrians. But as they approach the shore, they realize just how different the place looks. 

Kidd: We've been traveling along the vibrational spectrum of the Universe as we caught Pokemon in different regions. The whole time it seemed like we were in the same universe, but we've been shifting gradually. 

Mary: These trees are so dark and creepy! 

Rui: Don't worry Mary. (Sweetly) You can cling to me if you're scared.

Ian: Is anything familiar? 

Gash: This looks kinda like the Robot Path... but without all the metal and the shifting paths. 

Kidd: The Core must be connected to the universe here somehow. Somewhere on this island, on this frequency, there must be a place to access it. A portal, a distortion, something! 

Gash: Then it'll be where the Tower is in my frequency. Zoovac's tower. 

Mary: Hate that guy. So pompous. 

Ian: If he's someone Gash doesn't like, he sounds like my kind of fellow. 

Gash: Oh, you two would get along great. 

N: Let's stay focused. Do you know how to get there, Gash? 

Gash: This way.

They begin following Gash down the winding path, when suddenly a figure appears out of the brush. It's Ian. 

Doppelgänger Ian: There you are, Gash! I've been looking all over for you for a rematch! 

Gash: Wait is that, our Ian?

Rui: Oh great. Having one annoying brother was enough. 

Doppelgänger Ian: It's time for a rematch! Keep up or you'll get left behind! 

Ian: (Groans) That's not how you use that phrase.

Before Gash can respond, the group is surrounded by wooden automatons. They bare sharpened spears on the ends of their arms 

Cilan: Robots! 

Kidd: We don't have time for this, we need to keep moving or the Universe will be destroyed. 

Doppelgänger Ian: Not my problem! Sandslash, use Sandstorm!

Doppelgänger Ian opens a Pokéball, choosing Sandslash. Sandslash swings its claws, releasing a Sandstorm over the field. 

Ian: Victini, pierce through with Confusion!

Victini uses Confusion, as a large crack occurs. The automatons are shattered, with both Ians gone. 

Iris: Ian!

Gash: There’s no time to waste!

Everyone runs for it, with Pokemon covering for them as much as more wooden automatons appear. Tektite leaps and pounces at them. Ape-Ball runs around smashing them. Xurkitree sends out Yo'ster curled up in an egg and plows through them, immune to their weapons. 

The foliage gets thicker as they run, as Ewok easily clears a path for the group. The group tear out of the woods into a vast clearing. There in the middle is a swirling distortion towering into the sky. Umbrians are pouring out of it, flying in all directions. A general shadow pervades the area, deeper and darker than the night itself. 

Kidd: The tower? 

Gash: This is where it should be... but this is far worse... 

Cilan: All those Umbrians. There’s no way we’ll be able to fight through them all.

Gash: In that case, let’s catch ‘em all!

Everyone stares at Gash as if he’s crazy.

Gash: What? They may be monstrous creatures trying to kill us, but they’re still Pokémon. Nothing stopping us from catching them.

Mary: (Impressed) That, might just be the smartest thing you’ve ever said.

Rui: In that case we better get started.

The Umbrians fly to attack, as everyone chooses their Pokémon. Druddigon and Krypton Firefly  breathe Flamethrower. Axew fires Dragon Rage. Pansage fires Bullet Seed as Dwebble fires Rock Slide. Yo’ster throws eggs as Xurkitree fires Thunderbolt. Lillipup fires Shadow Ball. Kidd chooses Marx, a pink ball creature with big eyes, two big feet and a jester hat colored red and blue. It forms wings made of glowing crystals, which are supported by two yellow arms. It fires Shooter Cutter, which slices through several masks. Ewok jabs through Umbrian masks with its spear. Everyone throws Pokéballs as they go, capturing Umbrians. The terrain rapidly shifts around them, heading directly towards the tower. Gash looks back towards Mallet Town, certain.

Gash: I’ll be right back! I’m going to make sure that Ian’s okay!

Rui: That’s seriously what you’re going to do at this exact moment?! We’re about to enter the core thing!

Gash: Trust me, it’ll be good!

Kidd: In that case, take the staff! You’ll need it to find us!

