Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

TREE (The Paper Computer Game) is a 5/5 star game!

I recently got the chance to play this game with Xaq on stream, and I just had a ton of fun. Xaq was a phenomenal PCG master, and let me play the game at my own pace.

Here are some highlights[]

  • I introduced writing to Gerude The Friendly Goblin, and apparently, the whole idea of a pen was new to him.
  • I became The Squirrel King, and everyone in the tree respected me
  • I hung off a tree with Gonk
  • I threw a rock at Beako, and tied a balloon to him which sent him flying up in the sky...
  • Below the tree, I met Meristem The Sage, and used his pot to retrieve some strange energy which I ended up giving to The Squirrel Lord, who in return gave me an acorn of my choice, I chose the air acorn and flew off into the void...(to be continued)