Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
20221129 193539

Sussy Lightsaber Boy was a 2022 PCG character created by Trumenator for his PCG Shrek the force is with you. This character was very hostile and extremely mysterious.


Generic_16 used his lightsaber he found in a trash can to kill him, and that was the last time he was ever seen. He later appeared in the PCG Shrek V.S Sussy Lightsaber Boy. In that game, he owned a massive skyscraper and had to defend it from Shrek who was trying to get to a portal.

Sussy Lightsaber Boy is on the planet Ice Wallowcome in search of Shrek. He defeats some troopers and gets past a strange tree, finally, he finds Shrek, but he is wearing a mech suit. The two fight and Sussy Lightsaber Boy wins. (Shrek: Mecha Shrek)
