Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

There are a total of twelve skills that each player can attempt to use. Each skill is governed by a specific perimeter and so any penalty or bonus that perimeter has will also add or subtract to the skill that they govern. These skills are inherent skills and do not need to be learned. Each race and alignment however, will add or penalize specific skills and abilities, either granting a whole point to the base or just give a simple bonus. Abilities that increase these skills usually just add bonuses. At the beginning of the game, a player is given 1 point in a skill governed by a specific attribute that matches their alignment type plus an extra 1 in any skill they wish (See "Alignments of Soluna"). Extra skill points are awarded every level that is a multiple of 3 and this addition is placed under the base of the skill and not just a simple bonus.

Skills work in the same manner as perimeters. The base of the skill is the number of D6's you roll when attempting to perform a specific skill. Then you add or subtract any bonuses or penalties you have to that specific skill. Each skill will have it's own section that expounds on the vast amounts of things you can do with these skills. These skills also have a set number called a challenge that you need to beat in order to perform successfully. For example in order to reload a firearm as a move equivalent action you must beat a Deft challenge of 20. Knowing this, a player must have at least 4 in their Deft skill in order to possibly perform this action, or 3 with bonuses. Most skill challenges are not this high, but the more spectacular they are, the more challenging they become.

As a general rule, some skills such as the Perception skill can bypass their challenge if you devote enough time doing so. It's only during specific events or certain situations that can negate this devotion through time. For example, searching a small bedroom for a key may require a challenge if you just want to go through it for a few minutes, however if you devote three hours to searching the bedroom, you will most likely find the key if it was there. Alternatively, no amount of time spent spotting a very foggy horizon will allow you to bypass the challenge of seeing anything.

Acrobatics - Dex[]

At times in a battle, fancy footwork might just save you. These acrobatic moves, whether it's tumbling out of the way of a rampaging ryth, tucking and rolling under a golems legs, or flipping from one wall face to another require you to make speed checks with a challenge rating equal to the state of the current situation. Once successfully made, you can flip, roll, jump, tuck, and tumble up to a distance equal to your Dexterity die.

Much like the battle ability, outside of a battle you are able to be deft on your feet to perform specific actions. Jumping from one awning to another to another then flipping into an open window or tumbling out of an out of control transport are all examples of when Acrobatics comes into play.

Traversing through uneven or narrow surfaces

When attempting to cross a narrow ledge or an uneven surface, you must make an Acrobatics maneuver to determine how successful you are. The more uneven/narrow the surface, the higher the challenge. When being attacked while performing this specific Acrobatic maneuver, you must make another Acrobatics check beating the same challenge in order to prevent the attack from knocking you off. Failing the challenge immediately knocks you off the terrain enabling you to try and do a deft check to latch on to the ledge.

Space in terms of size       Challenge
3 Foot space                 2
2 Foot space                 4
1 Foot space                 5
7-11 inches wide             10
2-6 inches wide              15
1 inch wide                  20


Jumping comes in two different varieties, a vertical jump and a horizontal jump. Each type of jump has their own specific rules and challenges that come with them. When it comes to horizontal jumps, you may reduce the challenge equal to your Dexterity perimeter if you have a running start. Vertical jumps has synergy with the Deft skill where you may add the base of your Deft skill as a bonus to your vertical jump if there is a ledge above you to catch. A player can also assist you in jumping vertically granting you a +2 bonus to your roll. Failing both rolls will enable you to perform a deft maneuver if there is a place to latch on to, if not, then you fall.

Horizontal Jumps               Challenge
5 feet                         4
10 feet                        8
15 feet                        12
20 feet                        16
Greater than 20                +4 per 5 feet
Vertical Jumps                 Challenge
2 feet                         4
3 feet                         8
3 feet                         12
5 feet                         16
Greater than 5                 +4 per foot


Falling off places, whether from an action or the failure of, can cause severe damage depending on how far the fall was. A fallen unit is prone and must spend a whole main action to get back up. Being prone also has the disadvantage of being susceptible to coup de grace. The falling mechanic is covered under Exploration, so we wont expound on that. This section will cover rules regarding using the Acrobatic maneuver to soften the blow of falling. When attempting to soften the blow of a fall, you may roll your Acrobatics skill to see how many feet you ignore. A great roll could potentially negate all the damage from a fall.

