Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

The Toxic Space-Ball.

The Toxic Space-Ball is a Space-Ball who is wearing a special protective suit of armor, designed specifically to protect against Acid.

His purpose is to assist the Acid Space-Ball, who is in a constant near-death state, due to the acid content of his body. No other Space-Ball would be able to achieve this goal, as their armor is insufficient to protect them against acid. They would be disintegrated. (Space-Balls Series: "Space-Balls", "Tutorial Bot's Past")


Ape-Balls (VE)
Known variations of the Ape-Ball species
Originals Ape-BallIntell-Ape BallFrog Ape-BallApe-Ball Leader
Space Balls Space-BallAcid Space-BallToxic Space-BallTurbo Space-BallMechanical Armor Space-BallRed Rainbow
Genetic modifications Spike-BallDog Ape-Ball