Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
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2024 Map of Shogon

The Shogon Sector is a sector of space within the PCG Universe. It's easily accessible via a portal on the planet Shri, but it can also be visited by spacecraft. It contains many unique planets that are different from each other in many ways. All the planets in Shogon revolve around Mezgomorth, the massive star. Shogon is also home to many of Epic Worlds PCG's friends' games/stories including Trumenator, Soccer Studios, Wulff7, and Blaze PCGs.

Behind the Screens[]

Shogon was originally titled as the Shagon sector, but Xaq created the article called Shogon, and Epic has liked the name ever since. Shogon actually used to be a separate universe for Epic's TCGs, but he later merged it.

Brief History Summary[]

You can check out the complete timeline of this sector in a book called, "Shogon Chronicles".

The sector was created by Peanut Patron for unknown motives. (Birth Of Shogon)

Then the legend of the Arcmage begins. John, a young apprentice of The Arcmage, ends up on the planet Shri and manages to get back to Shogon. The Arcmage starts a war between the Kova and the Hento which lasts for many years, but eventually with the help of Clomborant, the evil Sphere Child Gori is defeated. For a while, Shogon had peace.

A strange new planet called Globotris appeared one day and it's energy cast strange secrets throughout Shogon. (Dawn)

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2023 Map By: Epic Worlds PCG


  • Gondo: The oldest and most diverse planet with hundreds of characters and deep lore. This is also the home planet of The Hento and the Kovians.
  • Totan: A planet filled with many different races like Gondo, but has one specific race known as Half-Ghosts. These Half-Ghosts rule Totanand control its major city called Kaboo. There are many cults in Kaboo and it's sewers are like the black market on earth.
  • Gorgath: The closest planet to the Mezgomorth has some of the hottest temperatures in the PCG Universe. The Hento have taken over this planet, forcing its inhabitants to fight for them. The planet is mainly made up of lava oceans, and there is even a god of this planet who has been dormant for thousands of years. (Flame PCG)
  • Ico: The ocean planet that is inhabited by ice-dwelling sea creatures and the infamous race of pertaters. Other than that there is not much more about this planet that has been discovered other than the one outsider named Spedino who discovered this planet (The 3 keys). Gondo once sent a probe to explore the planet, but it was lost in the depths of the ocean, and was never recovered, but the only thing they heard was a deep roar of what seemed like a huge beast living in the deepest parts of the oceans.
  • Nadafar: Is a moon of the planet Gondo. It has a small military and has floating islands that rise above a huge ocean.
  • Bouble World: A silly world filled with unintelligent Bouble People who wage pointless wars and have a strange society.
  • Shadspire: The compleetly man-made planet which used to contain four factions, but has since been taken over by The High Order.
  • Colbaz: Is the farthest planet from the sun(Mezgomorth). It has many of Shogon's prisons, and its very hard to live there due to its harsh storms. The prisons are mainly controlled by Ghosts, and the head leader of the prisons is Fat man with a cannon.
  • Soccer World: Was a planet created by Soccer Studios for his games. This planet has many soccer fields, players, and is ruled by King Spedino.
  • Gosttax: Is a planet that is purely inhabited by ghosts, ghouls, and far worse creatures. It has huge pillars that spawn millions of ghosts a year. There used to be settlements before an asteroid hit bringing with it many ghosts.
  • Termerack: A post-Apocoliptic world with death and decay everywhere. (created by Trumenator)
  • Ice Wallowcome: A massive planet teeming with star wars characters, and extremely comedy-based. (Created by: Wulff7)
  • Saurus10: A planet yet to be discovered
  • Billy World: A planet filled with a strange race of Billy's who are ruled by The Iron Bouble. (created by Trumenator)\
  • Gangadesh307: A beautiful planet teeming with life and a complex society.
  • Oscra Space Station: A high-tech space station filled with diverse life and a great place to find bounty hunters.
  • Buff's Biodome: A small space station with a controlled ecosystem all owned by Buff.
  • Torquillas: A hellish planet with some of the deadliest creatures in the PCG Universe.
  • Zahax: A barren planet with many mountains, craters, and tunnels. This planet is filled with spiders and Unknowns.
  • Globotris: A newer planet that has a peaceful and diverse charm to it.
  • Pecto: One of Gondo's darker moons, filled with zombies and other mutated dark beings.
  • Benvex: A planet home to Shogon's best bounty hunters.

Iconic Inhabitants[]
