Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

The Pokémon Universe was a universe in the Pokémon Multiverse in which humans live alongside creatures with incredible abilities known as Pokémon. Humans use these creatures for all purposes, including battling them and collecting. This world is not part of the PCG Multiverse, but is rather part of its own Multiverse which is located very distant from the PCG one. ("Pokémon Stop")

The universe is comprised of several partially-overlapping universes, such that multiple versions of the same person may exist in different places at the same time as if they were in different universes, but they are also able to reach each other via conventional travel as if they were in the same universe. ("Crisis in the Dream World")


This section is a full list of all fanon stories in continuity with the PCG Franchise and its take on Pokémon. This includes independent fan fiction series that have crossed over with the Pokémon PCGs.

In PCGs[]

Fan Fics[]

  • The Legend of Spinarak-Man
  • Pokémon Tales
  • Dakota Rex: Pokémon Master
  • The Super Surprising Adventures of Steve
  • Pokémon Chronicles