Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

Red Rainbow is a heavily armored Space-Ball, whose job it was to apprehend Dino after he'd escaped from the Space Ball Prison ship (Exon). He wore reddish armor instead of the normal blue armor of the Space-Balls, and seemed to have a protective visor, two guns and one flexable spike he uses to impale his victims with. He handcuffed Dino and began to take him away. (Space-Balls Series: "Dino's Quest")


See Also[]

Ape-Balls (VE)
Known variations of the Ape-Ball species
Originals Ape-BallIntell-Ape BallFrog Ape-BallApe-Ball Leader
Space Balls Space-BallAcid Space-BallToxic Space-BallTurbo Space-BallMechanical Armor Space-BallRed Rainbow
Genetic modifications Spike-BallDog Ape-Ball