Falling Negation               Challenge
Ignore * foot                  *+1
Land on your feet              20


There are various other ways you can use the Acrobatics skill. Listed below are the possible ways to use them as well as the challenge for each action.

Various Effects                Challenge
Full move in Moderate Terrain  4
Full move in Difficult Terrain 7
Slightly Sloped (>45o)         3
Severely Sloped (<45o)         8
Slightly unstable              2
Moderately unstable            6
Severely unstable              10
Avoiding small items           2
Avoiding medium items          4
Avoiding large items           6
Avoiding huge items            8
Tumbling through enemy square  20
Tumbling through enemy range   10
Rolling away while prone       5
Getting up as a move action    15

Aid - Mnd[]

This skills discerns how well you are at treating and healing others. With this skill you may perform small tasks that aid in their healing such as cleaning and wrapping a wound, curing infection and disease, long term care of a sickly or dying person, remove the effects of poisons and with a high enough check you may help treat deadlier wounds. As a general rule, you cannot attempt another Aid check until after you have seen the effects of your previous one.

First Aid

You perform minute treatments on yourself or another person. These functions are limited to stabilizing a knocked out person when their HP goes to the negative points.


A successful Aid attempt at caring for a hurt individual will greatly increase their rate of healing. The regular rules for healing HP is that for every full 8 hours of uninterrupted rest, you gain HP equal to your Toughness perimeter. With this maneuver, you help heal double that amount. You can also help them regain 1 point of perimeter damage for each 8 hours of rest with a successful attempt. You cannot perform this skill on yourself.

Treat Physical/Mental Statuses

When another unit is afflicted by a physically debilitating status effect such as poison, freeze, or burn, you may roll a successful Aid check to help them overcome it's effects. When a person inflicted with these status effects attempt to negate it's effects, a successful aid attempt will grant them a bonus of +1 for each 1 over the challenge you overcome. Similarly, you may help aid in the negation of mentally debilitating status effects such as confusion, etc.

Heal Deadly Wounds

When attempting to heal a unit that has been inflicted by a deadly wound, that is when their health drops to 0 and is stable, without the proper medical aid from a hospital or a doctor, the challenge is quite great. You cannot attempt this ability without the help of a healing kit nor can you attempt this on yourself. A successful Aid check allows you to heal HP equal to the healing kits base healing +1 for each 1 over the challenge you overcome. This action takes an hour to perform and must be done with complete concentration.

Aid Maneuver                 Challenge               Time
First Aid                    5                       Main Action
Care                         7                       8 Hours
Treat Status Effects         10                      Main Action
Heal Deadly Wounds           13                      1 Hour

Athletics - Dex[]

Athletics combines the skills of climbing, swimming, and other general strenuous physical ways to use your body. This determines your stamina when breathing underwater as well as the amount of time spent running before you become winded.


You are skilled at climbing vertical walls and other surfaces, from smooth walls to rocky ones, from rappelling down a cord to climbing up a rope, climbing is the Athletics maneuver that lets you do all that. The challenge for climbing differs and much like most other skills come with their own penalties or bonuses depending on the circumstance. The table below will illustrate these modifiers.

With a successful Climb check, you can advance up,down,or across a slope, wall, or other steep incline (or even across a ceiling, provided it has handholds) at 1/4 your normal speed. A Climb check that fails means that you make no progress, and one that extremely fails means that you fall from whatever height you have already attained.

You need both hands free to climb, but you may cling to a wall with one hand while you cast a spell or take some other action that requires only one hand. While climbing, you can’t move to avoid a blow, so you lose any effects that call for your Dex to avoid attacks. You also can’t use a shield while climbing. Anytime you take damage while climbing, make a Climb check against the appropriate challenge. Failure means you fall from your current height and sustain the appropriate falling damage.

