Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

Parts of this content have been proven false.

Purple holes are created when a paradox or something unexplainable happens. They form all around the universe, and they get exponentialy bigger, until they tear the Universe apart. The most purple holes ever recorded was 2,147,483,647. In the year 100,000, a purple hole appeared, which by this time became normal, but this was a special year, because this was the year Cavern Science finally proved their theory of Purple Holes having nothing inside them, except if the multiverse is filled. The multiverse becomes filled by the time 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 purple holes are generated. In this case, all Universes are now connected with each other in a non-euclidean way. That's exactly what happened that year. (Chronicles Addendum - "The Last of the Zorelta")

Malum Holes[]

Unlike Purple Holes, Malum holes affect a collection of multiverses (Let's call it Omniverse for the simplicity). They can never fill the omniverse. There has only existed one Malum Hole ever, but it's not scientifiacly proven. Science says that if a Malum Hole would to occur, every single atom in everything would be destroyed. (Chronicles Addendum - "The Last of the Zorelta")
