Gigantic beings who live underneath the underground of the planet Velieez. They are said to be 11ft tall, with giant muscles and a head mostly taken up by a huge mouth. They are covered completely with short black fur.
While the Humans live on the surface, and the Mole-Men live under the surface, the Subterraneans live underneath the underground. This means they live under the Mole-Men.
Upon creating a huge crater in the middle of the Mole City, the Subterranean leader claimed that their species was having a overpopulation problem, thus needing more space. His solution was to break into the surface, and takeover the Mole-Men. Unknowingly, the Subterraneans crawled out of the crater into the underground city, which was obviously not the surface. A lone Mole Man saw this happening and with the help of another mole man, dropped a giant boulder off of a building, squishing the Subterranean leader into a pancake, and making the rest flee back to the underground. ("Wrath Of The Subterraneans: Day 4 Velieez/Story")
- Wrath Of The Subterraneans: Day 4 Velieez/Story - (first appearance)