Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

Tuberculosis Bot Statue

The PCG Minecraft Server was a Minecraft world created by Wyzo. It went through quite an amazing history, and many amazing structures were built. See PCG SMP timeline. This server even has its own discord server. This series even inspired a spinoff in the form of PCGs.

Significant Buildings[]

Important Pages[]

The Fan Fiction PCGs[]

These are PCGs made by people that connect to the server. Most of them will be considered not canon.



Statue Of Poovac

In the beginning, Wyzo created the heavens and the Earth.

Day One[]

On day one, October 24th, Wyzo first released the realm to the PCG Discord server. Most people joined around this time, being HMB (the dreaded,) habble, Froggy, and of course Wyzo. Charles the Dog was tamed on this day and tuberculosis bot was constructed.

POV: Most polite HMB behavior[]

On ________, HMB decided to be a malevolent troll, griefing many, supporting the murder of Charles the Dog (this was before Epic's army,) and generally being an annoying prankster. habble, over time, became more and more of a griefer, influenced by HMB, but never did any lasting damage. During most of this time, only HMB, habble, Froggy, and Lucky were online. Nearing the end of this event, Wyzo got on to see his realm in disarray, promptly kicking both HMB and habble, who he later unbanned and has since proved himself as a good boy. HMB still remains banned to this day and the server would have certainly turned out very different if he had gone unbanned. A consequence, however, was that Wyzo went fairly trigger-happy with his admin powers.

Hmb's opinion: Nah Habble didn't start griefing because of me, I started griefing because Habble started. Although I ended up doing more damage than Habble.

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Lucky's Tree Shop

ERA: The progressive era[]

Following Epic's addition to the server, the realm found itself prosperous. Many new builds were constructed such as the pet cemetery, individual bases, a farm, shops, and the Berry Road which connected Epic's base to the main spawn point. There was even talk of creating a town hall to elect a president.

Epic's Hood[]

After getting annoyed by having his base in the main town, Epic decided to venture off towards the mountains. There he found farming incredibly difficult, but he found it was the perfect location to build his DOG ARMY! Epic built a horse garage as his first edition to his two-storied base. Epic later built a road to connect from his base to the main town center, because there was a small swamp that made horse travel impossible. Epic later built a junkyard, and a boathouse on his territory which he called "The Hood", many were scared to enter his lands due to the daunting name, but Epic noticed habble wandering around his hood acting sus.

The Great Wolf Genocide[]

Epic, going on his usual nightly ventures with his army of more than 25 wolves happened to stumble upon a rare spawning of three creepers. Being the GigaChad he is, Epic faced them head-on, but the damages were terrible, with one explosion, more than 10 wolves died, and many were wounded. As a result of poor food sources, many of the wolves died off over time, from chip damage such as falling, eventually only leaving epic with an army of 5, which he has since been slowly rebuilding back to its prominent size.

The Great Cook[]

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Epic's Dog Army

Habble posted a meme of sugar cane in a crafting menu with a caption "Jesse we need to cook," and so on down in habbleland habble and Froggy had formed a cartel. Their base of operations was a submerged van titled 'the Cook Corp van.' Epic and Habble met up to do some shady business, with habble learning that, apparently, Epic has secret operations all over the server, none of which have been discovered. Epic created a secret base of operations to spy on habbleland which he was banished from.


habble, like the criminal he is, found himself limited in what he could do at spawn. This led him to trek far to the swamp and found habbleland. It first began with the mysterious slime box, a dark, boxy structure used to summon slimes for the murdering. It was retired after it did not summon a single slime, and habble instead hunted them throughout the swamp and in the cavern of secrets. Then, Cook Corp was founded by habble and Froggy. They had many adventures before its eventual decline. The corporation is no longer active (see more above.) habble soon build a statue at spawn, but it was disliked by many, namely Lucky and Epic, the ladder of which stated, 'It's ugly.' It was deconstructed and moved to the swamp, to cast shadow on habbleland to this day. After the relocation, habble build up the residential area. Soon, he got in a fight with Froggy over how his build was limiting the growth of habbleland. Then the Habbleland and Epic Hood Fued happened (see below for more details.) habble put his foot down and began to reform the drug-ridden, arsonized, miserable town. None of those adjectives changed, but now we have a building for foreign relations. habbleland aims to reform itself by embracing its horrible living conditions but finding ways to work with it. Lots of recent construction came from stealing from Lucky's shops, so habbleland is in debt by 15 iron.

Habbleland and Epic Hood Fued[]

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Pet Cemetery

The fight began on October 27th, when Epic used his dog army to easily crush habble. This happened many times and habble rightfully expressed his anger. Wyzo sided with, as habble put it, 'terrorist.' The first rule of habbleland is 'no terrorists allowed' and so Epic was quickly banned from habbleland. He, of course, ignored this and ambushed with his canine militia once again. habble tried to convince Wyzo to express his anger, as bad words are indeed sad words, and these efforts worked. Epic burned some trees in the great habbleland entrance and built a small wall at the entrance, then epic had a moment of self-reflection where the situation diffused. Epic now found himself outlawed from habbleland and set his focus on his hood of operations as he seeks to rebuild the massive wolf army that died fighting against habble but only one actually died because of habble which was after the event which I find pretty funny ngl.

The Patron's Quest[]

Epic is tasked by Peanut Patron to build a statue, and so Epic builds the Statue Of Bot, the Peanut Patron then tasks Epic with spying on habble to see if he is worthy of worshiping the great Peanut Patron, Epic collects intel and reports it to the Peanut who decides habble is indeed worthy. All Epic has to do now is build a place of worship for the great deity.

Building an Empire[]

Epic builds the Town Hall, and quickly everyone pitches in to create the library which contains lore about PCGs and a code of laws. Epic builds a massive wall around his base, and habble decides to make a shady alliance with Froggy and Wyzo. Everyone can sense that something big is coming, and if the election does not go to plan, then war could very much break out!

A Court Of Law[]

Tensions were hight between FroggyVille, Habbleland and Epic's Hood, so a court of law was created along with more books detailing the laws of the land. Froggy and Habble had a small fight in the court, and both were sentenced to community service due to the fact that they attacked the judge (epic). Propaganda was made in the form of PCGs, Epic made Escape Habble Land to show how evil habble could become, but habble simply called Epic and cheeseburger and it ended at that. A voting system was created and the election was ready, but would it be peaceful, or would bloodshed prevail?

Chaos or Peace?[]

It was the day of the elections, and everyone was ready to vote, but as we predicted, things didn't go so well. The votes stated that froggy would be the mayor, and habble and Epic would have to compete for vice mayor. Epic and habble had a series of pointless dog wars where in the end, Epic's dog army was down to just 3. Epic realized that he had gained nothing from this, and stepped down, leaving the server until better times. Epic preached to the members of the server that war accomplished nothing, and how they should go back to building statues of PCG characters like the early days, but the word of war was on the tongs of multipaper and habble, they wanted to overthrow Wyzo's power over the server. Who knows what will happen next....


SMP Halloween Event[]

Wyzo's SMP Halloween Event is an ongoing weeklong event starting October 26th and ending November 1st. Every day, for logging on, you get different items. It is the first on many events to come.

  • Day 1: A pumpkin
  • Day 2: Three pumpkin pies
  • Day 3: Jack-o-Lanterns
  • Day 4: --

Peanut Patrons Quests[]

Peanut Patron has quests for the members of the server, but will they be able to satisfiy him.

Thanksgiving Event[]

-Info to be added



MultiPaper Games[]

Epic Worlds PCG[]