Climb Circumstances          Challenge
A wall to steep to walk on   0
A knotted rope or similar    2
A regular rope or similar    7
A wall with large ledges     5
Uneven wall with ledges      10
A wall with narrow ledges    12
A ceiling with handholds     15
A wall with pitons           8
A rope with carabiner        4
Climb double than normal     +4 to challenge


Swimming is the act of moving through water either above it or under it. When swimming above water, the challenge all depends on the temperament of the water at that time. Succeeding in a swim maneuver will allow you to move up to 1/2 your normal Dex (if taking a main action) or 1/4 your normal Dex (if taking a move action). Extreme failure will result in you going underwater. Swim also governs the ability to successfully dive into water that is at least 30 feet deep without taking the appropriate falling damage. Generally the challenge is set with an increase in the challenge for each increment in feet you spend diving. Failure will result in the appropriate falling damage dealt to you.

If you are underwater, either because you failed a Swim check or because you are swimming underwater intentionally, you must hold your breath. You can hold your breath for a number of 10 seconds equal to twice your Toughness perimeter, but only if you do nothing other than take move actions or free actions. If you take a main action (such as making an attack), the remainder of the duration for which you can hold your breath is reduced by 10 seconds (Effectively, a character in combat can hold his breath only half as long as normal). After that period of time, you must make an appropriate Athletics check. Success means that you can hold your breath that round as well as increase the challenge value of the check by 1. Failure means you begin to drown.

Swimming Checks              Challenge
Calm water                   5
Rough water                  10
Stormy water                 15
Holding your breath attempt  8+1 per success
Diving from 10 feet          4
For each 10 feet diving      +2 per 10 feet


The amount of time you can spend performing specific actions such as swimming and running is 10 minutes for each point in your Athletics skill. Attempting to perform athletic functions over this time limit will result in the fatigue status and all the effects that it adds.

Combat - Str[]

The combat skill encompasses abilities that help you in battle. These actions are mostly non lethal in nature however their effects can bring about fatalities. A majority of these skills are battle related and will usually take a main action to perform.


There are certain situations where tripping on opponent would be an effective maneuver. Tripping can be caused by a variety of ways, from traps, to obstacles, and even force. You may trip a unit who's size is one size larger than you and below. When attempting to trip a creature that has more than one pair of legs, increase the challenge of the trip attempt by 2. Certain creatures that have no legs or creatures that are flying cannot be tripped. If successful, the target falls over on the space they are occupying and becomes prone to your attacks and effects. This action is a main action.


Weapons are deadly, plain and simple. When an opponent becomes quite deadly, sometimes taking the fang out of the beast is sufficient enough to lessen the danger they posses. You may disarm a minimum of one weapon of your choice, while disarming multiple weapons comes at a cost of a higher challenge. Some pieces of equipment and abilities prevent disarming. Disarming is a main action.


You may attempt to grapple an enemy as long as you succeed in the Combat challenge. You may only grapple a creature the same size as you or smaller without incurring penalties. When you successfully grapple someone, you must make a continued Combat maneuver every turn or lose the grapple. For each turn you are grappling someone you are given multiple options, you may only choose one of these actions to do per turn so choose wisely: Move, Damage, and Bind. Releasing a grappled unit is a free action and can be done anytime.

Moving a grappled creature will involves moving them to an adjacent square of your choice. If you are grappling a creature using your bare arms, you must move to the adjacent space that is not currently being occupied with the creature in order to maintain the grapple. If you choose to just push the creature to that space, you end the grapple immediately and they are thrown on that area. When grappling using a reach weapon such as a whip, you may use this ability to move the creature one space closer to you.

Damaging a grappled creature is the act of attacking them while they are in your grasp. If you are grappling a creature using your bare arms, you can only attack them with your fists or a small weapon. When grappling a creature using a reach weapon such as a whip, you may damage the grappled creature with any sized weapon.

The last option is binding. You may bind the grappled creature with the appropriate materials if you have it. A bound creature acts similarly to prone and will allow you to perform a coup de grace.