Kidd tosses the staff to Gash, as he nods. He and Ewok lag behind while the others all capture one more Umbrian.  

Chapter 6: Endgame[]

The heroes all now float in space, overlooking the World Tree with the dimensions branching off of it. N is caring for Yo’ster and Xurkitree. Katsuyu is divided into several parts and covering everyone’s Pokéballs as well as their Pokémon to heal them.

Iris: To think that we’re charged with restoring the Fabric of Reality.

Cilan: This is truly a breathtaking event. Though it is terrible that it’s happening.

Kidd: Now we have the mission of stopping this nightmare. We need to find the source.

Iris: There are so many branches and dimensions. There’s no way we can check them all!

Rui: So we don’t look at the branches! We look at the trunk!

Mary: She’s right. All those dimensions are stemming off the tree, which means it started there. So our best bet is in the trunk. After all, it makes sense for Ginkgo's "Source" to be right in the middle. 

Katsuyu: I have healed everyone’s Pokémon. But I am pretty exhausted after all that, so I may not be able to help out anymore. I apologize. 

N: No need to apologize. You did marvelous in this task.

Mary returns Katsuyu, as the group floats toward the trunk. They go through a knot hole in it, entering the Fabric of Reality. The area is dark, with them being as visible as if there was light shining on them. There is a large black and red heart, with branches and arteries extending out and digging into the trunk, releasing poison energy through them into the dimensions. The large heart has a large metal mask covering it, revealing it to be an Umbrian.

Lust: (Telepathically) So you all made it here. I must thank you for opening the way. But now, if I am to continue to flourish in this conquest, you must disappear.

Mary: Wait, I know you, you're Lilium! That weird shadowy gym leader from the Shadow Path. You wanted to convert everyone into shadow beings!

Lust: Yes, Lilium, my doppleganger from your world. She had the right ambition but lacked the power or the will to do what's necessary. That's why she lost to Gash and why she tried to resist me. Her power is now mine. You won't find me as weak as you remember!!!

Lust pumps her body, hundreds of Umbrians materializing in the space between her and the heroes.

Cilan: What’s the plan?

Mary: We break the mask, we break her. So break the mask. Tear through the rest of them.

Gash and Ewok make their way back through the condensed forest, when automatons appear and fire wooden spikes at them. Ewok spins its spear and deflects them, though Gash pulls back behind some cover. 

Gash: Do these guys really think they can handle me? Ewok, foliage through them!

Ewok dashes into the bushes, the automatons pursuing. Several vine cords pop up and trip them, falling to the ground. The automatons begin firing wooden spikes, hitting nothing. A large tree trunk tied up by vines swings through like a battering ram, shattering them. Ewok cheers with victory.

Gash: That’s the way! I guess Ian is right. That was pretty violent. Now, where is he?

The terrain around him begins to dissolve, as the trees fade away. The Ians battling becomes visible in the background, with Sandslash’s Slash attack colliding with Victini’s Flame Charge. The collision causes a space time crack, as more of the terrain disintegrates. A pathway leading up to them remains, but the remainder of the area is barren. 

Gash: Shoot. I guess two of the same person encountering themselves is creating a paradox or something. We gotta get them apart. (Considering) Or maybe, bring them together. 

Gash returns Ewok, as he chooses Kirby.

Kirby: Uhn?

Gash: Kirby, use Inhale! Suck both of them in!

Kirby: Yah!

Kirby runs down the barren pathway, Inhaling. The Ians begin to be sucked in by the suction.

Ian: Gash! What are you doing?!

Doppelgänger Ian: You’re ruining our battle!

Sandslash fires Stone Edge while Victini fires Solar Beam, both of them being sucked into Kirby’s mouth. The suction lifts Sandslash and Victini off their feet, the Ians returning them.

Gash: Sorry guys. But this is for your own good!

The Ians are lifted off the ground, screaming as they are sucked into Kirby. He closes his mouth, still inflated, as he releases Ian. Kirby sports Ian’s hairstyle, as Ian looks at himself with uncertainty. The destruction of the surroundings recedes with Gash returning Kirby.

Gash: Uh, Ian? Which Ian are you?

