Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

Stan Parker was a member of the Parker family, the living family that moved into the late Baron Mortimer von Fogwhistle's mansion, prompting Fogwhistle's ghost to try and drive them out. He was the husband to Jan and father to Cypress.

He's also the great-grandson of Mortimer von Fogwhistle I and the son of Mortimer von Fogwhistle III.


Early life[]

As a kid, Stan was at one point at the Fogwhistle mansion and may have grown up there. He doodled a moustache on one of his father's paintings. Stan would later have no memory of this, implying he may have been Washed. ("Ghosts!")

Fogwhistle Mansion[]

Soon after moving in, he hid keys throughout the mansion, which goes to the mansion's old shed. When Fogwhistle III hid the keys, Stan became agitated and scratched his face as a nervous tic while looking for them. He later kept hidden in one of the closets a whole safe, locked with a combination lock, full of silver keys.

Stan was regularly using the keys to access the shed, where he was conversing with Mortimer von Fogwhistle I, his grandfather. They apparently made plans together.

He was in email contact with a man named James Caldwell, sending him a cryptic message while Fogwhistle watched. ("Ghosts!")

Enacting the Plan[]

One night, he went to the shed to find Cypress there. She had the Jewels with her, which contained Fogwhistle III. However, Fogwhistle I told Stan to "turn on the light", which sucked Fogwhistle III out. Fogwhistle I took his place inside the Jewels. Stan then took the Jewels, said "Goodbye" to Fogwhistle III, and closed the door.


Stan was tricked back to the shed by Fogwhistle III, sending him a message via magical printer. Fogwhistle III, impersonating Fogwhistle I, convinced Stan to allow himself to be possessed, to serve as a vessel to bring III back to the house.

The possessed Stan confronted Fogwhistle I, now possessing Cypress. Soon thereafter, "he" convinced three psychics to check her for possession and perform an exorcism. They did, saving Cypress and also blasting Fogwhistle III out of Stan's body in the process.

Stan was left bloody and injured, and left the house along with Jan and Cypress. ("Ghosts!")