In the event that multiple creatures attempt to grapple a single unit, only the main grappler is required to make the Combat maneuver roll. That unit gains a +1 bonus to their grapple attempt for each unit attempting to grapple the same unit.

Alternatively when you are the subject of a grapple, you may attempt to make a Str or Dex check with a challenge value equal to the amount your opponent rolled during their last grapple attempt. Succeeding this allows you to break free of the grapple and you can act normally, you may also attempt to grapple your assailant without rolling a successful grapple attempt.


A player may perform a tackle move against a target. You must make a run towards a legitimate target thus taking up your main action. If successful you can tackle the target. Depending on your roll, you may either tackle the enemy multiple spaces or knock them on the ground. As a general rule you can only tackle creatures that are similar in size than you or lower. You can only tackle a unit back onto a space that is occupied by another creature or similar sized object, when this happens, you must make a successful tackle maneuver with a challenge of 5 or the creature is placed on the space adjacent to that creature. Succeeding this knocks both the creature and the secondary target down on the ground. A failed tackle will not push back a creature and you will end up right next to your target.

Combat Maneuver              Challenge
Tripping a creature          5
Tripping with more legs      +2 for each pair of legs
Disarm one weapon            5
Disarming two weapons        10
Grapple same size as you     5
Grapple larger than you      +2 for each size above yours
Assisted Grapple             -1 for each assistant
Break from a Grapple         equal to grapplers Combat roll
Tackle back 1 space          5
Tackle back 2 spaces         15
Tackle more spaces           +5 for every space
Tackle knock down            10

Craft - n/a[]

The basic function of the Craft skill is to allow you to make an item of the appropriate type. The challenge depends on the complexity of the item to be created. The challenge, your check result, and the price of the item determine how long it takes to make a particular item. For every $100 in the price of the item, the craftsman must take a full uninterrupted work day. Succeeding the challenge by double will also double your work for that day while failure will result in no work being done. Extreme failure will result in adding another day to the work load. The item’s finished price also determines the cost of raw materials. As a general rule you must spend half of the finished items price in raw materials.

All crafts require artisan’s tools to give the best chance of success. If improvised tools are used, the check is made with a –2 penalty. On the other hand, fine artisan’s tools provide a +2 circumstance bonus on the check. Items must be made in a quite space where concentration is not hampered or interfered with. Most towns will have artisan shops where you can create crafts, though the availability of the more complex materials needed to make better items varies.

The table below will illustrate various items you can create, their challenges and the modifications for each attribute you wish to affix on that item. Some attributes can only be affixed to specific types of items and will be listed as such. Ballistics are upgradable through the insertion of accessories, however you can create them built in at the cost of a higher challenge. For information as to what each augment does please refer to the Soluna Armaments and Soluna Equipments section of the guide.

Base Crafted Item            Base Challenge
Healing item                 15
Ammunition                   10
Damaging item (bomb, etc)    15
Armor or Shield              10+1 for each point in Tgh
Melee weapon                 8
Bow/Crossbow                 15
Ballistics                   20
Ranged/Gun Accessories       12
Basic Craft Augment          Challenge Modification       Type
Negates 1 point of damage    +4                           Armor
Negates 2 points of damage   +8                           Armor
Negate 1 elemental damage    +4                           Armor
Negate 2 elemental damage    +8                           Armor
Filtered                     +1                           Helmet
+1 damage to Brawler         +1                           Hands only
+1 damage to Shield Bash     +1                           Shield only
Prevents disarm              +3                           Hands only
Inventory/Weapon slot        +1 per slot                  Some Armor only
Balanced for throwing        +4                           Some Weapons only
X3 critical damage           +6                           Weapons
+2 bonus to Parrying         +3                           Melee Weapons
+2 bonus to Combat           +3                           Melee Weapons
+2 bonus to Aid              +3                           Melee Weapons,Hands
+1 Str bonus, -1 Dex bonus   +5                           Melee Weapons,Hands
+2 bonus to Sunder           +4                           Melee Weapons
+2 bonus to Riposte          +3                           Melee Weapons
+20 foot range               +5                           Ranged Weapons
Silenced                     +4                           Ballistics
Increased Ammo Capacity      +6                           Ballistics
+10 foot range               +2                           Ballistics
Laser                        +2                           Ballistics
Grenade Launcher             +4                           Ballistics
Bayonet (Dagger)             +1                           Ranged Weapons
Infrared                     +2                           Ranged Weapons

