Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

Spitzenfreizen, or "Razin", is a little german fly from Apeball land. He is one of Xaq's sidekicks. He seems to have heart problems.


Very little is known about the history of this little guy. He was first seen trapped in a cage that was hanging from the mouth of a T-Rex. Xaq, who had just appeared there, managed to rescue Razin.

Razin has since accompanied Xaq and helped him through his adventure, although he has a heart attack whenever he tries to lift anything heavy. (Series 2: "Xaq to the Future")


Razin, as seen in Tutorial Bot's Past.

He later appeared with Xaq in Tutorial Bot's hallucination, as part of a trading sequence. This occurred in a false memory, so it may not have really happened. (Space-Balls: "Tutorial Bot's Past")

He was selected as part of a jury by the Interdimensional Court, to rule on The Shadow's case against Xaq. The jury ultimately voted unanimously in Xaq's favor, including Razin. (Xaq Series - Mark III: "PCG Anniversary Special II" by Chris)


See Also[]

Xaq's Team
The team of Xaq, Zoovac, and their allies
Main Team XaqAriColetteChrisPierreZoovac
Other members PoochiePuppyScoobyCassieThe FarmerLaura
Temporary Sidekicks & Allies Spitzenfreizen (Razin)Monkey-like ThingStone GuardianJamesJohn D. WhitmoreChanai Du Ðux