The Tikion Kingdom is a medium-sized kingdom near the Krus Krus Mountains and the Tikion FOrest and the nearest water body is the Fris Ocean.
Their lifestyle is very medieval so they use weapons like swords, bows, and more. Their biggest enemy is the Kronos Empires. The creatures that live here are known as the Tikions.
- The Tikion Palace
- The Tikion Village
- The Tikion City
- The Statue of Drinki
- Tikion's tomb
The Kings[]
The first king was the founder of the Tikion Kingdom called Tikion The Great. The following king was his son called Tikion II, whom was more of a dictator than his father. Because of this, shortly thereafter the civilians voted out Tikion II and elected the new king Athrackion. This new king was the most fearful warrior of Tikion so they chose him. He was a fearless warrior who ruled Tikion well and built a few architectures such as: the statue of the great lord Drinki, and Tikion's Tomb. After his reign, the next king was Throwaki, a nature loving freak who stopped deforestation. He also put an end to poaching and recommended to keep a pet animal at every house. After he died the next king was Thormai, Throwaki's son. Thormai was a very bad king who treated his people awfully but the worst of all was that he didn't make any rules at all. Because of this many riots happened against the king. However, the warriors were loyal to the king because if the warrior didn't obey the his orders they will they so it was a massacre. But one person was a freedom fighter named was Rowki. He protested by himself for a few days then people started joining him. Some of the king's warriors even protested even though that was treason which meant death. Rowki finally snuck into the building and killed Thormai. Then Rowki made history by becoming king of Tikion. He was the exact opposite to Thormai. After his reign Rowki's son Growli became the next king. He is just like his father and he is the king of Tikion currently.
List of Kings[]
- Tikion The Great
- Tikion II
- Athrackion
- Throwaki
- Thormai
- Rowki
- Growli
Major Events[]
- The Reign of Thormai - Thormai ruled Tikion very badly and didn't take responsibility for being king so Rowki killed him.
- The War for Tikion - Tikion was ruled by the Kronos Empires, more specifically a village of Kronos known as Krokion. However, one brave man named Tikion gave independence to Tikion
The people of Tikion usually live a peaceful life isolated from the others. They live in Irish houses. They wore T-shirts and pants because Tikions are basically tree people so they need sunlight and everything to grow. They love reading comics especially the comics made Torik
Warriors have the worst life style ever especially the Tikion Palace Guards. The Tikion Warriors usually wore knight armor.
They usually eat bland stuff as too spicy stuff can give them negative side effects. but they drink a lot of water.
for example:[]
- Rice Cakes
- Carrot Cakes
- Curd/Yogurt
- Bananas/Apples
- Moon cakes
Comic Book Industries[]
Comic books are huge part of Tikion's lifestyle. They even trade their comic books to other factions.
List of comic Book creators:[]
- Torik
- Alphine
- Recki
- Dreim
- Werety
- sara
- Dera
- Charie
- Xaq
The Tikions usually depend on trade from other faction they get most of their goods from the humans.