Magical and Nanobot Items

Items with magical effects are considered magical items and will require the appropriate spell known. As a general rule, magical effects and nanobot enhanced items cannot exist in the same item. Magical items can be used if the person wearing it is enhanced with nanobots however, nanobot augmented items cannot be used unless the wielder possesses nanobot themselves.

The challenge for making magical item has the same base challenge as it's base item. You then add to the challenge depending on the rank of the magical effect.

On the other side, in order to create nanobot augmented items you need to succeed in the base Craft challenge plus any additional modifiers you wish to add onto the item.

Though Umbrians masks are magical artifacts, it is impossible to make unless you know the appropriate rituals and rites to affix a soul into the mask. Creating Golems is covered under the Magic section of this guide.

Magical/Nanobot Augment      Challenge                    Type
Acolyte level magic          +3                           All items
Devout level magic           +6                           All items
Revered level magic          +9                           All items
Magister level magic         +12                          All items
Master level magic           +15                          All items
+10 to HP                    +4                           All equipment
+1 to Str                    +4                           All equipment
+1 to Tgh                    +4                           All equipment
+1 to Mnd                    +4                           All equipment
+1 to Dex                    +4                           All equipment
Alpha/Beta/Gamma slots       +10                          All equipment
Terravoce                    +2                           Helmet
+2 to Perception             +3                           Helmet
+2 to Deft                   +3                           Hands
+2 to Acrobatics             +3                           Legs
+2 to Athletics              +3                           Legs, Feet, Body
+2 to Stealth                +3                           Feet, Hands
Ignores armor bonus (HF)     +8                           Weapons
+1 bullet to Ricochet        +4                           Melee Weapons

Deception - n/a[]

Deception is how glib your tongue is. Whether this maneuver is used to bluff, or mimic a person, alter a persons attitude towards you, intimidate a target, and as an opposing check it prevents you from being deceived yourself.


Bluffing is the art of lying to someone. This lie can be used for good or for bad, but whatever the intent it is this maneuver and it's challenges you must overcome. Depending on how far fetched the lie is, the challenge can be high or low. Another variable is the target's disposition towards you. A hostile target will be harder to bluff while a person who trusts you will be easier to deceive. This ability is opposed by that targets Deception skill roll or a spell/ability that allows them to know your intent. Bluff can also be used in battle where you bluff the opponent and make them believe you will attack a certain way, space, or time. A successful bluff in battle will result in a -1 penalty in their defense for each 1 you roll above the challenge.

Bluff Maneuver               Challenge
Target is hostile            +3
Target is neutral            0
Target trusts you            -3
Target is impaired           -3
You possess proof            -6
Target uses scry/psy-net     +10
Lie is believable            4
Lie is unlikely              6
Lie is hard to believe       10
Lie is impossible            20
Bluffing in battle           8

Attitude Change

You can use deception to change the attitude of your target or targets. The challenge greatly depends on that targets current disposition towards you. The ability can be considered a gamble when attempting to change their disposition, while a success will increase their disposition towards you, a failure will decrease it by one with an extreme failure decreasing it by two.

Attitude Change Maneuver     Challenge
Hostile                      20
Unfriendly                   15
Neutral                      10
Friendly                     5
Trusting                     0


You may also attempt to make a request on your target using this ability. These requests can be anything along the lines of information. Attempting to use this skill to make them physically do something will not be possible. This maneuver is reliant on the targets disposition towards you (see above), with each request modifying that challenge.