Ian: I, don’t know. It feels like both. I have unfamiliar memories. Like battling you at Victory Road, and our encounter in the Dream World.

Gash: Sweet! At the very least we fixed the paradox!

Ian: Not bad, I guess. Even if I still feel weird.

Gash: Hey, you should be thanking me! Without my quick thinking, you would’ve destroyed the universe!

Ian sternly glares Gash down, though Gash returns the glare. Ian reluctantly rolls his eyes.

Ian: (Under breath) Thanks I guess.

Gash: I’ll take it! Now, (holds up the staff) let’s go kick some butt.

Ian grabs ahold of the staff, as they spot the vibrational frequencies of the others. They vibrate and travel to them, floating in black space. Iris, Axew, Druddigon, Cilan, Pansage, Rui, Lillipup, Yo’ster, Mary and Krypton Firefly float aimlessly, the color drained from them. N, Xurkitree, Kidd and Marx are the only ones remaining in the battle. Ian and Gash float up to them as hundreds of Umbrians swarm towards them.

Gash: Yeesh! To think they’d be so helpless without us! Pac-Man, power up!

Gash opens the Pokéball, choosing Pac-Man. Pac-Man eats a power pellet, taking a large 2D form and soaring forward. It eats its way through the Umbrians, several of them retreating. A path is cleared directly to Lust.

Gash: Now! Full frontal assault!

Ian: Victini!

N: Xurkitree!

Kidd: Marx!

Ian chooses Victini from its Pokéball. Victini fires Searing Shot, Xurkitree fires Thunderbolt and Marx fires Marx Laser. The attacks all crash into Lust’s mask, it ringing from the impact but taking them. 

N: No! 

Kidd: (Broccoli top bobbling) This nightmare is even worse than I thought!

Ian: That mask resisted all our attacks. Absorbed the impact almost.

Gash: Did you hear that hollow ringing sound from it? 

Ian: Faintly. You recognize it? 

Gash: Duh! It’s the same material that the space base we were in was made of!

Kidd: The mask is made of vibranium?! We’re so dead.

Gash: Not true. That Acid Ball was able to melt through it. A strong enough corrosive material could do it!

Victini: Ooh! The Xenomorph! Its blood is made of that stuff if I’m correct!

N: Victini mentioned something called a Xenomorph?

Gash: Acidic blood!

Ian: Is it strong enough to melt that?

Gash: Worth a shot! Make a path!

Gash opens two Pokéballs, choosing Caelian and Xenomorph. 

Lust: You think that I could be tamed by a mere Caelian? Its power is insignificant compared to my current status. 

Gash: Prove it then! Sun Salutation!

Ian: Searing Shot!

Caelian and Victini fire Sun Salutation and Searing Shot, as Lust counters with the energy blast. The attacks collide and cancel each other out. Ian and Gash hold up the staff, as Xenomorph vibrates forward. It appears in front of Lust and releases its acid, hitting the mask and beginning the corrosion. Lust blasts Xenomorph, causing it to explode. The acidic blood spews all over the mask, Lust hissing from the discomfort. 

Gash: No! It didn’t work!

Ian: No, it did. That mask is extremely cracked. 

Gash: In that case we can’t waste Xenomorph’s sacrifice. Full on attack!

Victini fires Searing Shot, Caelian Sun Salutation, Xurkitree Thunderbolt and Marx fires Marx Laser. The attacks hit the vibranium mask in the cracked locations, causing it to break and separate. Lust screams in agony, as the shadow over the heart disperses. Lust’s true body, in humanoid form, flees and escapes. The staff points itself towards the heart, releasing an energy wave. The vibrations trigger the heart to release a flash of light, enveloping the area.

Epilogue: Ginkgo's Revenge[]

The gang is all back at the spot by the ocean where Ian’s group was having lunch earlier that day, the seas calm and everything back to normal. It is nighttime with the moon high in the sky. Everyone collapse to the ground in exhaustion, groaning.

Rui: Ah! That was way too much work! 

Mary: Agreed. Running through all those dimensions takes a lot out of you. 

N: At least we managed to restore everything to its proper place. 

