Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

The SSPG U (SSPG U HD) is a paper game console made by SSPG (DragonMinerToons). It was made around 5 Months after the launch of the Wii U. It is a spinoff of the Wii U and had a life span of about three Months and was the host of most SSPG games.

On 21st April 2013, the console was updated to a SEGA Genesis, putting a SSPG U logo ontop of it. It plays SEGA Genesis cratridges with paper covers over them. Also a screen was added when you turn the console on. It says: "Loading" and then goes to the new options.


The SSPG U consists of a console and a controller.


The controller has a touch screen in the middle. On the left of the controller is a D-Pad. On the right are the B, A, Y, X buttons. At the bottom center of the controller is a Home button.


The console controller comes with skins for the games so as you can play them on the SSPG U controller screen. There will be applications for the console as well.

With the updated version of the SSPG U when you turn on the console it gives you a few options. Play Game, Quit, Music, Store, Videos/Movies, Settings, SSPG Live.

Play Game []

Play the game currently inserted into the console.


Quit the console without turning it off.

Music []

It shows new music (e.g. Gangnam Style) and a shop where you can buy songs.


It shows games you can buy and download to your SSPG U console without using cartridges.


It shows some movies you can watch.


SSPG Live 


  • Conker U
  • Sable U
  • SSPG Robot U
  • IPGS U
  • Conker: Battle Arena

SSPG U Pro[]

The SSPG U Pro is a controller for the SSPG U. It doesn't have a screen in the middle of the controller though.

SSPG Motion Capture[]

SSPG Motion Capture is a motion capture for the SSPG U.


  • Conker 2: Motion Capture

SSPG Dance Pad[]

The SSPG Dance Pad is the biggest paper game accessory ever! It is a massive pade with up, down, left and right arrows to put your feet on. It also has a D-Pad on the top left, a Start button on the top right and A and B buttons on the bottom left and right. It senses where your feet are to play dancing games.

SSPG Blaster[]

The SSPG Blaster is an accessory. It is a gun. It can be used to play shooting games. It has a reload sensor and  trigger and also a D-Pad and A and B buttons on the left side of the handle.