Request Maneuver             Challenge/Modifications
Give simple information      +0
Give detailed information    +3
Give an unimportant secret   +5
Give complicated information +5
Give secret information      +7
Additional requests          +1 per request


Disguise and mimicry is your ability to take on the role of an individual other than yourself or a minute manipulation of your former self. The challenges of this maneuver is as varied as the things you wish to do. Take a close look at the table below to calculate the challenge values with the base challenge being 1. This ability is opposed by a persons Perception check. Success allows you to fool others into buying your rouse while failure will require another successful Deception check with a +2 to the challenge. Extreme failure or multiple failures will result in your act being immediately seen as a falsehood.

Disguise/Mimic Maneuver      Challenge
Change minute detail         +1
Change gender                +3
Change race                  +10
Change to a different size   +10
Change voice                 +5

When attempting to mimic a certain individual, the oppositions Perception check is altered depending on their level familiarity with that specific person. The opposing Perception check is augmented with a bonus for each level of familiarity that person has with the specific individual you are trying to mimic. Since this is a side effect of this core skill, it is listed here instead of under Perception.

Familiarity                  Perception Bonus
Unfamiliar                   0
Recognizes on sight          +2
Acquaintance                 +3
Friends/Associate            +4
Close                        +6
Family                       +10

Deft - Dex[]

Deft is the skill used when attempting to be dexterous and agile with your hands and fingers. These include throwing items, grabbing items, catching items, etc. Though dropping items falls under this category, it does not infer a challenge nor does it take up more than a free action. Picking up items similarly does not infer a challenge however it does take a main action to perform. Though not listed under any specific category, a successful deft attempt can be used to reload a firearm or switch a weapon/item from your pack as a move equivalent action.

Miscellaneous Deft Maneuver  Challenge
Reloading as a move          20
Switching items as a move    20

Grabbing a Ledge/Safety

Grabbing a ledge when you fail a skill attempt or when you try to jump and grab it requires a successful deft check. Failing this can potentially cause you to slip your hold which could cause dire consequences. Depending on the situation of the ledge/safety, the challenge may be as easy as 5 or as difficult as 20. The table below will go through the various circumstances and their corresponding challenge value.

Ledge/Safety Circumstance    Challenge/Modification
2 inch ledge                 10
6 inch ledge                 6
1 foot ledge                 3
Slippery                     +5
Smooth                       0
Grooved                      -1

Throwing/Catching Items

Generally, there are specific weapons that are meant to be thrown. They're forged to be well balanced and weighted, however in the heat of battle, sometimes you just have to throw something. Throwing rocks, packs, even healing items, etc all fall under this umbrella. When attempting to throw an item to an enemy or ally, the distance thrown is five feet times your power, this is called your base throwing range. Any attempt at throwing below or above that amount incurs a penalty or a bonus. When throwing items the same size or bigger than you there are penalties to your base throwing range, where similar sized items can be thrown 1/2 your base range, while larger items can only be thrown 1/4 of your base range. Weapons that are not balanced can be thrown at an enemy as a weapon but with a -4 penalty to the attack attempt, however, balanced weapons negate this penalty. A failed throwing attempt will miss your target and will require a successful catch attempt.

When catching items, only items that are successfully thrown towards you are exempt from rolling a Deft check. Fallen items or missed items will need to be successfully caught or else they fall on the ground. Usually failure to catch items a size rank lower than you will just result in you dropping them, however similar or larger sized items might cause you damage.

Throwing Maneuver            Challenge/Modifications
Base Range                   5
Less than base range         -1 per five feet
More than base range         +1 per five feet
Catching a smaller item      -1 for each rank below
Catching a similar size      8
Catching a larger item       +8 for each rank above
Catching a failed throw      +2 for each 1 below successful throw

Perception - Mnd[]

Perception covers a bevy of various effects. As a general rule, anything that involves your senses falls under the category of perception, this includes sight, smell, hearing, tasting and feeling. Each specific type of perception check varies so the challenges for each attempt varies as well. There are bonuses and penalties depending on circumstances and these bonuses and penalties are only applicable based on their use of the skill. Perception is also used to notice fine details in the environment, on specific items, even people. Perception can also be used to go against an opposing Stealth check.

