Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

The Ogre & The Princess was a Paper Computer Game made in 2018 by new PCG-maker, Via. The game was innovative in a variety of respects - in its usage of Stickers in ways bordering on animation, as well as its option to choose any character to play as.


Silvia Drawing

The original drawing which inspired the PCG and was the source of its two main characters.

Princess Gaea has been imprisoned in a cage by an Ogre. That Ogre's Brother appears and wants to free her. Meanwhile, a mouse becomes Supermouse and also wants to save her. Many more challenges exist once she's been rescued from the cage, including a Dragon and a Condor fighting.


Unlike other PCGs, this game allows the player to choose multiple characters to play as, leading to slightly different outcomes. Any character on the first screen can be chosen: the Ogre, the Princess, or the Mouse. Stickers are used for characters and even for some animations.



OgrePrincess GaeaSupermouseTutorial BotDragonCondor
