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Light nourishes and light destroys; we are light personified.
Vaara are a tribe of Elves on the planet Soluna. They are warring with the Eidran Elves.
Vaara elves are the spiritual masters of the elfin race. They are trained in several different types of magic though they are emphasized to use protective spells leaving the more destructive spells as a last resort. Since elves are inherently logical and methodical, jumping into the realm of the spiritual and magical is quite a leap. Over the years however, master Vaara elves have made the learning of magic into a science. No other race is better equipped to articulate and educate the world the mysteries of magic than a Vaara. The Vaara are a peaceful tribe, their training in sciences, art, and diplomacy give them the tools to a more peaceful resolution to most situations without the need to use their magical capabilities. Make no mistake however, they are still elves and are still capable of such meticulous zeal it would leave you blind.
Vaara elves are beautiful. Tall and lithe, their skin of porcelain to pink to soft gold is soft and always has an ethereal glow free from blemishes or imperfections. Their peaceful eyes range from the pastel rays of the aurora to the various hues of the mutable sky. They leave their hair to grow naturally, thus many vaara elves have long untangled yet untouched hair ranging from snow white to soft blond and bright browns and red. (RPG: "Soluna")
Stats and abilities[]
D10 Health Die 1 Mind 1 Toughness Focus ability at first level 1 ability known at first level
Focus:Magic Much like their Eidran brethren, Vaara elves are skilled at the varied arts of magic. Because of this acute sense and deep connection to the firmament, as well as the years of practice, a Vaara elf is more proficient in the use of specific spells. At first level a Vaara elf must choose a magic school type of his or her choice. Any time they would cast a spell of that school or counter a spell of that school, a Vaara elf gains a +1 bonus to their damage or healing or increase the duration of a spell effect for 1 extra turn.