Environmental Circumstance   Challenge Modifier
Seeing in clear weather      0
Seeing in mild weather       +1 per feet
Seeing in harsh weather      +3 per feet
Seeing in stormy weather     +5 per feet
Seeing in low light          +10 unless possessing low/no light vision/infrared
Seeing in darkness           +15 unless possessing low/no light vision/infrared
Listening through a door     +5
Listening through a wall     +10 per feet
Listen through soft sound    +4
Listen through loud sound    +8
Hearing a soft sound         +3
Hearing a loud sound         0
Hearing whispered details    +2
Feeling when numb            +4
Discerning distance          +1 per 10 feet
Notice a stealthy unit       Vs Stealth (sneak)
Notice a theft               Vs Stealth (steal)
Spot a hiding unit           Vs Stealth (hide)
Discerning a Mimic           See Deception
Smell smoke                  0
Effect of Umbra in the area  -20

Repair - Mnd[]

The antithesis to sundering, there is the repair skill. This ability is quite helpful when you go adventuring, as more often than not you will find yourself requiring artifact mending, even if its something simple as a broken hook to a sundered piece of expensive armor. Repairing requires tools and time and resources in order to do effectively. When repairing an item you must make the appropriate Repair check with the challenge value of that specific item. Succeeding in this, you are able to restore 1 point of hardness to that item. A failed repair attempt will waste 1 hour and will not repair a single point in hardness. Extreme failure, or rolling a 1 will instead deal another point of hardness damage to the item. Multiple people can attempt to repair the same item as long as they possess at least 1 point in the Repair skill. In this instance only the main repairman is required to roll a check with a +1 bonus for each assistant.

Repairing takes time and resources to do; as a general rule, for each attempt at repairing 1 hour of constant work is required as well as a repair kit. Special items may have their own challenge/hardness values and will be noted as such with those items, the table below is the universal challenge/hardness of a specific sized item. As the sundering rules state, an item who's hardness reaches 0 cannot be repaired through this skill.

Size of item                 Challenge/Hardness
Tiny                         6/3
Small                        10/5
Medium                       14/7
Large                        20/10
Huge                         30/15

Technical - Mnd[]

The technical skill is used when trying to use specific mechanical objects. These objects include but are not limited to simple locks, analog locks, machinery, vehicles, various forms of technology, etc.

Hacking and Lockpicking

Though these two skills are different, their effect is quite similar. In the world of Soluna security exists and because of this there are those who would love nothing more than to break through these security measures. The ability to pick a latch lock is called lock picking while the ability to break through electronic firewalls is called hacking. These skills will appear here and there during the course of the adventure and the challenge for successfully picking a lock or hacking a program is just as varied. The table below will list the challenge rating of specific types of locks and firewalls. Extreme failure, or rolling a 1, will result in the lock being broken or the user being forced out by the system's firewall. No further attempts at lockpicking/hacking are available unless the lock is reset.

Type of Lock/Firewall        Challenge
Simple                       8
Complex                      16
Difficult                    24

Use Devices

The other way to use the Technical skill is by using the numerous amounts of machinery all over Soluna. With this skill you can easily navigate through the knobs and levers and buttons present on a machine. While some machines are easy to use, others are a lot harder, especially if you are unfamiliar with how that machine works. These machines may be vehicles, appliances, security systems, computer systems, etc. A successful check will result in the machine working as planned while a failure might cause it to malfunction or not function at all. Constant use of such a device will result in a -2 deduction in the challenge value.

Type of Device               Challenge
Simple Appliance             5
Complex Appliance            10
Simple Vehicle               9
Complex Vehicle              15
Simple Machines              7
Complex Machines             13

Disable Devices

Your knack and proficiency with tinkering allows you to not only use devices but also disable them. Devices that can be disabled include but are not limited to, mines, traps, sentries, machines, etc. Devices are also categorized by complexity, the more elaborate the design and machinations of the device, the harder it is to disable it. Listed below are examples of the types of devices that you may wish to disable. There are times when some devices are triggered through a computer and it might be wise to seek out these control computers for an easier time in disabling the device.

