Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

The Reactor is a planned Lego paper game console that has yet to be released. It was announced in Matt Lego's 80 sub special :) video released on September 30th 2013.[1] The special thing about this game console is that it is made out of Lego. No other paper game console has been made out of Lego. Despite its Lego body, the console still plays paper games. The console will be the second paper game console to have a Home menu and Start Up screen.

The console was initially announced as the Spectrum LX, and since then its name has changed repeatedly to the XBOX 720, the XBOX Durango, and finally to its current name. Unfortunately, there haven't been any updates in many years and the videos have been taken down, so it's unlikely it will see release.


The console is currently in Alpha. The original prototype for the console was the Fun Box but Matt Lego has edited it to make it bigger but also slimmer. There is a Lego fan to cool down the console down if overheating may occur. There are also air holes all over the console for air to escape. On the alpha version of the console, a card slot was added. Any addons for the console can be inserted into the card slot and used for the console.[2]

To play games, there was a cartridge slot on top of the console on beta. This was changed for the alpha of the console to a disc slot to insert paper discs. Another update to the console added a place to insert discs on the side of the console and used the original disc slot to take out the games on top of the console.

The console was announced to come with a massive 900GB (or blocks) of memory. However, a more recent update claims that the Reactor's hardware is a total of only 8gb, the software is all downloadable content.


When the console is turned on, the Spectrum LX logo will appear. A few seconds later, it shows: "The Future Has Been BUILT". That is the motto for the Spectrum LX. After that, it shows the Home menu. It has: Play Game, Virtual Console Store, Options, LX Live. There are also blank boxes below these which show any games you purchase on the Virtual Console Store. It is rumored that there will be an Arcade feature to download games just for the Spectrum LX.

Play Game[]

The Play Game feature on the Spectrum LX will play any game that is currently inserted into the console.

Virtual Console Store[]

The Virtual Console Store lets you download Z-Zone, Z-Pocket or Dolphin games onto your Spectrum LX console. Once downloaded, they will appear in the Home menu.


The options mode lets you change many options like the speed of the fan, the temperature of the cooling chips, date and time, vibration of the rumble pack and memory card and console formats.

Durango Live[]

Durango Live, formerly known as LX Live or 720 Live, is the multiplayer for the Spectrum LX. It will be released after the console's launch. This will be used to play online with other players. Skype can be downloaded to talk to other players on multiplayer. The microphone on the Spectrum LX controller will be used for Skype.

To play online you also need an LX Live account. You will need an internet access point and a Wi-Fi browser to connect to LX Live. Originally, to keep online play you will need to play online at least once a day but it was later changed.


The Spectrum LX was announced to have 14 games at launch, making it have the most launch titles ever in the paper game community. Currently, there are only 1 player games being developed for the console mainly because Matt Lego quoted "...this controller took alot of work to make" and he didn't have the right Lego pieces to build a second controller.[3]Using the Spectrum Move though, you will be able to play 2 player games. 3 of the launch games are motion capable.[4]

It was rumored that Matt Lego might have made all of the games downloadable but he has confirmed that they will be available on small paper discs inserted in the disc slot in the middle of the console.[5] There is a hole for discs to be put in so the Spectrum LX can play games on the side of the console.

As this article has been updated, some of the earlier announced titles were removed.

Most Recent Library[]

Some of the games are listed below:

  • Warlord
  • Call of Duty (assortment of games)
  • Boxing
  • Mortal kombat
  • Knack
  • Moto GP
  • Mortal Kombat: Legends
  • Rapstar

Announced Launch Titles[]

This lineup was changed over time; here, we're including games from all versions of it.

  • All Star Baseball 2000X
  • Gemious
  • Kabuki Fighters
  • Cricket Match
  • Gundam Vs Evangelion
  • The Chronicles of Azlurk: The Power Discs of Parfisk
  • South Park: The Return of the First Episode Again
  • A-Train Orange
  • Project Gotham Racing: Spectrum Grand Prix
  • The Gods: Sons of Rome
  • Battlefield: Code Red
  • Spectrum Move Sports
  • Dead Lead
  • A-Train Move
  • Dead Lead
  • Mad Moto
  • Dynasty 2
  • Project gotham racing 3
  • Forza urban racing
  • Dead rising 4
  • Halo online 3
  • Burglar
  • Killer Instinct 2
  • Halo online reborn
  • Rayman Infinity 2
  • Dead Lead
  • Call of duty 5: Yetis
  • Battlefield 5


The controller for the Spectrum LX has many new things. It has the very first camera stick to control the camera on paper games. It also has an analog stick on the left which will mainly be for racing games. it also has A, B, X and Y buttons (or green, red, blue and yellow). It also has 2 new buttons: the Black and White buttons. It is unknown what these buttons will be used for. It has Start and Back buttons and a D-Pad as well. There are also L and R trigger buttons for shooters and maybe platform games.

