Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

The Fabric of Reality is a Series 2 PCG by BronzeCo. It takes place immediately after Relics of the Sea, and bridges the gap between that and Ginkus' Gift. It stars Xaq on a universe-bending, time-travel adventure.

Story and Situation[]

Xaq has just escaped from the clutches of an evil crab at the bottom of the ocean, and is now atop the ocean on an inflatable raft, peacefully sailing towards the shore. However, a wave of antimatter consumes everything without warning! Xaq is engulfed, and finds himself trapped in a strange composite world where one place doesn't match another. It seems that the world is tearing itself apart and then fixing itself, to undo the damage to the timestream done by timetravellers in the past.

The Character[]

Xaq is a longtime hero and adventurer, working for Zoovac, his mechanical clown-on-a-stick friend.


  • Ari, his longtime friend and fellow adventurer, has gotten himself in trouble this time.
  • Colette, Ari's sister, as always, has gotten herself captured...


This composite world has villains from all over. For example,

  • The Giant Nazi is determined to make life a living hell for the Amerikanas.

The Game[]

This game is an action-packed interlude, designed to build up to the next game in the series, Ginkus' Gift.


As soon as Xaq, in the guise of Ned Norwegian, escapes from the Sheriff's office, he finds himself teleported into a new world: the fantasy landscape of Ginkus' Gift.

Influence and Legacy[]

The reality-restructuring events of "The Fabric of Reality" would have long-lasting and unforeseen consequences.

  • As previously noted, it resulted in Xaq's consciousness being teleported to an alternate reality, as seen in "Ginkus' Gift".
  • During that adventure, Xaq was teleported to the early 20th Century, possibly in another timeline, where he was known as a successful spy and experienced the events of "The Nazi Machine".
  • It may also have been during this restructuring that Xaq was teleported to the Ape-Balls' Country, where the events of "Xaq to the Future" took place.
  • The restructuring is likely involved with Pinchzoid Crabicus ending up on the planet Shairek, as seen in "Balzak Globotron". It may have teleported him, just like it teleported Xaq; the restructuring took place shortly after their battle.

See also[]