Xurkitree: That was so much fun! Let’s go again!

Cilan: The important thing now is to be able to get everyone back to their home dimension. 

Ian: Agreed. Gash. 

Gash: Huh? Oh, alright. 

Ian and Gash use the staff, as Kidd and Marx are first.

Kidd: Finally. Time to go back to my world. To awaken from this dream.

Kidd and Marx fade out of existence, as Yo’ster cries and hugs N.

Yo’ster: I’m gonna miss you!

Xurkitree: Come and play with me sometime!

N: I will. Take care you two.

Yo’ster and Xurkitree are the next ones to fade away. N adjusts his hat, looking at Ian. 

N: Don’t expect us to be friends the next time we meet. I will not steer away from my destiny. 

N takes off, leaving everyone concerned.

Mary: What’d he mean by that?

Rui: Who cares? (Leans into Mary) I’m just upset that this is goodbye for us.

Mary: Listen, it’s been real. But I am not interested. 

Rui: Aw! That obvious?

Mary: (laughing) Very. Though I do have to admit, we do make a pretty good team. And I had a good time working with you.

Mary leans in, kissing Rui on the cheek. Rui recoils back as if this was unexpected.

Mary: If you guys are ever in Mallet, you should definitely stop by! It'd be great to see you.

Rui: (Swings arms in front of her joyfully) Heh. Consider it a date.

Iris: Ugh. Such a kid.

Mary: Now Gash, take us home.

Gash: Are you kidding?! Ian and I never finished our battle!

Iris: We just saw the beginnings of the universe and all you’re thinking about is a battle?!

Ian: I accept. I understand that your attitudes and training style is simply a match to the world you live in. As long as we can agree no death or destruction, then we’re good.

Gash: Score! Caelian! Let’s finish Victini!

Gash and Caelian take their position, while Ian and Victini do as well. A ripple occurs as the Taburnackle sails over the ocean, it heavily damaged. Baltak, Matak and Professor Ginkgo are all on the bow. Professor Ginkgo suddenly appears on the shore.

Ginkgo: Finally! Based off the vibrational anomalies here I was hoping you’d be here.

Gash: Ginkgo! (Nervous) How you doing?

Ginkgo marches up to Gash in anger. He takes the staff back from him, as he holds his hand out in a demanding motion. Gash sighs and pulls out the seed, putting it in his hand. 

Ginkgo: And this is why I don’t allow you in my lab unsupervised.

Mary: We are so sorry about that, professor.

Ginkgo: (Sighs with reluctance) Doesn’t matter now. What’s important is that it’s over. You kids saved the day, as I knew you would. This issue isn't completely resolved, however: that shard of Soluna is still there, holding this much of Universes together into one partially overlapping mess, and there are sure to be more consequences of that in the future and potentially more flare-ups. But for now you've saved the day. I think given the circumstances you all should know my true name, or at least the one they call me in most of the worlds. You can call me Ginkus. That one's my favorite.

Rui: Ugh, long moving speech. BORING!

Cilan: Professor Ginkus? I have to say it has been an honor to meet you. Perhaps if we meet again you can better explain the theories and practicalities of the multi-verse.

Ginkgo: And perhaps we will have that opportunity. Now, I’m resetting all the frequencies so that none of them are overlapping, so the Universe can heal. This will only last for a day or two, due to the state of flux of the Pokéverse. It'll overlap again just like normal after that. So you all say goodbye now.

Gash: Aw! I wanted to battle Ian!

Ginkgo: Tough.

Gash: Well, (looks at Ian) Till next time then.

Ian: I’ll be waiting.

Mary: It was nice to meet you all!

Ginkgo holds up the staff, as he, Gash, Mary and their Pokémon fade away. Everyone else lies down.

Rui: So tired.

Iris: So hungry.

Cilan: And it’s way past bedtime!

Ian: Heh. I’ll get something whipped up for food. Try and stay awake till then.

Victini: (Giggling) Tini!

Main Events[]

  • Ian meets Gash in the real world for the first time.
  • Ian and Gash avert the destruction of the multiverse.
  • The idea of the multiverse and it overlapping franchises together for crossovers is further explained.


