Trap Valley is a 2018 Paper Computer Game by Paper Games Co. Its mode of gameplay is different than other PCGs, as the creator was initially inspired by Paper Games rather than PCGs; but he has confirmed it is in fact a PCG.
(And indeed, it's substantially different from traditional Paper Games too).
Backstory given in-game:
For years, your people have been scared to leave the safety of their village. Between them and the rest of the world lies Trap Valley. Legends tell that it is a land full of monsters and evil. However, your town's crops have stopped growing, and they are in need of new seeds. They have selected you to find them!
Unlike a traditional PCG, this game is made to be played with a single person - though it can be played with two if you "want to make it more fair", according to the creator. He explains:
"you simply use your own imagination and kinda let your brain construct the enemy movements, in game weather, etc so the game is played differently for everybody but along the same simple lines."