In the middle of the controller there is an L and X sign. There are grips on the back of the controller so as you can hold it very well. It has 3 slots for memory cards, a microphone and a Rumble Pack.

The controller is a big improvement from the Xbox Infinity controller. For one it now has a rumble BUILT IN to the controller on both left and right sides which is termed as "impulse triggers". Also it has 2 new buttons: View and X-Glass eject. view is used to play and watch at the same time and XGE as it is acronimed to is used to go straight back to the New X-GLASS 2 tablet.

Rumble Pack[]

The Rumble Pack is an idea that no other paper game console has had. Whenever the character gets hurt on a paper game, the Rumble Pack will shake the controller. It is inserted into a slot on the controller. The current model for the Rumble pack is called X1. There will be multiple - updated - versions of the Rumble Pack.

It works by having small metallic spheres inside it which vibrate the whole controller.

Memory Card[]

There are memory cards availible for the console. To use the memory card, you simply insert it into a slot on the controller. It has 2 grips ontop where you can pull the card out of the slot easily. It has a total memory of 50GB (or blocks) of memory on it storing over 10 games.


The microphone can be inserted into the controllers slots. It is bendable so as to point it in the right direction to your voice. It can be used to talk to other players on LX Live and also by Skype or any other programs that use a microphone.

Keypad Controller Attachment[]

The Keypad Controller Attachment is an attachment for the controller on Spectrum LX. It is attached on the bottom of the controller and adds a keyboard.


The new home tablet. Compared to the X-GLASS 1, X-GLASS 2 is smaller and easier to hold and is rumored to have a strap to attach around your arm for easier access

Spectrum Move[]

The Spectrum Move is an addon for the Spectrum LX. It is a very small Lego camera that detects motion which can be used for any motion capable games. It can be installed simply by inserting it into the Spectrum LX's card slot. It is on all of the time even when the console is turned off as long as the power switch is on.

Cover Art[]

The cover art for Spectrum LX games contain many things. They will show what console the game is on, show if the game is an exclusive title (only made by Matt Lego) and show the age rating of the game.


The rating system for the Spectrum LX goes as follows:

+3, +7, +12, +16, +18

Matt Lego quoted that he was inspired by the PEGI rating system from the UK.


The Spectrum LX will have a day 1 exclusive pre-order. If you pre-order the console, then you will be able to get lots of items with the console. It comes with:

  • Spectrum LX
  • Spectrum LX Controller
  • Spectrum Move
  • 2? Day 1 2013 Pre-Order Patch
  • Microphone
  • LX Live Gold 12 Month Membership
  • Keypad Controller Attatchment
  • The Gods: Sons of Rome (Day 1 Content)
  • Project Gotham Racing: Spectrum Grand Prix (Day 1 Content)
  • Spectrum Move Sports (Day 1 Content)

Day 1 2013 Pre-Order Patch[]

The Day 1 2013 Pre-Order Patch is a Lego patch that you will be able to attack onto your Spectrum LX. It is only available if you pre-order the console. It has "Day 1 2013" on it. It is not confirmed but there may be 2 of these, 1 for the controller and 1 for the console.

Day 1 Content[]

Day 1 content is special extra content for The Gods: Sons of RomeProject Gotham Racing: Spectrum Grand Prix and Spectrum Move Sports. It is only availible if you pre-order the Spectrum LX. On the covers for the Day 1 Content it will have a banner saying Day 1 Content.

With Spectrum Move Sports, you will get a special copy of it instead of the actual copy. It it titled Spectrum Move Sports: Day 1 Sports. It includes 3 extra sports for the game: rock climbing, raft races and dodge ball. You will also get equipment for rock climbing. Only one is known: a  golden pickaxe. Because rock climbing will be in Spectrum Move Sports 2, you will be able to use the special items you get in the pre-order edition to use in Spectrum Move Sports 2 when it is released.

With The Gods: Sons of Rome (titled The Gods: Sons of Rome: Day 1 Expansion Pack) it includes 4 new quests, 2 new boss fights and The Ashbringer Sword.

With Project Gotham Racing: Spectrum Grand Prix (titled Project Gotham Racing: Spectrum Grand Prix: Day 1 Expansion Pack) it includes 3 3rd prestiged cars not in the original and 2 new racing tracks.