Pokémon Tales dimension[]

  • Ian
  • Rui
  • Iris
  • Cilan
  • N

Pokémon Stop dimension[]

  • Gash Ketchum
  • Mary
  • Professor Ginkgo
  • Kidd Funkadelic Jr.
  • Balzek Globotron
  • Matek
  • Ian (Dopplëganger)
  • Lust

Cameo characters[]

  • Kyle
  • Steve
  • Lana
  • Mallow
  • Lillie
  • Spinarak-Man
  • Malware


Standard Pokémon[]

  • Victini (Ian's)
  • Audino (Ian's)
  • Oshawott (Ian's)
  • Snivy (Ian's)
  • Drilbur (Ian's)
  • Tepig (Ian's)
  • Purrloin (Rui's)
  • Lillipup (Rui's)
  • Axew (Iris')
  • Druddigon (Iris')
  • Pansage (Cilan's)
  • Pidgey
  • Wishiwashi
  • Xurkitree
  • Hydreigon (several, dream version)
  • Sandslash (Dopplëganger Ian's)

Paper Computer Game Pokémon[]

  • Caelian (Gash's)
  • Kirby (Gash's)
  • Creeper (Gash's)
  • Ewok (Gash's)
  • Xenomorph (Gash's)
  • Pac-Man (Gash's)
  • Krypton Firefly (Mary's)
  • Katsuyu (Mary's)
  • Tektite (Mary's)
  • Ape Ball (Kidd's)
  • Marx (Kidd's)
  • Yo'ster (one befriended N)
  • Umbrians
    • Envy
  • Tutorial Bot
  • BB-8
  • Box Bot
  • Acid Ball
  • Wooden Automatons


  • This is my second crossover with Xaq.
    • This is also my first crossover with a co-writer, as both me and Xaq wrote on this crossover.
  • This special encorporated elements from Xaq's Paper Computer Games, specifically Pokémon Stop.
  • Several other series are included or referenced here. They are...
    • Final Fantasy: with Sapphire Weapon
    • Kirby, Marx (Kirby), Yo'ster (Yoshi), Monty Mole (Mario) and Tektite (Legend of Zelda) from Nintendo properties.
    • Ewok and BB-8 from Star Wars.
    • Pac-Man from Cam-com
    • Krypton Firefly from Superman
    • Katsuyu from Naruto
    • Vibranium (Marvel)
    • Xenomorph from Aliens franchise
    • Caelian's move Sun Salutation is based from Super Smash Bros, being a special move of Wii Fit Trainer.
  • Calien, Umbrians, Ape Balls and Space Balls are unique creations of Xaq for his Paper Computer games.
  • The idea of Xenomorph acid being used to melt Lust's vibranium mask was based off a forum post debating if Xenomorph acid could be used to melt through vibranium.
  • This special gave a stronger focus on Mary, developing her as a character.
    • All of her Pokémon are insect based.
  • The different dimensions featured in this episode were based off the various dimensions/franchises that appear on the Pokémon Fan Fiction Wiki.
    • The Dream World was featured heavily in Pokémon Tales: Dawn, and was where Ian and Gash first met.
    • Yo'ster Canyon and Mallet Town were from Xaq's dimension.
      • The robot factory with the Vibranium base is confirmed to be in the far future in Xaq's dimension.
    • While New Tork City is an anime location, it features Kyle from Pokémon Chronicles: Kanto, it occurring in his dimension.
    • Melemele Island from Steve's dimension.
    • Mixas Desert.
    • Ultra Space. This features the first appearance of Ultra Space, and a real Ultra Beast.
    • The Ben 10 world, while based off the Ben 10 cartoon, was inspired by Steve's series "Final Countdown," which did a crossover with PT:D in Alien Journey into the Unown.
  • Gash using Kirby to merge the two versions of Ian together was a compromise on averting the paradox.
  • The dream Hydreigon is based off Iris' dream in Vs. Musharna.
  • Xurkitree having a child like playful personality is due to it being a small Xurkitree, with Ultra Plant showing Xurkitree that are as tall as mountains. I interpreted that as the smaller Xurkitree were younger.