The Unknown Series is a series of games made mostly by 3van and based on an Unknown named Kyle.
Fish Friends by 3van[]
Fred escapes with Gary Todd the third only to sacrifice himself to save the rest. He is then changed into a flying fish by the Rupture but fails and is sent as payment to the Shogon Pirates.
Unknowns #1 by 3van[]
Kyle crashes onto the moon Zahax without knowing where he is and who he is. He then walks a little way until he finds an infested mine. Kyle bravely storms through the mine until he must bargain with Mr. Snail after getting by him Kyle arrives at his ship and blasts into space.
Unknown Spider by 3van[]
Kyle after falling down a very big hole, must travel through spider caves until he reaches the spaceport. After going a little ways Kyle finds a Riddler Spider that asks him a riddle he must then solve it. After solving the riddle Kyle finds himself watching a young spider protect a strange stone from some bully spiders. Next after saving the spider, whose name is Bob, Kyle must face Giga spider in order to leave Zahax behind.
Unknown Pirate by 3van[]
This PCG takes place during Unknown #1. It is about a pirate who is sent to raid Zahax and end ups chasing an Unknown and finding a strange rocket that is waiting to be launched to Terragalthma.
Unknown #2: Escape by 3van[]
Sadly as Kyle leaves the planet, an unidentified pirate ship snatches him. Finding himself in jail, Kyle must rely on others to help him escape the desolate ship. When Kyle rounds the final bend he spies the pirate captain waiting for him. After a brief conversation, Kyle jumps in his ship and flies away, but the information from the captain is strange and mysterious...
Unknown Trader by 3van[]
Unknown Trader is the shop screens for this series and possibly other series too.
Unknown 3: Intel by 3van[]
Kyle is sent a message that tells him to go to Nadafar to get gear and intel. He decides to travel to the moon and finds the space pirates putting supplies into a truck to send to a vault. Kyle sneaks by many guards with help until he finds the unknown who gives him the intel and gear for his next adventure to the great hall to find answers to his problems.
Unknown Adventure 25631327 by Epic Worlds PCG[]
An Unknown fights some spiders, meets a sentient portal, and saves a sick spider named Brinxs on the planet Zahax.
Brinxs File: 153268112 by 3van[]
Brinxs is still on Zahax, this time he has to get past some more of The Unknown, and Mr. Snail who he ends up throwing off a cliff. Later, Brinxs finds a spider cave where he fights another Unkown and presses a button that teleports him to a strange sewer.
Unknown: The Outsider by Epic Worlds PCG[]
The Outsider, a new character from Zahax, seemingly appeared one day. He was immediately attacked by The Unknown who were troubled by his strange appearance. An Unknown ship picked him up, but The Outsider escaped and took over the ship. (We have yet to find out where his travels take him.