Type of Device               Challenge
Simple                       6
Complex                      12
Difficult                    18

Commandeering Vehicles

Vehicles are considered devices/objects, and thus an appropriate use device check is required (See "Soluna Vehicles" for the complexities of these vehicles). Other than the initial Technical check required to use the vehicle, there are generally no other checks required to make it perform basic functions such as move, get in, get out, turn, and stop. There are however more complex maneuvers that require checks. The list below will illustrate these maneuvers as well as the appropriate checks.

Vehicle Maneuver             Challenge
Leap off a ramp (land/sea)   5
Quick 45 degree turn         4
Quick 90 degree turn         8
Quick 180 degree turn        12
Calm weather (sea/air)       0
Moderate weather (sea/air)   +2
Rough weather (sea/air)      +4
Severe weather (sea/air)     +8

Stealth - Dex[]

Stealth is the skill used when you wish to move around undetected. These motions include stealing, hiding, and sneaking.


Stealing is the act of purloining a large or smaller item that doesn't belong to you. In this instance, you must make a successful Stealth roll against the Perception of anyone who might notice you. Depending on the amount of people around your target as well as the size of the item you gain a bonus or a penalty. This aspect of stealth has synergy with the Deft skill where you may add the base of your deft skill as a bonus to your steal attempts. Because of the size and amount of time it would take to steal a large item, you are unable to use a Stealth maneuver to steal it especially if you are being watched.

Steal Circumstance           Challenge/Modifications
Tiny item                    10
Small item                   15
Large item                   25
Visible to others            +1 for each person
Others focusing on you       +10 for each person
Invisible (Moving)           -10

Hiding and Sneaking

You are skilled at avoiding detection, allowing you to slip past foes or strike from an unseen position. Your Stealth check is opposed by the Perception check of anyone who might notice you thus this aspect of stealth does not have a set challenge value instead you must constantly beat an opposing Perception check. When attempting stealth you are limited to moving at half your Dex perimeter without incurring penalties. A creature larger or smaller than Medium takes a size bonus or penalty on Stealth checks depending on its size category.

If people are observing you using any of their senses (but typically sight), you can't use Stealth. Against most creatures, finding cover or concealment allows you to use Stealth. If your observers are momentarily distracted you can attempt to use Stealth. While the others turn their attention from you, you can attempt a Stealthy maneuver if you can get to an unobserved place of some kind. This check, however, incurs a penalty since you have to move fast.

A sniper can use stealth if you've already successfully used Stealth at least 10 feet from your target. You can then make one ranged attack and then immediately use Stealth again. You take a great amount of penalties if you wish to maintain your sniping position, however changing your position will negate some of those penalties.

Stealth Circumstance         Modifications
Moving at half Dex           0
Moving at normal Dex         -2
Moving more than Dex         -2 for each 5 feet
Minimal Concealment          +1
Moderate Concealment         +3
Maximum Concealment          +5
Invisible (Still)            +20
Invisible (Moving)           +10
Maintain position            -15
Flanking                     0
Tiny Sized                   +4
Small Sized                  +2
Large Sized                  -4
Huge Sized                   -8
Effect of Tacit in the area  +10 if not seen
Effect of Umbra in the area  See invisible

Sunder - Str[]

The sundering of equipment and even weapons is a violent act that, luckily, is quite difficult to perform. Losing ones armor and weapon can leave them completely vulnerable to the tides of battle and can give those who are lucky enough to achieve a sunder the upper hand in battle. If you attempt a sunder, you must make a Sundering maneuver against a specific item with a specific challenge value and attack as if you were attacking regularly. Regular items have a universal challenge value as well as a universal hardness value which is usually equal to half its challenge value. Special items that have different values will be noted with the item. If you succeed in overcoming the items challenge, you may reduce that items hardness by 1. An item who's hardness is reduced to 0 is permanently broken and cannot be repaired through regular means. Umbrians are susceptible to being sundered however they are allowed a defense roll against such an attack.

Size of item                 Challenge/Hardness
Tiny                         6/3
Small                        10/5
Medium                       14/7
Large                        20/10
Huge                         30/15